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Everything posted by Gunthar~SPARTA~

  1. I have found if you hit things with a hammer they tend to go to sleep fairly quickly. But I guess then your problem would be waking them up.
  2. Ace and RH weps every mission I make is ACE.
  3. The AI mod does much more than the dispirsion it has the AI flank you and call in other units to assist them. It helps out alot.
  4. Should effect every mission on the server. It is a good AI which allows you to prolong firefights instead of the one shot to the head norm.
  5. The zeus AI needs to be ran on the person hosting's computer or the server. If you don't run this then the mission will be next to impossible to beat. I also have the team leader able to drop a mobile respawn for the moment but if we do a run this weekend then I will have it disabled to add to the realism. This mission can be a cast iron bitch for 3 people but I think with a good turnout and a good strat you can do it easily.
  6. Nope I just put the new one in the old ones folder.
  7. Hey Lightspeed any chance you could take a peek and let me know what you think?
  8. as far as having it on the server I need someone to take a peek at the files and make sure I set them up properly for the server since I originally set it up for someone to host. All of the mods required are in that download other than sparta ace the little bird enhancement and RH weps
  9. Ok I am finally to the point where you guys can play it. It requires a little polishing still and ultimatly will be released on armahaulic to the Arma 2 community. I have included everythign in this file that the person hosting will need to have on their comp. The players will only need the new lingor map the observer and EOD installed. Let me know if you find any bugs. I will tell you that it is reccomended that you play with at least 4 people as it is not an easy mission. I would also recommend that you read the objectives in the map screen before you get started, I will have the required briefing stuff done soon enough and a few other tweaks as far as making it pretty. Enjoy and please don't get mad LINK: 454MB mission http://depositfiles.com/files/5a4ceah7j Gunthar
  10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left_4_Dead
  11. Why would you assume that we do not monitor the communications in other nations such as Australia?
  12. Now that is complete bullshit. Those feeds pass through the same filters that regular chat and voice over IP do and are monitored by the CIA,NSA,FBI, and other agencies. Yet anouther use of the "fear the terrorist" card to tighten your grip over the population.
  13. Well get ready because it?s coming. Even during the test server there were 3+ arty in almost every match I played in. I was being killed by T92's and Type E's from splash damage; one of them hit 3 feet away from me killed half my crew, 3/4 of my modules, and half my hit points. The HE buff will cripple heavy tanks since anytime you get hit you lose your tracks. As for the IS3 that tank is so overpowered for its tier its ridicules and now they are buffing it. I think the point is approaching where this game will collapse under the dev's incompetence.
  14. I think that the thing that will make me quit this game is going to be the HE buff and arty credit making buff. I have rarely died so much to artillery as I did in the test server.
  15. Ok how long before someone here builds their own Mech cockpit at home and takes it that one step further to nerddom. EDIT: ok after looking at this: http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/3151112/Mechwarrior_Cockpit.html I want to build my own.
  16. I think you will be surprised at how many people will be playing this game. Everyone I know who is playing WoT is considering quitting that game to play this one so you may see a huge amount of intrest.
  17. Here you go. http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/100685-free-invite-code-for-eu-server/
  18. You are aware no one likes you and doesn't want to play your silly mod.
  19. Well perhaps when your done picking up hot guys at the local bar you can come play a little Arma with your friends.
  20. I may have to download that when I get home. You play it yet donzi?
  21. We tried to get this a while back but it is a hot button topic among our group so it was decided to not utalize it due to the divide between those who loved it and those who hated it. I for one love the mod and think it gives that realism which is sometimes missing, best of luck to you in getting this on the servers.
  22. I can confirm that it is more than possible. One could land the colt inside say the AO underfire on a road. Not advised but possible.
  23. We did not get over run. I held my flank. I died a few times and had to run back but by god I held
  24. I didn't see a panther tank on the german base. Is there anyway we could get a more varied armor selection, I also never saw a churchhill or anything like that in the base. Just thought we could try that and the panther out. I may have missed them in the base though.
  25. Hey Donzi make sure your available for CW this weekend. I would hate to take your landing away and you not be there to see it.
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