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Everything posted by GooniversalSoldier~SPARTA~

  1. im still at work, bleh. Save me some baddies
  2. I will be there Friday afternoon (at least it will be afternoon here on the west coast USA) if anyone is still playing.
  3. An aircraft bombing range would be kind of useful (even if we dont use them on tac-dom). Could practice LGB team coordination?
  4. Awesome! Thanks. Now i guess i can send you some monies!
  5. NUKES!!!! i mean..... REAL WISHES: Op-for commander controlled Red aircraft (same was ground units are controlled) Fixed night vision? Pilot skins (at least for Tac-Dom)
  6. At least they wouldn't be able to take out armor too easily. Really, it doesnt hurt game play when we cant use them...its not like in real life you would be taking vehicles.
  7. That wouldnt be too bad...would be hard to wreck the AO in a vodnik. Is it possible to use a driver list like for the air vehicles so at least a bunch of idiots wouldnt be using them?
  8. Agreed...what i mean too is that it becomes some peoples focus to capture the vehicles rather than to play as a team. I think the no-vehicles except for transport is the most fun anyhow.
  9. The vehicle people were pretty loud on comms last night. I was attempting to move an MHQ up to the AO, but nobody really wanted to do anything so it didn't happen. I feel like when enemy vehicles are used it destroys any team work that is going on since they invariably charge away leaving the rest of the people sitting about.
  10. We could pump banana phone into the opfor vehicles? That should discourage their use!
  11. I cant seem to send any PM's due to being lvl 9 on the forums, if that is raised ill shoot a PM when i donate today. EDIT: id bug people on TS but im at work currently.
  12. Maybe just execute anyone who even looks at an Avenger? I personally dont care too much about not using red vehicles since you just get tk'd most of the time anyways. i would really love to see the D30's locked out since there are loads of tks that are caused by people firing those. Maybe only allow blue to commandeer red light vehicles (UAZ, VODNIK) so as not to be too un-balancing. That or else give the opfor commander some sort of purpose built Anti armor capability (Mi-24, Su-25/34 that are controllable?) That would really make people think twice about driving a big tank around.
  13. Why not raise the parajump timer again to discourage the tower bombing para jumps? (i myself am guilty of this a couple times ill admit).
  14. Personally, when ive played as the op-for commander i would have loved to have control over the red air assets. This could maybe be used to counter blue's mortars and such. Also allow the commander to control when and where the re-enforcement drops occur(i.e he sees blue moving in and re-enforces ahead of them to counter). This could potentially make the missions for Tac night more difficult and require good AA coordination on the part of Blue. This might also have the effect of requiring blue to stay more mobile and not bog down for fear of getting blown up by the op-for Mi-24 or some such. Just suggestions btw...
  15. Could i get Gooniversal soldier on the fixed wing list?...had same issue last night as andrewman. Though i do hope to occasionally fly fixed. Thanks!
  16. Sorry to hear that Steel...hope things work themselves out soon!
  17. If i could get myself (Gooniversal Soldier) added to the list that would be excellent
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