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Arma 2 ACE


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Ok I thought I would share an awesome experience with you guys that I had last night in the ACE server.


So I get my kit, all alone in the dark, and parachute into the edge of the AO. I land safely pull out my silenced pistol and knock out a MG position I landed right next to. I then pull out my silenced M4 and start moving into town all stealth like and encounter very little resistance, by the way no activation of the AO yet, getting into position behind a building. As I sit there listening to 3 enemy troop talking to each other I start to move to the corner and double tap all 3 without receiving any fire. As I move from cover to cover I take position behind a large Ural and out of no where I see "Death to the infidel" in the top corner and BOOM!!!!!!!! the Ural explodes.I rearm and parachute back into the edge of the AO and start slowly working my way back in and end up stuck on a roof with about 15 guys around me pinning me down, all of this without activating the AO, each time I stand up to pop one guy two more start shooting at me until eventually a sniper takes me out ending my fun.


I don't know what the hell was going on with that mission but that is without a doubt the most fun I have had in Arma in a very long time. I plan on screwing about with it a little tonight if anyone is up for it, I think with one more person it would be amazing. Just thought I would share, it amazes me how time and again Arma 2 comes back onto my radar and each time it amazes me the depth of immersion you can get in that bug riddled game.

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