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Everything posted by Hajimoto

  1. I read the article and my favorite line is the reviewers last " I tip my hat to the PC version: sir, you have delivered the goods." Looks like they have all the options us PC guys want in a multi-player game. Something new I have gathered from all of the consumer reviews that I have read of the past few days, is that multi-GPU ATI users will not be happy with the performance results. Are there any LOSC crossfire configuration Brink players, that can shed some light on this?
  2. Dang it I missed another one......Damn work getting int he way of my fun. Happy Belated Birthday Denny!
  3. Actually Blizzard said "On the Diablo III front, I?m pleased to report that we began internal company live testing last week. The game is looking great, and we are currently targeting a Q3 Launch for external beta testing. The development team is working hard to try and launch Diablo III this year. But I want to be clear that we do not have an official release date or window yet. As always we won?t compromise the quality of the game in order to hit a window." No guarantees, but I agree it looks promising.
  4. Batwing I found the movie in my local Best Buy for $20. I checked online and was lucky that my store had it on the shelf. As for you and I flying, to be honest the time necessary to reacclimate myself with the controls and stuff is such a major pain in the butt I avoid FC2 and DCS A-10. I REALLY love those game....ALOT, I just dread the laborious learning curve to get up and operational. I know, I know, I know, then why buy such fancy controllers and complicated software.... Because I am one of those dudes that if he gets the desire to fly the best, everything is in place to do so. Reality.....it does have to make sense
  5. Picked up the Blu-Ray last night. Watched it on the 65" HD and it was absolutely spectacular. Awesome film, I will be watching this at least 20 more times. Thank you Batwing for posting this, excellent addition to my DVD/Blu-Ray Library!
  6. Thanks for the update Cy. I really enjoy fast pace shooters or death-match type game play and everything I've read focused mainly on the single player aspect and the poor bots implementation. I think the developers main focus is in Multi-Player adversarial combat where the live players make the game. That being said, I am sure a group of dedicated players could make up for the weak single player/ Co-Op mode which is plagued with stupid artificial intelligence/bots that don't offer much help in single player and very little tactical resistance in Co-Op. If the server browser system, private game functions, friends list and network code are working well, this game may have some value. Team Fortress 2 offers similar game play and most of us already own it. There are certainly enough of us to get together and have the same level of fun. For me, it's going to take one of two things to happen for me to purchase Brink: Large enough population of friends whom play it in adversarial mode. Wait for STEAM sale at 30%-50% off.
  7. I need to find this on Blu Ray..... LOVE this stuff!
  8. Dai - I have THOUGHT about picking it up because as usual the developers make the trailers look sooooooo good, but I am so hesitant because a game engine can be spot on but if the network/multi-player element is broken there goes another $50 US dollars (12 Euro ) out the window. I planned to wait and see if the online play was functional before diving in. Based on the trailers I've seen, it appears that they have done a fantastic job with the classes and the multiple side missions that in the end do nothing but help the main mission. The also appears to be a fair amount of weapons and customization to each to keep the classes fresh and viable. The releases in two days on STEAM so i look forward to some feedback on the game play and the class progression if any.
  9. Be safe man and hurry back as this stuff can only wait for so long
  10. Condolences from my family to yours .
  11. But does he have a sweet black Optima???
  12. There may be a possibility of a can being needed here...........
  13. Speaking of which [YT]fE5IXFuw1pQ[/YT]
  14. Hajimoto

    War in Takistan

    EL_n00b - Everyone that knows how to fire a metis knows the metis is only effective to the frontal area of a soft target
  15. I was surfing the web and came across this bit of video. Perfect example of precision low altitude, high speed flying. [YT]QMHyAjSfUCA[/YT] Nice flying Yankee!
  16. tears are rolling down my face....AHAHAHAHHAHA I have a pounding headache from laughing so hard..... this will stuck in my head for days!
  17. You have heard people say it...... you may have seen photos of it .... but I swear to you all... I watched that video over 20 times and was literally crying from laughter.....Absolutely priceless. Thank you so much for recording and sharing this.
  18. Hajimoto/Blizzard response "As long as it takes!" 1.....2.....3......DAYS if necessary!
  19. I have apparently walked into an active beehive here. The suggestions and comments that I made were completely unbiased and carefully written so as not to provoke or antagonize. I started a new post so as not to carry over any residual bad energy that may have been created in a previous thread (which for the record I never participated in). I am honesty just offering some suggestions that may help bridge a gap in a new game mode to allow more the opportunity to enjoy it, not the opposite. I am very confused by your post Gunthar, as it speaks to tactile play but resists the notion of utilizing a resource that guarantees it success. Please note there were other suggestions made that kept the MOD right were it is. There is no hidden agenda here, just good old neighborly suggestions that would allow us all to have fun If this topic is open for community discussion, please advise when and where as I am willing to be a part of the collaboration to discuss this topic but just hope the tone of the discussions are welcoming and non confrontational or I am not sure how much value my suggestions will benefit the effort.
  20. LOL noob is scarred over his loss! WOW
  21. War in Takistan has its wrinkles just like any other mission or MOD and will require some time before those wrinkles are ironed out; this post is an attempt to help heat the iron! There are a lot of Sparta community members that play Arma2 and most are fairly used to the prerequisites or procedures necessary to join a server. The servers can host any one of the different game types available like Domination, War in Falujah, War in Takistan or Plain old vanilla Arma2, but I think folks need to understand that War in Takistan in particular, has one very important variable that needs to be considered prior to launching the game and joining the server. That variable is that WIT missions require a plan in order to be executed effectively. WIT utilizes a point system that is awarded based on the effectiveness of the group. Between planning and execution there can be upwards of 45 mins invested in a successful mission or as little as15mins for the whole process to be completed. The team points and time invested by all can be jeopardized by a few WIT wrinkles or player actions which should be understood by all players. Two WIT wrinkles are, if a mission is underway and vehicles are in route to the mission objective and a new player joins the server, they may instantly be transported into the vehicle without ever getting a chance to kit up or change clothes. The other more and common is, the new player joins the server and finds themselves at base. The later of these two scenarios will not cause any immediate concern but the first scenario certainly can. Think about a night mission that requires enemy clothing utilizing silenced weapons and the new player spawns in the vehicle while the covert team is in the middle of hostile territory while and he is wearing US Marine fatigues and carrying a non silenced rifle. He would instantly be asked to abort the game before the mission and the team is compromised. When a player joins a WIT server, a mission can just be just starting, just ending or well underway with the team actively executing the plan. WIT is not as forgiving as previous MODS or missions and can easily compromise a mission that has 45mins invested (for all those involved) by some poor unsuspecting Sparta community player who joins the game server as he/she typically has in the past. We have not even covered the later of the two scenarios where the new player spawns at base and asks "Ok guys what?s the plan?" and hears that the mission is 27 minutes into its execution and the mission really can't be stopped to wait for the new arrival to kit up and find transportation out to the AO. In this scenario the new player should wait for the mission to complete or fail and join in on the next mission. In either of these scenarios the level of compromise can be minimized by requiring that all players to be on Teamspeak and in proper channel prior to joining the active server. They then should ask the current status of the game that is active. Because WIT does NOT lend itself well to the late comer, it is imperative that the game server password be changed regularly to force people to join comms to request the password which will allow the MC the opportunity to update them of the mission status thus eliminating any issue. Another thought is move WIT to the TAC server where it is better suited due to the critical nature of the process. When any new map, MOD or mission is integrated into LOS servers, there is a certain amount of growing pain that is expected and WIT is no different, I just think the penalties are much higher for WIT players than previous missions/MODS and needs to be looked at accordingly. Thanks for listening
  22. Congratulations on the new car man. One question though, when are getting the windows tinted? Black car.... FLA = human raisin Very nice video and it looks to have all the toys that a rich Italian Floridian would demand in a car
  23. Nice work Rooster! Looks like the video render did not go to full screen, picture framed if you will . Classic " Oh SHIT thats a whole truck of infantry!" LOL Thanks for capturing and sharing the event
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