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Posts posted by Stang~SPARTA~

  1. Kal


    Great work mate...


    BTW,...can you also look at adding in Close Air Support, Combat Air Patrols, Destruction of Enemy Air Defenses modules, NOE Terrain Following, FLIR and PNG modules and unlimited aircraft?


    Thanks a bunch...




    ....oh shit :o






    .........Stang puts on flame suit and runs like a politician leaving a church confessional, heading back towards the titty bar

  2. The other night I was giving some positional instruction...uh, I mean post flight debriefings...yea that's it...and snapped this pic


    Busy night




    BTW...my head looks like it's smashed down in my shoulders...pulled too many G's (spots) I guess





    User posted image


  3. Yup...that's where I got the scripts above from LoL


    Might be able to get some more support at the BIS forums, under ArmA2: Configs and Scripting. Those guys probably know better than I, as some of them do nothing but mods.


  4. Man...I thought you were on a roll there <_<


    If its possible I would like to set the max speed individually for each aircraft type used. As we will have a few new MOD aircraft, these will have to be config'd as well.


    Here's me list of changes I would like to do, max speed shown in knots. Once Ihave these working, I will probably have to tweak them to balance game play.


    F16 400

    F35 400

    Su34 400

    AV8B 350

    A10 350

    SU25 350

    C130 350


    MH60 175

    AH64 135

    AH1Z 135

    Ka50 150

    Ka52 150

    OH58 125

    MH6 160

    UH1Y 125

    Mi8 150

    Mi24 200

    Mi17 125

    CH53 150



    We're making progress...Thanks for all the help everyone!!





    Edit: Scratch that, isn't working. Not sure why either. Loads fine (no errors), just doesn't work.
  5. I also found the script below that refers to max speed as well in the model config file


    Could this be of any use??






    This segment defines all properties of each model. The class names correspond to the model name.

    Here you define which sections the model has, which skeleton it uses and its animations.

    //Declare base classes

    class CarAnimations


    class IndicatorSpeed;



    class CfgModels


    class Car; //Declare base class.


    class Vodnik: Car


    sectionsInherit = "Car"; //Inherit all sections from class Car.

    //Add new section.

    sections[] =




    skeletonName = "Vodnik"; //Use the Vodnik skeleton.


    class Animations: CarAnimations //Inherit from generic animations.


    class IndicatorSpeed: IndicatorSpeed //Redefine the maximum value

    { //for the speed indicator.

    maxValue = 40;





  6. Thanks MH6,


    I think your idea is the way to go as the Server is under our control and making it a Air Dom Mod would give us the best control of what's running on it.


    I also found the script below...do you think it will work? And what tool do you need to modify the config?



    For increasing the top speed of a vehicle, you need to modify the config and change following line:


    maxSpeed = 1470; //to a value you want. (this is taken from the Su-34)


    If you want to limit the speed of a vehicle in a mission. Use:


    Unit forceSpeed 150;







    The correct way would be to modify the aircraft's config file and stick it in a mod, which would require everyone who joins the server to have that mod as well.


    The "hackish" way is to add a SQF script which repeatedly limits the speed of the aircraft. It can most certainly be done, as I used a similar method to give the C-130 JATO capability, but that was only a temporary boost for a single aircraft. The performance implications of having the script run all the time on multiple aircraft might be a bit much.


    In my opinion you'd be better off to just make do with the regular speeds I'm afraid. That, or produce an "Air Domination" mod that would be required to join the server. It's a private server anyway so doubt it'd matter all that much. Then you could do some other cool stuff like modify the aircraft HUDs or even throw in some extra aircraft from other addons.

  7. Hi Guys


    Please excuse the "noob" question here but I have searched the forums and haven't found what I'm looking for yet.


    Here's my question:


    I would like to be able to "limit the top speed" of several different aircraft in a mission I'm building, to make it more realistic and balance game play. Is this possible?


    If so, please let me know how and or what utilities or tools I may need to do this.


    Thanks for the help in advance


    Stang out

  8. I have hundreds of hours in the engineering over several years in both the Seat and Cockpit. Now I sell the Aces II Ejection Seat as a kit and the F-16C Cockpit as a kit, that comes pre-cut, ready to be screwed together


    Seat is HERE


    Cockpit is HERE


    You may or may not have seen this...I built 3 Aces II Ejection Seats for the movie Iron Man. They used the seats in filming the sequence where the Air Force Pilot had to bail out of the F-22.


    Here is the seat I built for the movie HERE


    I was supposed to be listed in the credits but it didn't happen...oh well, maybe next time.


    That seat blows my mind.. how many man-hours have you put in so far?
  9. This is just a High Level "idea" that needs to be cut down and shaped into something playable and challenging. I like Zeno's thoughts of the following that need to implemented:


    • Later version of domination
    • Limit players to around 15 (may need to be 24??)
    • Use 2 maps for rotation
    • Increase Armor, SAMs and Air Defenses
    • remove the rescue mission
    • removing or lowering the enemy infantry


    I also like the option of this being a Team vs Team


    Blue Forces as stated (but smaller forces) and OP Forces as small "Special Forces Teams" (maybe 3 - 2 man teams) assigned to repair SAMS, attack Airfields and Carriers







    Wow there's alot going on in this. If this is implemented will it be a drag on peoples systems and will ground forces be playable? I like the sound of this campaign. I pictured a small ground force taking out sams in hostile territory ;) Bravo

  10. New Air Dom Scenarios




    This is the first one of two scenarios "ideas" and will be a completely new campaign mission "without" an intro scene. It will include a few stable MOD's and be designed so that if there is no one on the server for a set period, it will automatically restart to be ready for when people sign in.


    Here's the situation...


    Russian forces have started hostile operations and moved into Chernarus with a major battle force, set on retaking ownership of the Southeastern part of the country, currently inhabited by local Slavic residents. After the revolution in 1917 Chernarus became an autonomic federal republic and after the demise of the aforementioned USSR in 1991, it gained independence. Today they are threatened with loosing their country, their independence and their lives...we can not allow that to happen.


    The initial attacks were swift Russian forces sweeping in from the Northwest and easily taking the lightly defended Cities of Lopatino, Grishino, Vybor and Kabanino with its major military airfield. Since, Russian Forces have moved small fighting units with Air Defense Forces into many of the Cities and Ports to defend against Counter attacks from NATO Forces.


    We expect Russian forces to continue east and south with ultimate goals of taking the Oil Fields just North of Novy Sabor, the small airfields in Krasnostav & Balota, the Oil Production and Port facilities in Berezino, Solnichniy, Elektrozavodsk and Chernogorsk.


    In addition to invading the peaceful country of Chernarus, capturing the additional ports, oil fields and airfields would allow Russian forces a pivotal starting point, for taking other key cities in the Southern region, thus increasing the risk to American assets and forces in Japan, Korea and beyond. The people of Chernarus have very little to defend themselves with from a military standpoint. They have lost their single major airfield in Kabanino and presumably any military assets assigned there. The balance of the military is in small land based units with outdated Russian hardware.


    These actions present a Clear and Present Danger to American and other Allied forces in the region and must be stopped immediately.


    American Forces are being ordered to the area by way of a Naval Carrier Battle group with additional high level troop insertions from our Asian Allies to the South, after the initial objectives are achieved and can provide cover for said forces. There is also a second small amphibious battle group moving to a support position in the Northeast but they will not be available for a few days.


    The first order of battle will be capturing the Airfield at Krasnostav and the port City of Chernogorsk. These will allow Short range rotor aircraft to operate in support and simple attack roles for the defense and repelling of enemy forces in the other major Cities. The airfield's runway is too short for long range bomber aircraft and thus will only support a small detachment of rotor wing and fixed wing aircraft. Additional Air Assets will be Carrier based and limited to small loiter times and light weapons loads due to range from the Carrier. The Carrier Battle Group will set up operations approximately 15 Miles Southeast of Skelisty Island for the initial attacks.


    We expect heavy resistance in the air and on the land with Soviet Fighters already patrolling the Southern edge of the country and numerous land based SAM Sites already online and more in production. A Secondary Naval Amphibious Battle Group will arrive within the week to the Northeast and provide light attack capability with the goal of taking the airfield in Krasnostav. Only after both of these major assets are taken and held, will American Forces move Northwest in a pinching operation to retake the country and remove all Russian Forces.


    Order Of Battle: Main Mission


    Take and Defend 3 major targets in order:

    1. Airfield at Krasnostav
    2. Port City of Chernogorsk
    3. Airfield at Balota


    Side Mission:


    Find and destroy all SAM Air Defense Sites currently in operation and the Supplying Conveys traveling East and Southeast. These are multiple units which can be resupplied and supported from major forces so all operations should be clandestine with surgical strikes both from ground based Special Forces and assisting Air Assets as needed. Major battles are to be avoided as numerical superiority is with the enemy forces.


    Once American Forces start their attack, expect the Russian Forces to counter attack with everything they have. They will see the Airfields and Port City as Major Assets that must be taken and maintained at all cost. In additional, Russian Force are already established in the Northwestern areas and moving fast to expand their Areas of Operations. They have modern air assets and ground forces with up to date technology and large resources at their disposal for reinforcing their military. This will not be an easy task and will require combined Air, Ground and Naval Operations for victory.


    Limiting Factors:


    1. Small Forces
    2. Limited Weapons
    3. Resupply and Support


    Main Carrier Air Assets

    4-AV8B's, 2-AH64's 2-AH1's, 2-UH60's and 1-CH53's


    Amphibious Carriers Air Assets

    2-AV8B's, 2-UH60's, 2-OH58's


    • AV8B's limited to 4 AIM9's & Cannon for CAP or 2 AIM9's, 2 LGB's & Cannon for CAS
    • AH64's & AH1's limited to 2 AIM9's, 4 Hellfires and Cannon
    • OH58's limited to 2 Hellfires and Cannon


    American Ground Airfield Assets after Airfield capture

    1-A10, 1-F16C, 2-OH58's and 2 MH6's

    • A10's & F16's match AV8B weapons & MH6 Cannon only


    American Forces are limited to small Air and Ground assets from their Battle Groups which were not fully tasked, as this operation was unexpected. Thus aircraft, pilots, weapons and supplies will be limited and in high demand for this operation; use them wisely as replacing them will take valuable time that we don't have. Special Forces are also included but limited with 2 - 5 man Seal teams and their gear and a 3rd Seal team when the Amphibious Assault group arrives. These units will need special support for insertion, supply and extraction at a moment's notice so plan ahead. Losing all the Seal Team members or Carriers has special consequences so protect these at all cost.


    Win Conditions

    • Take and hold all three Airfields with Krasnostav last
    • Take and hold cities of Lopatino, Grishino, Vybor and Kabanino
    • All Airfields and listed Cities must be held simultaneously for victory.
    • Maintain at least 1 Carrier

    Loss Conditions

    • Main Carrier & Amphibious Carrier are Sunk
    • or
    • Total loss of ALL Seal Team members


    Please let me know your thoughts and remember this is a DRAFT idea only.




    Hi Guys


    I am finalizing 2 Battle Scenarios now (Ideas only) and I need to take into account what (if any) MOD's we'll add to the server.


    I have also been downloading and testing a bunch of the available Aviation related MOD's out there. Some are GREAT and a lot are NOT SO GREAT.


    What I'd like to do is ask what Aviation related MOD's you'd like to see on the Air Dom Server?


    Please only post ones that you have tried and are stable. Also please post the full MOD name and where it resides so I can test it.


    Thanks for all the ideas and suggestions...keep them coming!

  12. My 2 seconds of fame...


    I built the Aces II Ejection Seat(s) that was used in the Iron Man 1 film'


    You can see the seat before I shipped it to Hollywood HERE


    I was supposed to be listed in the credits but that surprise, surprise...that didn't happen


    ...at least I got the check for building the seats (built 3 of them but only 1 was used for filming)



  13. Sorry Guys


    The holidays and visiting family have had me swamped for the last couple of weeks. I have been collecting the ideas and formulating a couple of options. I should have a little more information up today about the options and they way we (community) would like to go (within reason of course).


    Once we work out the "what can and can't be done", we'll then formalize the plan and then very judiciously, (beg, borrow,bride, buyout and or provide young college virgins) to the Mod-Gods to see what we can get done.


    I suspect, depending on the "hotness" of the YCV's (young college virgins) we'll be using for bartaring, that we'll end up with a really cool new Air Dom Server.


    .....when they're done playing with the virgins, that is. :D

  14. Thank goodness...thought I was going to have to write another "Naval" Pilots Guide





    Zeno already had this idea 3 months ago. Too late. Its the storyboard idea. He's currently working a version of it for Chernarus.


    Now go back to your regularly scheduled programming.


  15. So...what you're really saving is...


    The next time I'm in a Manage' Twa with twins, what works on one, won't work on the other...







    Accidentially I found today THIS:




    According to the results of the King´s College´s research in London, there is no G-Spot and there never was.

    Damn and I was so sure that I found it several times.


    They made tests with identical- and non-identical twins. And identical twins share genes. So according to the research, when the one twin has this certain spot at a certain spot the other twin should have it too at the same spot. But obviously the most of the twins don´t share this.


    So guys don´t waste your time anymore looking for something, which is maybe a myth (or not?).


    Anyway I won´t give up... :D


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