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Posts posted by Pro~SPARTA~

  1. 0814 hrs - Lansing, Michigan, USA


    ProDaughter is born weighing 7 pounds 4 ounces (or for you Brits, that's um...uh, oh who knows), and 20 inches long. Mom and baby are healthy and I'll upload a pic shortly.


    She's way tougher than I. She went without pain meds and is just incredible. What a gal.


    Thanks for all the good wishes and prayers!




  2. UPDATE: The baby is still hanging on not wanting to come out. I guess it's nice to have a womb with a view... sorry. Maybe the child just likes getting womb service... oops. Couldn't help it.


    It amazes me that we men spend 9 months getting out of there, and the rest of our lives trying to get back in.


    Zathrus, she's a doctor, so I'm sure she knows how it happened. Whilst she was contracting particularly hard last night, I leaned over and whispered, "Just think honey, two more and we're half-way done." I'm not sure what happened next but this morning I woke up with a big bruise.


    She who must be obeyed and I are both probably done with the babies thing. We were discussing birth control and she said that I'm so clumsy, she'll just give me a stick of gum at night when we go to bed. Not sure I understand that.


    Oh well, more to come when the blessed event occurs.





  3. Update: I'm glad I'm not a woman. This is taking forever... and she had the nerve to get cranky with ME! Doesn't she realize what I'm going through? Sleeping in the hospital's recliner (which is not very comfortable) while she makes all those damn noises! It's hard enough to sleep. ;-) j/k


    Actually, they've given her until Sunday to pound it out (I'm so sensitive, eh ladies?) or else they'll go in after it. I've passed along all the good wishes to Carol. She's one tough lady and I'm glad she married me in a moment of weakness. Guys, I don't think we could do this! There'd be a lot fewer children born if men had to carry and deliver.


    Cheers and Thanks all round,

    Wes & Carol

  4. Just a quick note to my friends that my wife and I will be at the Hospital shortly to deliver #6 child. We haven't chosen a name. Please send up a quick prayer that all goes well (it's looking good so far) and that mom and baby will do well.


    I delivered our last two, and if there are no complications, I expect to do the same this time. It's probably the best experience of my life (#2 is killing rag-head gun-monkeys in real life).


    All the best to you all,


    "ProSoldier" :D

  5. Hey Postal. Congrats. When do you go to Air Assault School? Have they scheduled you yet?


    If you look closely at the first photo, it almost looks like someone put grafitti in the form of a puking chicken on you HQ building. Sorry about that bro! (j/k)


    All the Way!




    (82nd Airborne Division, Ft. Bragg, NC)

  6. Unbelievable.


    Quoted from Wax, "Well, pro soldier, postal, majestic, viiiper can never come back and that is not my doing."




    I, ProSoldier, have not had any bad blood with BDA and only came over to SPARTA because many of my friends did. I don't listen to the stories of what happened before and I don't care. I like gaming and don't like politics. No time for it among real soldiers.


    ...and yet, I am the first one listed by Wax as never being allowed back? When last I was on BDA's TS server, Breeze and I talked because he wanted to know what troubled me enough to leave and told him NOTHING. He hadn't hurt my feelings, or done anything to me. In fact, BDA has always been very professional and the BDA admins have been my friends for almost a year. When I heard someone had sent a nasty gram to Scorp, I spoke out against it in what I believe to be a reasonably good post. You're welcome to see it Wax.


    I am sorry you list me as Persona non Gratis in your list.


    All my BDA friends are still my friends and I don't understand (nor want to) the rift that caused the split in the clan. Somedays, we're all a bunch of bitchy little internet geeks who behave like little girls. That's okay. Let's play!


    Frankly Wax, I'm sitting here stupified that you've cursed me into the abyss for eternity when we've never, ever had a cross word. Even now, I'm not angry, just a bit hurt and hope i've misinterpreted your meaning.


    Regardless, things happen quickly in the internet, and I find it hard to stay angry at people I've never met in person. So as far as I'm concerned, I'll see you all on the "virtual" field of battle and I wish you all the most fun possible in the game! Banned or not, no one defines me but myself! And I am a good sport and a Professional Soldier.


    I hope we are not giving life and energy to something that doesn't deserve it. Instead, I suggest we scrim. What do you think?




  7. *True Story*


    Having dinner with a good friend of mine who is a Command Sergeant Major on active duty and his lovely wife. We were eating at one of my favorite restaurants in Florence, Italy. They suggested we sit near this guy Al Fresco, and he must have been sitting outside because that's where they put us. The only problem is that I've lost most of my hearing and the noise of the streets made conversation a challenge.


    My friend told me he had to get is nude DA photos taken soon. (DA=Department of the Army)


    I almost dropped my fork.


    "Why do you need that?" I asked. He said that senior non-commissioned officers ALWAYS get nude DA photos take every few years to update their files. It also helps for identification purposes, just like fingerprints and DNA samples.


    The look on my face must've been easily read because Kathryn, his wife, said, "You didn't know that?"


    I looked at her and asked, "You're okay with that?"


    She said yes because they always came out good and she got copies to share with the family. She was quite proud of him... the conversation went on.


    If you haven't figured it out by now, they were talking about his NEW DA photos. It helps to know that my friend is also a body builder and has spent 22 years in Special Operations. He is quite proud of his physique, and his wife is an exercise physiologist.


    When I explained to them what I had heard and we recounted the bizarre nature of the conversation from that point onward, we laughed until we ran out of wine.


    Thought you'd enjoy it.


  8. SGT Strader,


    Good luck to you. The 4th BCT is a great unit and you'll do very well. the 501st STB is also a good unit. Is LTC Welton Chase still the commander? I think the change of command took place a few months ago. I was invited, but couldn't attend. He was a great guy and I haven't had the opportunity to meet the new one, but I'm sure I will eventually.


    Now for a laugh. Since leaving the military, my mom has been after me to get a 'real job.' She evidently doesn't consider being President of Marconi real enough. She asked me what we do and I answered, "I get to work with a lot of Special Operations soldiers in the Army, Navy, etc."


    She said (seriously), "OH... That is sooo sweet. I'm glad the Army has a program for them, too. Would you tell them from me that I think they're doing a good job and getting better every day."




    I didn't bother to set her straight.




  9. Custard,


    Give me a list of what you want mate. I'll get it to you. I'm coming across on october 29/30 for some meetings in London, then back on Halloween.


    When I owned ProSoldier.com, I used to send kit over to the UK constantly. I send it without markings and label it Gift or a Service Return (depending on value) and send a note that says Happy Birthday or sorry for the defect, and you get it duty free.


    I'm a scofflaw and one day I'll be punished for my wicked ways.


    PM me and I'll send along my private details to you.



  10. Too funny.


    My daughter Mary (4 yrs old) has a new song for Ethan (6 months old)...


    She sings it to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star."

    "Ethan, Ethan we love you. You're so cute. Even when you toot."


    Thaaat's so funny. I'm going to video tape it and use it for blackmail when he starts dating.



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