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Posts posted by GooniversalSoldier~SPARTA~

  1. Darn, i cant make it tomorrow unless people are still on pretty late USA time...which im guessing they wont be. Hopefully week after next i can join (gone next weekend).


    Now the real question is...Should i build a new system for ARMA3?

  2. I just re-installed windows and have everything working save my addons...


    When i attempt to join the MSE server i get the following error "...dependent on downloaded content that has been deleted.CAWheeled2_LAV25"


    i appear to be running all the correct mods (just downloaded them). Is it possible im not running combined ops? Im using the OA launcher from armaholic to run addons.



    ANy ideas or fixes??



  3. Assault on Fallujah uses the ACE wounding module and so do a lot of other ACE styly missions.


    I thought on starting into Assualt on Fallujah that the med kit in the backpack was ridiculous, after an hour and a half I'd used a lot of it and I was only playing with Andrewman and Peter ROFL.


    You need an ambulance on the map with the full wounding system.

  4. Zeno, leave the teleporting out, i like having to drive around the city (or fly). Builds teamwork



    Correct me if i am wrong, but you can fast rope in ACE so you should be able to do fast roping in ACE faldom without a problem. (to Adress medic's concerns)

  5. Careful Zeno, we may fix bayonets and storm into your chat channels!!!



    We will make something work if there is not tac channel space.




  6. I try and lead or at least direct stuff when i am on and am happy to do so any time i am in TS or in game. If you all want more push push from me, let me know an i can lock things down more fully even. (though i could sure use the new server admin pw *hint *hint)


    Personally, i enjoy going in without MHQ's and ammo boxes aplenty. I find that convoy inserts, fast roping in un-supported or boat assaults to be the most fun. Admittedly, we need a fair sized group to do it effectively, but i will push for more of it.


    Noob, if you want to make some missions or scenarios or even a new dom knock yourself out, we love that kind of stuff.



    Also, i almost exclusively play as a team leader or grenadier/support grenadier when in game.

  7. Also, practice running into hails of gun fire.



    Thanks Frenchie...this should help with things. I will post a definite start time(s) tomorrow.


    I also think if the earlier tac crowd wants to do their own thing i will organize that and just have a pre-designated on site commander or something.


    I just want my serious business tac back.

  8. I agree fully you guys here. Personally, i have seen a fair amount of good teamsmanship on ACE recently. Makes me think there is still hope for us all :thumbsup_anim:



    I think maybe something akin to the fly list could be implemented, at least on TAC days...but instead of a list allowing people to fly/not fly we have a list of 'trusted' pilots for the ACE server who can fly...this would of course require policing from us Sparta members.


    Maybe the fear of the big red ban hammer will snap people into line ;)

  9. All

    With the introduction of the new Fallujah map to the tac server (A HUGE THANKS TO THOSE WHO BROUGHT IT TO US!!!) i would like to propose a tac mission (or multiple ones) this Friday or Saturday.


    The gameplay will follow the format of:


    -Team broken into squads as usual

    -Minimum of veteran difficulty, Hard preferred.

    -Full ACE medic module requiring dedicated medics

    -dedicated fire team roles, no super soldiers

    -full vehicle support for gear stowage

    -comm discipline

    -Lots of FUN



    Im willing to lead this endeavor, or just organize it (as im on the west coast US GMT -8) i may end up organizing for the first part only as i wont be on until later. Time will be TBD for now.


    What i need from the map guys (Frenchie, Jeff, Hajimoto) is a list of the assets available on the map and their locations if possible for planning etc.



    Also, with the full ACE wounding system the medics will be required to be pretty dedicated to their roles, and will fight very little id guess. Probably hanging back with the MC until needed will be the norm for this. Also, the squad leaders are the only ones with GPS so if we are on Hard squad cohesion will be key to success.



    Anyhow, most of all i want people to have fun, and hopefully bring back more regular TAC.


    Comment away and let me know you availability etc. I will try and set a time soon.


    Comments too




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