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Everything posted by Gunthar~SPARTA~

  1. Gunthar~SPARTA~

    Arma 3

    I thought you died
  2. I seem to remember us having this on the public server. Is it possible to get an updated version uploaded onto the server when someone gets a moment. Thanks.
  3. Men with real AFSC's wear ABU's everyday not some nancy boy flight suit pajamas.
  4. Server map has been updated to Lingor
  5. Server is back up and running and updated. Everything has been wiped due to the latest patch.
  6. DPMS is a good weapon but I much prefer my Windham Weapons AR. Bushmaster was bought out by Remington a few years back and all of the designers and gunsmiths that didn't want to remain after the merger left and formed Windham Weapons and just started making AR's again. So you get a Bushmaster quality weapon for under $900. I think total I spent 950 for my weapon, an extra mag, and a forward grip. Then I put an EOTECH holo on it since I get those sexy employee discounts.
  7. Nope still fubar, I still show a complete loss of trace well before i get to the TS server IP so something between me and it are screwing me up.
  8. Nope, it looks like the trace is breaking down at a node near the east coast after IP I get nothing but timeouts after that so it appears as if there is a break in the chain. And I really wanted to play Mechs tonight with peeps
  9. Ok so I boot up my computer today and try to connect to the sparta TS and I get a failed to connect to host error. I have changed nothing on my computer since last night so why in the hell am I now unable to connect to just that server?
  10. Server is now updated and running Nemalsk publicly with the time set at Central time. There are 65 vehicles in the world and it is set for veteran.
  11. Since Day Z is making its rounds again I have decided to put one up for the group. I have paid the first month myself and if you wish you can help out over the coming months if you want I can give you the info. The current map is on Zargabad and can be changed weekly if you guys want. It is private under the name Legion of Sparta Day Z with the password being tiger. I will give the password for Rcon to those I trust so someone will always be available.
  12. 3 brawler atlas's with a ton of AMS in their butthole seems to work quite well.
  13. Was on the snow map and topped a hill into mech's then saw the missiles come and boom dead.
  14. Cored in my Atlas in less than a second by LRM's
  15. He was only expected to just barely break the sound barrier but he went well over 100mph faster than expected. First reports are the sheer size of his superhuman testicles increased his velocity significantly.
  16. Today is the first I have heard of this. I know there are a ton more of the little buggers this year than there was last year.
  17. I think China already did, London did a very good job though NBC is shit for cutting out before The Who though.
  18. I remember one of you two mentioning that at one point that was why I was asking because at one point it was a script change when you changed maps but I had thought someone had solved it. Also if anyone has experience porting Insurgency to different maps hit me up because I had an idea but have never done that port before.
  19. Has anyone seen Roach? Did he get lost on the way to the fridge again?
  20. I understand the code I just was not sure how you go about porting Dom to other maps in terms of side mission and AO location movements.
  21. 1. I am not sure what the issue is then because there are times where we get into a firefight and actually survive and then there are maps where you hear two shots and you?re dead from across the AO. I am not sure if it is a peculiar thing in relation to individual units such as the FN FAL guys almost routinely capping people at 1000m in one or two shots while the PKM soldiers can either fire two rounds or fire a belt to kill you, it?s completely random in terms of which map and which version your playing. I know there have been a few AI upgrade modifications that have come out recently I was just wondering if it would be possible to try some of these out and see if they can solve the issue. Like I said there are nights where I get into good firefights like last night but this is mostly on the older DOM maps while the newer versions are just killing us right and left constantly with one or two shots. 2. The addition of infantry would defiantly make life more interesting, thank you sir. 3. I thought the Dom versions for Lingor ,Cherno, and Duala were much older than 2.57, maybe I missed the update post. I have played 2.6 and the concept is awesome however it has been hindered by the issue in #1 where you catching two and three rounds then dying before you can return fire. That one seems to be the one almost no one plays so if all the other dom?s are 2.57 then we are golden I just was not aware they had all been upgraded. 4. Trust me Zeno I am not directing anything toward you I know that 99% of the time you?re the one carrying the load on keeping the ACE server moving I just don?t want you to be the only person available to take care of issues as they pop up, that way you can enjoy Arma as a player not a problem solver. I just think with Arma 3 coming soon we should get more people involved so that we have coverage across all time zones to handle issues as they arise and not burden one or two individuals with all the work. 5. My main issue is the placement of the AO?s and side missions I don?t understand if it is a simple marker script to move the marker and determine where the AO?s are placed or if it is a grid location or what. If its something similar to the mission objective marker system that denotes the location of a mission objective during coop missions then I am familiar with it however I have not dealt with dom. I will break it down this week and take a look at it. Loves you long time!
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