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Everything posted by GooniversalSoldier~SPARTA~

  1. Medic, let me know your in-game name so i can get you on my friends list. I will be Captain Kork, barring it already being taken
  2. just 1 bottle? Hell, that is my flying grog ration!
  3. i used to be in Goon, back when it was just goons in it
  4. well my point is then you can actually start playing as your class and blowing lots of stuff up. it really is night and day.
  5. They are going to wipe characters tonight after the servers go down. I agree that it is rather un-trek to go in guns blazing, but from a game standpoint, it probably wouldnt be much fun resolving petty bickering. THe premise of the game is that there is a war on, hence the shooting. Just wait until you get past the Lt level ships, soo much better
  6. well, levels 1-10 is rather bland but it picks up after that. Though the game is a bit more casual than some like. DId you only make it to the Miranda Medic?
  7. Im in for the fleet too. We should get a list of class/ship types we have. Im going to be eng/cruiser but if we REALLY want some science vessels i will roll one too. As for TOR...one of the guys working on it told me its the same group of people who made the NGE/CU for SWG ... So im cautiously horrified
  8. i get that on blufor too sometimes. I found hitting the key for that direction (W for forward for instance) fixed it.
  9. Chalk one up for the parabomb the tower club id say. Agreed...realism is fun, BUT only if teamwork and balance are involved. If people just want to fool around, go play MW2
  10. i know some stuff about skiing, nothing about snowboards though
  11. Is it possible for OPFOR to do a para drop? And yeah, the arty nuking is rather unfair.
  13. Also, i might suggest your first few ferry flights have only a few people just in case, otherwise people will hate you for pummeling them into a hillside!
  14. Maybe the answer to the choppers is really just to be A-holes about who can fly it. Maybe have a SUPER selective list of people cleared to fly them so we KNOW they will use them correctly? As for C-130, i will happily volunteer to fly one low and slow so we can have massive air assaults, and i will brave the thickest AA to deliver stuff. Just take the MOAB out, or someone will put thier (or everyone in the AO's) eye out.
  15. Su-34's! See how much those chopper hand around! But in all seriousness...i feel like having the choppers is not all that necessary. Maybe if we cant properly restrict their use just not have them at all. Of course some will argue against this, but oh well.
  16. Is there a way to restrict the engagement range for the Hellfires? Maybe shorten the engagement range so that it will force pilots to come in low and relatively close...exposing them to AA more if they fail to heed the 30ft ceiling. Even then, you will be close in to AA, so coordination with ground assets would be a must. This way you cant just sit high outside AO and pew pew. EDIT: Gliding across the AO in a chute is an invitation to get lit up with a Tunguska!
  17. Currently, yes. However, there is a fair amount of content that is still not in. According to my friend who work at Cryptic, this number will approach more 40PVP/60PVE at launch. As klingon, its almost all PVP right now. And yes, you can name your fleet whatever (within some limits im sure)
  18. also, we should get a fleet going once the head start begins (after the open beta wipe)
  19. Yes, im playing open beta. Ive been playing since F&F beta btw. So if you have questions let me know, im pretty knowledgeable about the game and its mechanics at this point.
  20. Ive been in the beta since Friends and Family...i only had a small patch to latest version thank god. Open beta started today...boxes are pre-order
  21. You just have to shoot at them enough times that you get them ;)
  22. We could all start out on the carrier and have to do a beach assault in the little rubber rafts with the outboard motor attached. Bonus points if you make it to the beach at all. EDIT: it includes rubber rafts at least DOUBLE NINJA EDIT: Actually, another idea might be to have blue paradrop onto the lightly defended runway, secure a perimeter and then have red do an amphibious landing on the island, or else spawn on the island somewhere and assault the field. Give blue, say, 10 minutes to organize and set up their defenses before red comes in. Sort of a real-ish world scenario....would HAVE to be a tac-dom mission to be fun though.
  23. maybe make blue do a C-130 paradrop on the island at night....that would be fun
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