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Posts posted by Rooster

  1. Again, a first-try question.


    Had several shots last night with an RPG against the armor in whichever laguna-something map we tried. It seemed to just keep on rollin'. Someone in TS said the RPG is largely ineffective against armor. Other than the Recon C4, what else is?!


    I'm trying to remember my BF2 time, I had plenty there. I had, jezus just checked, somewhere around 1000 hrs in BF2 (There is something wrong with me). So what's the crossover, and what's changed in terms of gameplay itself? Yes weapons, maps and the like, but the actual in-game mechanics, what-can-kill-what, and the rest.

    RPG can take it out but it takes several attempts. When I drop arti on a tank usually the 4th shell kills the tank. So they're pretty tough animals.


    The best way to kill a tank is with a tank. :lol:


    Other than that I like to sit back and spot targets all day long. :P A good spotter can turn the battle for his team.

  2. WoooHooo


    Thanks Zeno





    ......oh Sh!@, now where did I leave that carrier?



    Stang not sure if it will help, but if you're on this weekend maybe we can hook up and toss a few ideas around? I have a way to make the carrier not require a plugin (probably common knowledge, but new to me).

  3. Why not? Blue can shell whole AO, spawn kill opfor, kill opfor when dead and double or tripple death penalty, why opfor cannot do same to blue?



    that make you move faster , just don't camp at base

    This is why I played as opfor only once. It's no fun getting thoroughly spanked. <_< But if some people like it, more power to them :D
  4. Copy that guys, I've seen and have previously posted several comments in those threads. Great work again on that project.


    My test map is just my take on a fun way to fly. Totally not meant to replace or challenge anything going on with the Official Spartan map. If anything, my version fixes the crashing issue on beta3c (not sure how mind you, perhaps just because it's a different map) and just holds me over until you all release the new and improved air dom.


    Stang, I'm always more than happy to help in any way possible! One disclaimer though... I'm the Sr. Vice Commander of my local VFW post and also work 40hrs + and take 7 hours of classes (career development PeP). So you know where I'm going with this. Most of my free time is early weekend mornings. Once I get the family all set (2 kids plus wife) then I have most Sunday mornings to myself. Lets get together!


    Thanks all



  5. Hi folks,


    The other morning Kal and I were talking and it got me thinking. I use to make maps for the original Operation flashpoint. So why not try to tweak the airdom map?


    I just wanted to advise that you may notice that another Air Dom server popped up on your list. I am in the process of testing out several different setups for my pilot friends on a revised version of the sparta air dom map. I have sparta in the name, mostly out of respect and the fact that you all are the only group I game with. I also gave credit to the original author and editors, so what I'm saying is that I'm not trying to plagiarize anything. :o


    Just wanted to post and perhaps get some feedback. Oh yeah, and if you're looking to fly different aircraft come on in and check it out!!



  6. +1 on the x52 HOTAS... One thing about FSx is that it will make you want to buy more peripherals so that you can simulate all the buttons in your cockpit area. Anyway, flying in FSx isn't quite the same as in ArmaII. You will find out that flying is much more involved in FSx, but its flight model is pretty accurate to RL. There is a great tutorial over here that will speed up your helo training. http://www.fsstation.com/tutorials/helicop...g-tutorial.html

  7. Solid build... The twelve hundred is a pretty good case for gaming.


    Perhaps consider changing the PSU to the corsair 850w variant. They offer a better cost performance ratio IMHO. The 850 is really a seasonic unit (top of the line) complete with a yate loon pwm controlled fan.


    Perhaps add a new SSD (new ones are right around the corner, may even beat intel drives) instead of the velociraptor. Personally, I went from 4 raptors in raid 0 to two intel SSD's in raid 0... Windows 7 boots fully in 8 seconds, and ArmaII is very fast loading as well. Maybe it takes about 30 seconds to get into a map. Anyways an SSD will be the biggest performance improvement most people will make in the next few years.


    Great list, I hope you can make your dream PC come true!

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