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Posts posted by Beta

  1. The SMAW has a spotting scope if you loaded the ammo for it (pistol ammo), just select it from the action (scroll wheel menu) fire the shot then reselect the smaw from the same menu


    Also, I was playing around on this target practice map that someone did for Arma 2 (I can find the link again if anyone wants it) with ace, I noticed that there's STANAG mag Tracers :) (been playing around with the AT launchers)




  2. yea I noticed some slight FPS issues when I had a MI-8 crash right next to me (granted at the time I was also testing JDT smoke and fire mod)


    The mod creates alot more dust, the ATV looks really silly with the dust coming out of it


    I would also like to add that (at least in the beta) they fixed the issue I had with the rifle shots doing giant puff's of smoke... I love this mod even more now :)

  3. I might grab it for the PS3


    I read that some pirates had troubles with missions in Silent Hunter 5, so it does seem as if the crack does not work well..



    :( waited all this time for the PC version and DRM makes me just wanting to rent it for 1 week on the PS3

  4. I can't take all of the credit, some other people on the server helped (can't recall the names , :( I'm bad with names).


    now for the cobra, they don't lock on automatically anymore (so its hard firing them while on the move).


    The pilot needs a gunner, gunner selects Hellfire's, scrolls to Designator ON, you will see a white outline around the target reticule, now depending on the zoom level's the laser might be right on target or slightly above the middle of the crosshair, select your attack angle (LOBL (Lock on before launch) works the best, LOAL (lock on after launch) you need to be far, seems to work at 2km from target, I have not tried closer)


    I noticed that sometimes the Laser bugs out and wont move, I noticed its better to turn it on once aiming at the target, if it does get stuck just turn it off and back on


    Here are some ScreenShots since I can't find my video encoding program to reduce this 600mb video file


    1. Laser is on and I'm looking at the ground :


    2. Targeting a T-90 with the LOAL-HI attack @ 2090 meter's


    3. Hit


    4. aftermath


    Edit: got the vid down to 7mb... youtube is not being cooperative.... and normally you won't see that red box around the laser designator (AI does that) and I forgot to add in the video, look at the radar when I'm looking at the ground (you can also faintly see the laser too)


    Edit2: youtube is working here it is, sadly the encoding prog that I used made it look like junk so you can't see where the laser is when zoomed in, also the laser got stuck when I turned it on but when I move it got unstuck


  5. Well might as well post a few things that I read / found


    when in the gunner seat for the blackhawk if the helicopter is going slow enough you can press " W " to pop out " S " to pop back in, you get a better view around you for maneuvers and if you have grenades press on " F " to select them and the space bar drops them down.


    The right window's key (or left depending on locale it seems) pops up a interact with person / object. When facing someone press it and you get some options, EXAMINE (no clue what it does), REHAB (not too sure what that does also), and GEAR. If you select gear the other player will get a message and will need to use the action menu (the one that you get when you use your scroll wheel) and if he accepts the person that initiated it can pass off ammo, grenades and other things.


    You also use the same key for deployed objects, you can load ammo, move the tripod or pick up the weapon from it. (like the metis launcher)


    Fast roping, someone needs to have rope and the helicopter needs to be on auto-hover. Once the Helicopter is stable the person with the rope will get a "Deploy ropes" action and once deployed people will get a FastRope option (Pilot can unhook the rope).


    To repair HMV's and Helicopters the engi needs to keep the backpack. (for tanks and such it seems like you need to grab the repair vehicle too)


    Sights, on AT4's, SMAW's RPG-18 (and probably more) you can set the range with the UP / DOWN arrow keys.

    Sniper rifles you need to press on SHIFT+V and on rifles with zoom sight, SHIFT + F enabled to CQC sight (unzoom's and the view is from the top of the sight)


    Map tools, if you grab one you can draw lines on the map, keep [ held and click (a dot should appear) do the same with ] and a line will be auto-drawn from the start dot to the one you just put..... or you can just free-hand draw by keeping [ press and moving around while clicking. You can copy the map from other people so you can make plans at the start or the AO.



  6. Backpacks? nope, I can pick up on and put stuff in it, on occasion it would eat 1 clip of ammo or something but I don't know if they fixed that (I have not used backpacks in while).


    The user config files to change stuff like if you want to be able to wear a gasmask is in the *arma root* \userconfig\ACE

  7. I looked and it seems that there's a new version of the WarFX particles in the works, its suppose to fix the smoke issue at a distance (where it looks all blocky)


    Skeletele, did you try the mod?

    and to everyone else try it, its really nice

  8. running it in admin mode?


    Also Yoma does have ace, you just need to connect to kelly's hero server and click on the download addon tab, it can lag behind sometimes (especialy when there's 8 patch in 1 day) but its usualy fast


    also I got Ace with Yoma and Six can still update the mod and what not


    Panic, create a issue ticket on six's updater's website (need to be registered) I know alot more people have problems with six and just use yoma's


    http://dev-heaven.net/projects/six-arma-updater/issues (just click on the new issue tab and attach your 2 log files, they are located in C:\users\{username}\appdata\roaming\Six-Updater\logs

  9. I just saw this and was going to mention Avast also :)


    I heard about the Comodo AV suite ( http://www.comodo.com ) (has this Anti-virus, Firewall and this file access defense thingy that is kinda annoying I hear but all of those can be disabled from the program)


    I would also like to mention Malwarebytes ( http://www.malwarebytes.org/ ), while it lacks the shell extension to scan files you can add a entry to the Send to ---> when you right click on the file


    and to defrag, I disabled window's defrag and I have been using MyDefrag ( http://www.mydefrag.com/ ), you can use the preloaded scripts wich is what I use or make your own. I set a scheduled task so that I can run the optimize daily script every day and I run the monthly script once a month.



    Oh and I almost forgot, Firefox has this awesome addon, takes a while to configure it with the websites and stuff BUT, noscript ( http://noscript.net/ ) is awesome, blocks javascript, flash unless you tell it to allow (either temp for the session or perm)



    Edit: added links

    Edit: Noscript

  10. I had alot of problems with Six, somehow it fixed itself now its not working again :(


    I still say that Yoma's Addon sync with Kelly's server is the best though and it updates faster

  11. Well, if you ever need to mod files in the x86 directory it whines.


    Also like I mentioned, I was installing this game (and its not the first time it happened) and it just hung there or never even showed up on the screen. I had to turn off UAC to even get the thing working.


    but yes you *should* keep that security feature on even though as much as annoying it is


    kinda makes me miss the good old su - comand :P

  12. I just installed IL2, I bought it months ago and never really picked it up (I bought it because I used to love playing the demo when it came out)

  13. oh how I love the UAC


    if you turn it off you have to live with a small red shield with a X in it that stays at the system tray.


    Right, so to turn it off


    Control panel ----> User Accounts and Family Safety ----> User accounts


    in Classic view its.... Control Panel -----> User Accounts


    last option on the list, has a little shield next to it, " Turn User Account Control on or off " and just un-check the box (very similar to the win7 way of turning it off)


    I have it off, sometimes programs lag behind or fail to launch the install because the prompt just never pops up or is slow


    and Problem 2 looks abit more complicated, no luck finding much info about that error code but




    if you select your version of Vista, seems as if you can send a support ticket/e-mail to microsoft about the window's update problem with the error code

  14. there's a range card for them, if you pop down the range table you can also get the wind, don't forget to brind a kestrel (wind) and a Vector (I think thats the name) Range finder


    now if only they could try to keep the updates per day down (8 updates were done yesterday, its not to say thats a bad thing, but its just too many downloads to do per day, check a few weeks back it got a update then 15 seconds later new version.)

  15. With my normal kit I usually lug 23 - 24kg with Ace


    I like the limit myself (blackouts and all) since without it you can just take that 70 000cc backpack and just load up full on smaw rounds and ammo, you can end up lugging 80kg with no effort at all.


    A side note on the backpacks that I find cool, you can fit a rifle in them with clips. I had the 6 round grenade launcher with a spare rifle in my backpack

  16. *nods*


    I think it was a couple nights ago Helo 1 and 3 were parked at the AO with no one using them.

    Helo 3 was damaged but Helo 1 was flyable.


    Actually I once saw the HQ inside the AO when I joined one night, been there for a while too (no human opfor)

  17. I found that using the default attack angle works the best (LOAB or something like that, its the first one on the list) I don't know how to use the other hellfire modes, the HI mode goes way off target, direct hits behind


    Also did you turn on the laser designator and targeted the tank? That's what my problem was, I forgot to turn it on in the action menu

  18. oh they added new keys then when I last checked (a few weeks ago)


    I was wondering how to use the map tools :)


    Finally figured out how to use C4 / trip mines. Once they are planted go up to them and release the safety, trip wire can have a cord of up to 15m


    Also if you want gasmask to work / balaclava / glasses you need to edit a user config file




    has the info on how to do it. This allow's you to use the gasmask and such from the action menu (provided you have them in your inventory)



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