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balls to nutsack (Canada); Describes troops cramped together closely


the animal (AUS, Vietnam); mechanism for detonating up to 20 claymores at once (also "The Monster") MY FAVORIT


At ease (US); Shut up, as in 'At ease that shit.'


bag of dicks (US) ; Describes a problematic or intractable situation.


broke-dick (US); A soldier with a medical condition that would hinder the soldier's ability to perform certain tasks; alternatively, equipment that is not operationally ready.


dairy Queen (US) ; A promiscuous overweight woman who sleeps around while at a deployed location.


fart sack (US); A sleeping bag.


Nut to Butt (US Army) : A phrase to tell soldiers to tighten-up a single file line, generally used in Basic Training (e.g. a chow line, equipment issue, etc)


Puff the Magic Dragon or Puff (US, Vietnam War) An AC-47 air-to-ground attack aircraft.


Rat Fuck (US); Term used for the action of going through a MRE box before chow time selecting the best meal for oneself. Also used to describe taking prefered items out of MRE's. Could also be used to describe a random mess.


just some examples haha


http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:Glossary_of_military_slang (took from)

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