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Everything posted by Durka-Durka~SPARTA~

  1. Thanks guys! That means a lot. I stopped counting at 25 BTW
  2. Haha that's awesome. What are those purple lights around him though? Here's my contribution. Not me, I'm not that creative/hard-working
  3. Why do you say that? Disney's had a solid track record of producing great movies with, more importantly, great stories. They took over all the recent Marvel movies as well. Regardless, they can't be any worse than Lucas' dumb tinkering and EpI-III.
  4. He must have seen that he can't really make good movies, and his one success is better left in the hands of a company who does great original stories.
  5. On "breaking news" will post link once there is one. I feel a disturbance in the force, as if 1 billion nerds just came at the same time. http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/disney-says-it-is-buying-star-wars-maker-lucasfilm-for-405-billion-from-george-lucas/2012/10/30/dc0ace18-22cc-11e2-92f8-7f9c4daf276a_story.html Press release: Read more at http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/JoshWildingNewsAndReviews/news/?a=69442#1KVYVhkPCRm5Rk7r.99
  6. lol "reporting live to you from the apocolypse" "I hate to be 'that guy' but show me the video"
  7. I've been seeing Blizzard WARNINGS for Northern VA all day long. Now it's in W. VA. I doubt there's any truth to that or we'd see it in the news.
  8. Cool looking trailer, but I was left wondering how he gets cuts and scrapes inside that helmet in little areas. I would think if something hit that helmet enough to cut and scrape him, he wouldn't have a nose lol. (yeah I know, hollywood...)
  9. Ahh ok that's what I was looking for. And I thought this was funny...
  10. I'm buying a new laptop for the wife for Christmas and I don't really care if it's 7 or 8, but I just wanted to see if 8 might be more her style. I've heard from a lot of people 8 is for mobile devices and 7 is for desktops. Would 8 be better for a laptop? I should add that the new laptop will have one or the other already installed, so I'm basically choosing a laptop based on the software provided. (i already know the hardware i want)
  11. I've been looking at a laptop for my wife for Christmas and am wondering about Windows 8 or 7. Is there an advantage of getting 8 for the wife's laptop over 7, other than it being the most recent OS? Actually, I'm mostly concerned with there being a disadvantage.
  12. Can you imagine being in the cockpit when those things go off? Haha it's a redneck's wet dream.
  13. Holy carp it's $80 to preorder here in the US. No game is worth that.
  14. That can't be right. That would be $100 US Dollars.
  15. Wow, that's a shame. It wasn't a failure of the equipment, it was a failure of bureaucracy in dealing with a setback. If everything was running smoothly up until that point, I can't see how an operator error would trash the whole program. That and I'm trying to envision a C-130 landing in a stadium with bleachers and everything without crashing
  16. This makes me like trying to read that Icelandic volcano's name.
  17. Ok, here's the backstory: I like to watch British documentaries before I go to sleep at night because they help me wind down and some BBC stuff is better than any Ambien I've ever taken. Last night I get to this documentary about Owain Glyndwr. First off, awesome doc. Great story and some pretty good footage as well. What made me go many times were when they started speaking Welsh, particularly when they mentioned town names. I had to rewind several times to hear the name again and never could figure it out, so today I showed it to the wife and we were cracking up. It sounded like no other language I've ever heard. I couldn't pick out vowels or syllabels or anything resembling anything familiar. It sounded like the guy from Snatch got his tongue stung by a bee while having severe sinus drainage problems. So here's to you, Welshmen. I may not have a clue what you're saying, but at least you're saying it with style.
  18. I was surprised Zimmer did The Dark Knight. I loved the score, but thought it was somebody else. It takes someone extreemly talented not only to create scores for new movies, but do 3-4 per year that are memorable. I still think Michael Kamen (relatively unknown) did the best work with Robin Hood. I got to hear the score once played by an orchestra, and it was breathtaking. I'm a sucker for strings and horns
  19. So we're seeing the beginnings of Fall here and I'm breaking out my old movie scores I love to listen to on quiet days. It's been raining, and there's mist in the mountains, so I'm going with the Braveheart soundtrack today. Tomorrow it will dry up a bit and I'll probably listen to the Patriot or Last of The Mohicans. But, later, when the leaves really start to change, and I head up into the forrests and mountains to hike, I pop in my Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves soundtrack, which I think is probably the best movie score of all time. What do you think is the best score of all time?
  20. Oh don't worry haha. I've been so busy lately that as much as I'd love to, I can't get in to gaming. Hopefully around Winter when things slow down.
  21. Has anybody seen this game that they are giving beta keys out to? World of Warplanes
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