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Everything posted by Cent~SPARTA~

  1. There is so much to learn Halli - don't swet it. This is a fairly decent video explaining your first 30 minutes in the PU.
  2. Will do - I'm Green at the streaming part so ill do my best
  3. Depends a lot on what resource you are looking for. I only used the base ship with a standard miner tool - some of the larger deposits (but higher concentration of ore) require a more powerful tool and I only wanted to see what I could earn quickly. The round trip is about 30 minutes. 2 minutes travel either way as I picked a fairly local moon. about 5 minutes looking for suitable ore's to mine and 15 minutes to fracture and extract the ore. The stuff I was mining was about 20% pure with a market price of around 1000UEC per SCU (standard unit of cargo measurement in SC) The ship I had holds 35 SCU so the potential was 35k (however as its only 20% pure you get a lot less when refined at a station) Hence the drive for a better tool in game I suppose. The bigger deposits are of a higher concentration. Risk/Reward - I was running courier mission across the system with a round trip of 60 minutes for around 10k UEC Low risk but 40+ minutes of looking at the pretty FTL effects out of the window. I was earning between 8k and 12k per trip mining - with something to do all the time. Mining is definitely a skill game that requires constant attention. I was interdicted by Pirates on one occasion but managed to jump out before I was destroyed. Armour sets are around 6k to 8k Weapon's range from 500UEC for a Pistol to 3K UEC for a snipper rifle Modules for ships vary entirely on the size but the next level mining tool for this ship is 22K for example. The better jump drive for my Courier runner cost me 18,000UEC but saves around 15 minutes on a round trip. The Mining ship itself cost 40K a day to rent - as I mentioned above it took around 2 hours to earn that back, but the amount of rocks I had to ignore because I couldn't crack them with the standard equipment make me believe I could easily of trebled that. I have seen people earning 140K plus on some trips if you find the good stuff. I'm not skilled enough at reading the rock formations for that yet. At the moment ALL ships have insurance, however the waiver is dependant on the ship itself - this one is 700UEC to replace if I loose it during the 24hour rental. This wont be the case in the future - just as in life you will need to pay an Insurance premium for ships - if you don't bother and loose it - you'll have to buy it again. Lots of the packages come with some insurance free - 6 months upto LTI (Life Time). But its not really something to worry about at this point in the Alpha.
  4. Rented a Prospector mining ship today - was fun although you need to put some serious time into it for payback. Took me 5 trips to earn back the 40,000UEC cost to loan for a day. (these are not my screen shots - cant figure out how to take them in SC yet!)
  5. Ok all downloaded and installed - even had a bash around Donni in a Focus. Game does look pretty Im sure we can drum up some drivers once we complete our IL2 shinnanigans
  6. Coooooooooooooor - I didn't realise I was THAT low!
  7. Great - my in game handle is Cent.
  8. ok cool - It wont take long for me to get a much worse safety rating
  9. Installing - ill see what my driving's like what does this bit mean?
  10. Really starting to come together with most of the modules in place now. We have commodity trading with 3 Planets, 18 large space stations a dozen moons with over 70 outposts Mining - Manual surface mining and in space asteroid mining. Very lucrative but takes time and a bit of skill with the various mining tools. 2 dedicated mining space ships - one is a single seater, the second requires a crew of three (one pilot, 2 operators) 8, multipart scripted missions that take you from one side of the system to the other (most of these require a team of at least ) Bounty hunter missions (both NPC and PVP) Courier delivery missions (think Amazon) SAR missions 4 Hero locations with shopping for character customisation, Weapon shops, Ship upgrade components etc. Persistence - Log out in your ship (if it has a bed) and return to that location on next game launch. Ship load outs, Cargo and player character load out persists throughout. If you don't have a bed - land at any of the space stations, hero locations etc and you will start there next log in. Multiplayer Pilot, co pilot and turret positions, boarding squads, fighter escort etc Ship / to / ship boarding. PVP and scripted PVE missions Use cutting torch to gain access to ships. In game ship rentals and purchases. You only need the basic Star Citizen package to gain access to all flyable ships - once you earn the credits of course You only need the additional SQ42 package if you want to play the single player campaign (when it releases) Still lots of bugs - still Alpha but there is much to do. The next major patch will add a new star system - scheduled around Q3 which will add lots more content. It's slow moving and can be frustrating at times but things are starting to slot together and progress over the last 18 months has been significant. Personally I find the game fun, but truthfully the concept of the game may well not appeal to all. Its not EVE and its definitely not Elite. This is not a game you can pick up, play for an hour and earn some cash. Some of the missions are 4 to 6 hours long, with lots of traveling in between. The courier missions pay well - but you need to be prepared to travel the length and width of the system to make multiple pickups (with many fuel stops in between). Mining takes patince - you need to find a suitable mine entry point (this could be anywhere on a Planet or moons surface & they are BIG planets!) Then you need to decend into the mine/cave system looking for mineral outcrops to mine. Each outcrop takes upto 2 minutes to mine (the tool is basically a laser - you heat the rock until it crakes, you can then collect the fragments - unless you over heat it, then someone has to collect the fragments of YOU!) It takes 10 minutes to travel the width of the system in the fastest ship. You can get that down to under 8 minutes with various upgrade components but they are expensive and earning the credits takes time. What I'm trying to say is be prepared for the scale of the game - there are no quick wins and everything takes lots of time (and then you have the bugs!) It can take 30 to 40 minutes just to form a group up if you are spread through out the system. I spent 2 hours with Cylawyer the other night on a SAR mission in a cave system on a Moon - never found him but it was a good laugh. There is plenty to do - or you can just watch me when I stream on twitch (c3nturionsparts) to give you an idea of what goes on
  11. Good fun last night - We should probably practice a bit of formation flight before starting the actual mission though?
  12. Recovered my vehicle Custard. Need to concentrate on Power & Storage next!
  13. OK Custard - I have been somewhat busy at the starting base. I have built a small rover and have found several iron and nickel deposits. We need magnesium and silver for metal grates/medical supplies etc. I like the new research mechanic! Although an easy way to cheat is to partly disassemble something in the tech tree that you don't have - then rebuild it Grants you auto access.
  14. Who's this Custard guy that keeps posting??
  15. I picked up the British pack in the sale
  16. You guys really have been busy! Ill have to get the game updated and have a nose around
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