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Everything posted by Yankee~SPARTA~

  1. Unfort. I do not have internet at the apartment until Monday so I can't just copy and paste my spec. But, off the top of my head I know that I have an Intel Quad Core 2.6Ghz processor and some intel motherboard. I'm pretty sure that my motherboard is not crossfire compatible. Also the link that UST posted sends me to a whole list of things ranging from 30-400 dollars so I'm not really sure which one you were trying to point out. With that said, I want to point out that I really just want a crisp and nice feel to a game. Little lag and for the best buck. I don't think I need the latest and greatest (I really can't afford it), but im flexible.
  2. Okay, here is what I am going to go with: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814130339 I think this will do the trick since everything was working fine before my video card died. I really was hoping not to put in a new processor since I'm assuming that it would also require a new motherboard.
  3. So I finally have some funds to fix the puter and wanted some input. I'm trying to figure out if I want to put dual graphic cards into my pc. If it is worth it, then the next step would be to figure out if i have what is needed to do so. So, can anyone give me some tips as to how I can figure all of this out? Thanks!
  4. Aw thanks guys. Hopefully internet back in the new place next week! Thanks for the pictures my fiancé was happy when she almost naked chicks popping up on my phone. Cheers!
  5. Where are we at with this? Im trying to stay into the game but my current alliance doesn't do anything and my overall liking to a game is how much I'm able to play with other people.
  6. Playing as OPFOR was probably the most fun I've had with this game. Yes there were bugs a plenty, but it was just ridiculously fun and I'm pretty sure we were laughing the entire time. We could almost feel the frustration as someone dropped an ammo box right on us and I suddenly had an M107. Not to mention about 5 seconds later we received reinforcements. Great map and mission idea, can't wait to see it in the final release!
  7. Just a thought, It seems like there is an advantage for the opfor leader to start preparing as soon as we do. TacDom is already, to me, a great map and scenario and I thoroughly enjoy it. However, is there anyway to setup a trigger for the opfor leader so that he cannot actually start leading his troops until after we are spotted? This way it "could" be possible for a small insertion team with silenced weapons to make their way in undetected. I noticed yesterday that it was quite easy for kalxen to load up AA to the area that we were most likely to land at (and we did). This could even be setup to rotate so that some AO's, the opfor leader has intel that we are coming and some that it is a surprise attack. Other than that random thought I had a great time leading for the first time on Tacdom. Learned alot of good things and hope to make it next week! Cheers, Yank
  8. If you're asking me I have no idea what you're talking about
  9. Yankee~SPARTA~

    Big Dom

    Either the big dom server just crashed or I got booted. Was logging in as 'Bradshaw,' since I'm now at my parents adn able to play and was kicked from server. Anyone able to check ban log and make sure that the name 'bradshaw' isnt on there?
  10. I'd be game. Skills: None lol Currently working on a gallente drone whore. Thats my intended direction.
  11. Got into a decent corp and am switching to gallente frigates to start blasting some droids. Lots of fun so far and hanging out with people doing level 4 missions and collecting bounty is alot of fun. By fun I mean awesome.
  12. Someone gave me "beer money" and that about did it in for me. Its a conspiracy.
  13. Yeah, I'll have to figure out what all that means
  14. I'm going to take a shot at this as well. Once I get situated and see if I still want to play after 14 days I'll see if I can't get ahold of anyone. I created an acct with name YankeOSU
  15. Few questions from a SPARTA outsider: 1. What is the bias against Osprey's? I take it there has been a bad experience with these? It would be alot of fun to pack up a whole server worth of people in the back and do a HALO drop with a chopper following behind with the MHQ. I understand that if you do not know how to fly one, it's probably going to be crashed...often. But, maybe there is a way to put an actual flying timer on the Osprey? That is, you have to actually spend X amount of time in a chopper before you can fly the osprey. Just some thoughts on that aspect 2. Next, air assets. Can you modify the air assets to only allow machine gun fire and laser guided bombs? I ask this because it seems to be that the "rambo" mentality is highly feared. If you make it so that you have to coordinate with ground troops and only have 2-4 bombs to drop, the time spent flying back and forth to base will def. allow the ground troops ample time to get their share of the action. Thanks and great job fella's keep it up!
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