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Everything posted by Durka-Durka~SPARTA~

  1. I hope their next step in the game is to create a mission where players can rescue their two devs from the island's jail.
  2. That's some major trolling by the devs, lol.
  3. Anyone know if there's a way to import/export keys from ARMA II?
  4. Well, I got to try it out for about 15min tonight before heading off and what I originally thought was fixed (CQB) looks as if not a single thing was changed. I loaded up the editor and tried to negotiate the air tower staircase, and it was just as difficult as the original ARMA. The mission I played made it seem ok, but I soon found out it wasn't and this is really the same engine with updated graphics. Sigh...at least it's still got all the other good ARMA stuff that we all know/love. The devs may want to make it more appealing, but until they use a different engine, they won't have any success. My first impressions, granted they were 15min, were "meh, nothing different".
  5. Got it! Don't know when I'll ever have time to play it, but at least it's in my hands!
  6. I'm guessing paying now, you get the full game when it comes out, correct? You don't have to pay more for the full game?
  7. I didn't care so much about the lighting as the almost impossible to operate CQB movements. You have COD on one end of the spectrum, and ARMA on the opposite end, when it comes to movement. I'd love to see something in between. A little smoother and faster than ARMA, but not arcadish as COD or BF3. I know, wishes wishes...
  8. Have you seen these stupid crazy m-fers?
  9. Didn't E-Money used to do that? Ahh Cy beat me. I think he's just a cranky young bastard, though now haha.
  10. LoL he steal your girlfriend or somethin? All that hate is gonna burn you up, kid.
  11. I wouldn't go as far as saying he's a "f-ing moron" but whatever floats yer boat. Hickock is from Halli's neck of the woods, and is a good guy as well. UTS 15 breaking. The action reminds me of a nerf gun cocking.
  12. The video FPS Russia did on it made it look like piece of crap. He had 3 and all three failed to rack miserably. He blamed it on plastic parts.
  13. Keep an eye out for some of the company's statements. Most are going full-bore with the boycott, which is awesome, but a few are saying they won't sell to departments, but will sell and give the police discount to proven individual officers. That's nothing more than saying one thing/doing another. I think it was Magpul who did it first, but they may have changed their tune once they realized it. I really hope they move to TN. We could use the business!
  14. That's hilarious. When I was a mechanic in the army, I had a girlfriend send me flowers once on Valentine's day. I never got to live that one down.
  15. Wow..... It seems like every really messed up story where somebody is sticking something in an oriface, it's always coming out of Florida lately. The last one was the girl getting the tatoo on her anus.
  16. Yeah worst beta ever. I don't even think they really planned on having people actually test it, just provide a demo so they would be happy.
  17. Ahh that sucks. I have Office 2007 installed right now and that's one thing I'm afraid of getting rid of in case 365 fails, but from what I understand, to have 365 I still need 2007? So, uninstalling 2007 will free up space, but I still won't be able to put 365 on?
  18. What sort of wizardry is that? I'd like to know where it installs to, but there's no space on my SSD to even try it out. And no, there's no custom install option. Actually, there is an "install options" screen, but the only parameters are for 32 or 64 bit.
  19. I just bought the University version of Office 365 and I can't even install the damned thing because Microsoft, in all its wisdom and experience, decided to deny users the option of installing the program to a drive of their choice. I've searched for almost two days now, looked at support forums and even talked to tech support and have seen nothing but run-around answers and outright stupidity. My favorite from tech support was "Well, just move some stuff off your SSD and onto the other drive." Hello genius, if I had the option to create more space on my SSD, I would. Besides, I shouldn't have to do that crap. Every program for at least 20yrs has given us the option of a custom install where we can choose where the program is installed and what parts we can leave out if we want. Hell, I want to ask for a refund but i've been given the run-around I don't even know how to do that lol.
  20. They should build some new characters in the game and name one General Assholinese.
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