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Everything posted by Yankee~SPARTA~

  1. Smith and Wesson M&P .40 4.25" barrel 15+1 capacity Put 1000 rounds through it today, not a single jam, stovepipe, or misfire.
  2. Maybe i watched a different part of the video, but he clearly goes through how using a different handgun with the holster disengaged the safety upon pulling it out and his finger landed on the trigger.
  3. Kal, Can you pm me the server details so I can hop on while I have time this weekend? Thanks mucho!
  4. Oh boy you will have a large discussion over this one. I would say add some water purification/filtration system. Probably about 3-5 days worth of non-perishables (high good calorie stuff). I would say the biggest challenge will be balancing the weight to benefit of your pack. I would put all of the things you made need in one area and pack accordingly upon the disaster coming your way. Obviously for a flood your priority may not be so much ammo as water gear. On the other hand, ammo and food would be the priority for the zombie apocalypse. If you need first-aid, well you probably got bit and all you need is one in the chamber.
  5. I read this to mean that anyone who is following the PR MOD team who played BF2, but not Arma. So yes you may be a vet, but they're trying to pull people from the BF2 group over to Arma. This will require training on how Arma is played. Hell, I still learn things about Arma everytime I play.
  6. Durka, can you link an imgur or similar image. I'm at work, silly IT.
  7. "Operation boarded waters"
  8. Yeah I am really curious to know what actually happened here lol. At one point there was a fire truck driving around in circles too lol.
  9. Should all home's be built of steel and concrete? Are all buildings in holland constructed of steel and concrete? Have you ever seen a brick fly at 250-325 miles per hour? When was the last time an F5 tornado passed through a residential neighborhood in Holland? did anyone die? is everything still standing? Maybe, I don't know, Holland doesn't have 20-30 tornado touch downs during a 3 month period. Could be it. But probably not. You could stop reading here because I already answered your question (with a touch of sarcasm). We have been surviving everything mother nature has thrown at us for ever, yes. However, you're answer to this problem, don't use wood, is ignorant and backed by a lack of education in construction, engineering, economics, humanity, politics, physics, etc. So let me start my thorough explanation of things work in the US since i forgot that people tend to interject irresponsible replies and play the name game without even knowing the basics of what they are talking about. Homebuilder's associations are the people who spend millions or billions of dollars every year to lobby organizations like the International Code Council and National Fire Protection Association to allow the types of buildings you see around the US. They are the people that build our homes. There are certainly groups of people like you who see that there is the technology available to be mother nature proof. however, they do not have the funds to fight groups like the homebuilder's association nor do they EVER have an answer as to how everyone is going to afford it. How do you fund apartment buildings, shelters, and multi home developments which will require hundreds of thousands of dollars in steel and construction alone with additional engineering and labor. You don't, sorry (Its the defeatist in me). The average consumer simply cannot afford the costs to build such a structure. You're talking about custom engineering for each structure that is normally pre-fabricated and set on a foundation. So here's how it works: I as a consumer pay a base price for home. I pay every year for insurance which covers such events as a tornado because I realize that I live in an area where they are prevalent. I pay a little more for a prefab hole in the ground which is used to shelter from the dangers of a tornado. Should my house be blown to the heavens due to a tornado, my insurance agent comes out, hands me check and I build again. This is of course the opposite of paying millions of dollars for a concrete dome. What if you live in a flood plain where tornados occur? Simply stated, you CANNOT build an economical tornado proof structure. It is a fact of life that a tornado will happen at some point in your life if you live in the midwest. We as "americans" know this and do the best with what we have. Am I a defeatist? I don't know maybe. I consider myself more of a realist. How about with all the money I apparently have to build this steel and concrete structure I'll fly you out to Joplin, you can go walk around and tell everyone what a bunch of schmuck's they are for building wood homes for their families instead of holes in the ground. P.S. this response took me over an hour to write. Why do you think that is?
  10. Many of the soil types and water tables do not permit houses to have a basement, deep foundation, etc. Also, many of the homes built in the US are prefab matchstick buildings due to inflated costs produced by homebuilder's. So most families in the mid-west live in homes that are either old, or new and built from cheap materials. This is a large issue that keeps coming up every time there is a tornado but is then silenced by the home builder associations. We had to fight tooth and nail for roof clips to be added to the building codes adopted in the US. Don't even get me started on residential sprinkler systems. Roof clips are a very cheap system to securely fasten the roof construction of a home to the rest of the structure. However, I can tell you that unless you build a very well engineered concrete structure (usually a dome), an F-5 tornado is just going to destroy it anyways; which is what happened in Joplin. If you want evidence, take a look at the steel and brick hospital in Joplin that wasn't even in the direct path. Not to mention that the wind speeds were able to put a piece of wood through a concrete curb (DAMN!) This is just a reality of the world we live in here in the US. No one believes it's going to happen to them. And even if they know it will, they can't afford the proper protection anyways. If you're fortunate enough, the best thing to do is get good home insurance, buy a prefab storm shelter, and pray it won't happen in your city. The truth is, no matter what you do and how much you prepare, sometimes mother nature has a way to make it all worthless.
  11. "Okay. You people sit tight, hold the fort and keep the home fires burning. And if we're not back by dawn... call the president." Big Trouble in Little China "You're a funny man, Sully, I like you. That's why I'm going to kill you last." Commando
  12. I fought a fire about 2 years ago in a walmart involving a pallet of ionizing smoke detectors. We all had to get radiation tested. You would be surprised to find the actual soot yield percentage range for some of the cheaper versions of smoke detectors. Smoke detectors are one thing you should never go cheap on in your house!
  13. http://www.legionofspartans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8380 http://www.legionofspartans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8244&st=160 http://www.legionofspartans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8352 http://www.legionofspartans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8357
  14. Picked up LA Noire for XBOX last night and have thoroughly enjoyed the game so far. Put about 2 hours into it. The game basically puts you in the body of a detective in the post WWII era of Los Angeles. The game itself focuses less on action and more on strategy and detective work. You must judge each character during conversation and select lying, doubt, or truth. Each wrong or right answer dictates how the rest of the investigation goes. I would be committing a travesty of a review if I did not mention the beautiful player modeling and facial movements. There is actually a character who has lisp and if the TV was muted I would still see the lisp. I highly recommend this title to anyone who enjoys thought filled games and puzzles.
  15. Yeah thats basically what age of empires has always been. however, if you play against real people you will find that there is a tremendous amount of strategy needed to win. I haven't had time to enable my beta key but I hope to sometime this week.
  16. Could be interesting. However, I am inclined to believe that the current gaming technology is lacking to truly provide what they are going for. A world that is limited by user defined ladders, walls, objects will differ from the real world where pirates are constantly designing new ways to capture ships. Keep us updated!
  17. I cannot speak to that. I'm sure someone with authority will have a chat with you.
  18. Billy, Try looking at your folder for the @spartaacev1.10 files. It may be that the actual @ folder is packed within the base folder. So you may have @spartaacev1.10 > @spartaacev1.10 > rest of files When it should be: @ spartaacev1.10 > rest of files
  19. Reviews are indicating numerous game flaws and game breaking bugs. I'd continue to sit this one out.
  20. I had a chance to play for a minute last night. The first AO spawned at the West end of the runway. The AI at base had a mini battle it was pretty entertaining.
  21. Joystiq link Microsoft Link Get it while its hotttt!
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