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Everything posted by Cent~SPARTA~

  1. Happy Birthday Riz. Have a great day 😀
  2. Chaps - has anyone taken a look at this?? I have only watched a few videos from the Alpha - its in to Early access now - but It looks rather fun (if you are a Nerd like me anyway!)
  3. Yes its all starting to make a tiny bit of sense. Great team work.
  4. If your 88 I'm a Lesbian! Happy Birthday matey.
  5. HA! Lugg's we managed to pull that last game back and won with 5 tickets left!!!
  6. I have found ordering 120mm Howitzers barrages and Mosquito bomber runs to be most satisfying. Company level command seems fairly straight forward - as long as you have talkative PL's - I rather enjoyed it today and we won!!
  7. Its not me. I can assure you of that!!!!
  8. Yes that is one of the issues at the moment. We can lock/unlock our platoon when formed to make sure we have our own little group. that works ok and I think Lugg's is looking into the details of our own server on one of ahem "host" machines located somewhere in the UK which will allow us more control. Some good games tonight with Peter, Lugg's, Custard and Forrester as Logistics, Infantry and a final stint in an armoured platoon.
  9. Yes its a lot of fun - very much TAC DOM when you get in with a good server group. Coms work is essential and lone run/gun youths seem to get swallowed up wholesale by MG42's and well placed mortars Which I love!!!! Vehicle and weapons are fairly well done - needs polish but everything normally works. Air assets and heavy Artillery are available for the Commander to call in - its quite something to be in a Tank when you hear that unmistakable sound of a Stuka !!!! There is a role for just about every play style and competency (which suits my complete lack of either). Personally the most fun I have had is Luggage loosing his patience with me whilst driving a Tank - if nothing else just sit in and watch one of us streaming - it's comedy gold!!!
  10. Got it now thanks - had to put a ticket into Uplay. added you as a friend Halli. C3nturionSPARTA
  11. Had the invite from Luggs - cant seem to find a code or where to download though
  12. Good man. I have found 3.4.1 to be the best patch to date. A few hours worth of missions to play through now and some decent progression can be made. slowly getting there.
  13. I like the sound of that as a mission. It would be good to do something with an aim to it.
  14. No issues with those mods at all. Interested to know how the Fusion reactor difers from the normal?
  15. Made a start on the Auto grinder tool behind the big welder. Lots to do.
  16. Hmmm, have the astro base up with a med facility but i cant seem to pressureize the room??
  17. So i managed to figure out the sensor thingymebobwhatsit for the base storage pads. Pad one is now complete - simply land on the conector - power down thrusters and hop out. Use the control panel on the red walkway to lower the pad - once its down the blast doors will close automatically.
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