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About Athlon64~SPARTA~

  • Birthday 06/09/1957

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    Daytona Beach florida

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  1. Is this Insurgency Sandstorm, looks good
  2. Hate to think what the parts cost, some from a doner car, a ton of modular parts, well built. Diminished value a beocth on this one. Due that it has been crashed it's not worth a 3rd of what it was.
  3. Thanks for the warm wishes my friends, i'm still around learking in the bushes.
  4. Lets not forget the 75th anniversary of D-Day landings that started the liberation of Europe, I'm supprised no one has posted about this. A vid of what it must have been like to those brave soldiers that had to come ashore in a hale of fire. Caution Graffic content in vid, Saveing privet Ryan opening scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmiphUYwL_0
  5. Happy wife, happy life. No ive had to drive long distance to work for the last 14 years and would wear out a truck 4 years, so i got a new one every 2 years wile the wife had the same old jeep. So it was time to fix it up for her.
  6. Well my wife likes it so all is good, no used my income tax return on the jeep. she deserves it. Yep I am officially retired now.
  7. Don't have to be a gun smith to build one, all you have to be able to read and follow instructions and have a few tools. All the engineering is done for ya, Buy the parts and tools and put it together. The lower is required to be registered due to it has the #s on it. Order it and have it sent to your local gun shop, sign the paper and pay for it and out the door you go. It is cheaper to build your own rather then buying one complete, but the prices have fallen now due to the market is flooded with ARs With a mag in it, I don't think it will snag, due to that is kind of forward of the body when holding it. A little pricy for the Sparta lower, they have a crusader one as well. I have sceen one that is a skull head and a few outhers, they have been out for a couple of years now https://spikestactical.com/collections/stripped-lowers/
  8. Yes they are, the ones i got have 2 round projector lights, 1 low and one high beam a haleo ring that turns yellow with turn signal then back to white, and they have 2 square lights on the sides that light up the sides of the road all the way to the tree line on eather side of the road, I really like that becouse if a critter is along the tree line lights em up real nice.
  9. Looking around on the net keeping track of the deals came across this Sparta lower for you AR-15 builders Its a Sparta lower. I think that spikes tactical is getting a bit stupid with some of the lower mods they are doing, thought this should be broght to light . We don't have any AR-15 builders here at sparta except me. Black Painted Order one of these up and you can build your own offical Sparta AR-15
  10. Not illeagle here in the good old U.S. of A. Fire stick is the same thing Can use Kodi on your smart phone as well. They will have to take away your smart phones as well.
  11. Its the same apps that you can wacth on your smart phone with Android O/S, Downloaded from the play store, Same as Invidia shield.
  12. Happy B-day Kiwi make that hubby of yours treat you right.
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