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Everything posted by GooniversalSoldier~SPARTA~

  1. You mean you dont want to have to splash an entire armored division each time you arrest some guy? Where is your sporting spirit sir?
  2. Oh awesome. I used an early version of that when i was with Shacktac. Excellent. Thanks guys
  3. Sweet Jeebus i want this mod more than anything, ever. If we get this i volunteer to fly cargo drop for anyone, anywhere, anytime. Actually, i will probably only land to get more cargo. EDIT: Also, what is the HUD mod some people are using on the ACE server? Id like to pick it up. ~goon
  4. Those were always very problematic on ACE2 in Chenarus. Maybe the issues have not been addressed. Seemed like i could only get the SLAM to detonate 25% of the time. Trip wires were even more dodgy.
  5. Thanks I tried landing on the pad a few times the other day and no repair occurring.
  6. Zeno to the rescue as always. As to the Wildcat, i can confirm the bird was repairing properly as of last night @ 11pm PST. at the chopper service. No luck at the FOBs, but i doubt those would repair it anyways...just a bummer when your gas tank gets shot out The side mission spawns do seem a bit off currently, but not un-playable.
  7. Learn by doing! Or in most cases by failing then doing over
  8. I personally have not had any problems getting shot by the AI or killing them. Shoot for the chest and head and they go down in 1 shot. I have seen many people doing the regular vanilla dom "sit on a hill and snipe" and then get lit up pretty bad. I have found if you properly use cover and advance in a tactically sound manner you will have no problems with the so called super AI. Yes, they can shoot pretty far, but so can you. I agree at times it is somewhat un-realistic, but i much prefer this to the vanilla easy mode that it has been in OA. I think the AI causing us to fail often will make everyone better players, and forces us to make tactically sound decisions rather than just steam rolling the AO no matter how or where we come from. Also, not to sound rude to anyone, as im really not trying to be. If you want to whine about ACE in the main channels, please refrain. I personally dont want to sit though an hour of people complaining about it. Post on the forums, talk about it in side channels but some of us are trying to play and would prefer not to hear the gripe fest. I understand the frustration, but i really have not experienced these issues to any extent so i know they can be easily overcome. Maybe this comes from my past of playing on SHACKTAC in OFP where you would spend 2 hours crawling into position, just to get shot the minute you began the attack, with no respawn. It forced me to really think about my decisions and tactics to maximize my chances of making it through. honestly, the AI is cake compared to the human V human stuff we had there, even on hard. Maybe i have more patience than most for this type of stuff, but please dont bother others with your complaints if you can help it. Also, thanks for all the server work Zeno. I personally dont agree with the fast respawn for the jets, as the long respawn makes you really think long and hard about using them improperly. But if that is what the majority wants i wont labor the point. Thanks
  9. Thanks Zeno As for the AI issue, i have not had any problems. If the AI is turned down dont go too far, i like having to try again finally. If you are getting shot too much, try finding some decent cover.
  10. I know many of us use steam, so i figured we should start a steam id thread to be good good friends! mine is pocketpencil
  11. I can see all of you clowns on the TS server applet on the forums but im stuck at work (PST!) WAAAAHHHH
  12. I was just wondering the other day where youd been. Awesome news!
  13. I will give this a try tonight if we have the people
  14. my TS3 does not look like this so i am confused. EDIT: nm figured it out
  15. Grizzly, we dont want to perma ban anyone for something like that (just a temporary ban ;)) Really, what i try to do (and it seems what mostly was done before OA by the rest of Sparta as well) was AT LEAST 1 verbal warning to cease what was being done etc. If there was a good reason fine, if not and the individual stopped doing whatever it was, lesson learned, play on and enjoy. If not then we start thinking about privilege removal etc. For example...some whacko takes off in the BH and starts pounding the AO without approval. They are asked to return vehicle they a) comply and are still more than welcome anytime. b. they do not comply, then they are warned again, if still no compliance they are removed from flight list. If they continue to try and fly and crash vehicles then kick etc etc. I would not worry about making a mistake as long as that is what it is. We all have to learn sometime, and we will I HOPE politely request you secure the incorrect behavior before doing anything else. (that or your getting a stinger up the rear)
  16. I just copied my addons folder from the Arma2 directory over to the OA directory and voila, it works.
  17. hopefully some people will still be around so i can do some Tac after work. I will see what i can rile up.
  18. We can just mute them until they listen Hopefully we can get everything reined back in and everyone happy asap. And as Durka said, this is not calling any specific person out...rather just the general decline in things due to the new game.
  19. I have been trying to crack down on the choppers lately...but it seems some non-sparta members do not care to listen to the rules and would rather continue with it. Zeno...should we be pming you names for removal from flight list if need be? As to the rules...i think they could stand to be slightly stricter, but i dont know how well this would go over on the server so i think enforcement will be key. We Spartans need to get off our butts and keep things organized. I have noticed often there are several sparta people on but then nobody is coordinating things. Maybe not to the extent of a mission commander, but at times this is very useful, especially when air assets are up. I think it is our duty to at least provide logistical guidance when we are on. For example...whenever an AO is cleared i always try to organize (or at the very least confirm it is happening) the repositioning of the MHQ. Often times this means i end up moving it myself, which is not a problem but the point is that we should be taking the lead somewhat here. I will personally volunteer to act in this function anytime i am on. Of course, we dont need 8 different Sparta people screaming for things all the time...just once person to make sure the MHQ moves, we designate a good spot for it and hopefully designate a decent approach and if need be call in arty/air assets. I think this will keep things moving smoothly and the gameplay level up to par with our standards.
  20. i must have this for side mission insertion.
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