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Everything posted by Yankee~SPARTA~

  1. So I think its pretty across the board that this game is great. However, there is one obvious aspect that is lacking. It reallllyyyy sucks when we are all trying to play together that we do not have a server to call home. Now, I am not opposed to giving it a little more time to make sure that people are actually going to play this game for more than a month. But, I think the interest is there. So, I propose that if you're playing this game, that we open up a paypal channel to put donations directly towards a BF2 server. I understand that not everyone can do this, but maybe we could set up admin rights for people that donate and make them able to call the shots on the server. I know this idea has been tossed around but lets make this an actual topic. Please post below if you are interested in donating and/or researching the cost for hosting a decent server. I'm in for at least 100 bucks towards a server.
  2. I can't believe they didn't even try surround and drown
  3. I've got fire academy tonight and saturday but I should be around Sunday if anyone wants to get a squad together. Let me know!
  4. Halli, you missed some good hardcore squad based fun last night.
  5. How about a Tac Air dom server? Complete with realistic flight control and coordinated squadron flight patterns and attacks.
  6. pending my tax return, i may get this game.
  7. And, its not like we're getting rid of regular domination. Sometimes I just like to blow things up.
  8. We're going to need a training day lol
  9. Halli, thats what happens when your internet connection consists of you talking to someone at the other end of a can line who describes everything that would be going on your screen.
  10. Thanks kal, I won't be home for another couple hours.
  11. Kal, Could we host an ace 2 server tonight and lock it...around 4 or 5 PM CST...I wanna try some things out
  12. How does one become a member of this test team?
  13. It's some code-slut magic that takes a list and checks if you're on it. But bare the fancy talk, you gotta be on the list. Stick around and you'll get on it.
  14. we have a list of people that are allowed to fly so that we can maintain the "kiddies" flying choppers into buildings and eachother. If you want to get on this list, make sure you follow our rules and be in TS. When you think you're ready to fly a bunch of people around (If you crash they will scream and kick) head over to the thread titled something like "flying on the Main server" and post your gamer profile id for ARMA.
  15. Sometimes we do things for fun, Yoshi. Good find! Its like Kalxen left us little nintendo eggs to find.
  16. http://www.newworldorderreport.com/Article...-the-1970s.aspx
  17. I have a few minutes tonight to take you on a magical tour of the domination server...hop in vent.
  18. So I figured it would be comical if people posted their most noobish moments in ARMA history. Here's mine: When I first started playing ARMA, I really had no idea what type of game it was. When I was running around I saw people were building ai controlled assets and figured this was across the board. So the second or third time I played on the SPARTA server I went with MG gunner. As I approached the AO i saw a flanking group of infantry coming my way. Thinking I was super sneaky i decided to plant an MG nest in their path. As I stood there thinking I was the greatest war strategist ever i saw my awesome MG nest sitting there, almost beautifully waiting for a perfectly laid ambush. It was about 15 seconds and 5 rounds to the chest later that I realized not only was my MG nest not firing back, but the AI was using it for cover. Noob Happens.
  19. Some food for thought: 1. In regular domination (Everyday except Fridays) you can load two weapons into your backpack. First, loadout your first weapon by walking up to an ammo crate and choosing "gear." Once you're finished with that, scroll back through your options and choose the one that says move your current weapon to back. Once that is done, go back and choose gear and you'll have a clear backpack! Don't forget to save your gear layout! 2. When parachuting never wait until the last minute to bring up the option to open chute. 3. If you die near someone you'll be forced to wait awhile before you can respawn or get revived. 4. Lag happens. period. 5. If you die, dont yell on ts to get revived. We see you, we're trying to eliminate what killed you. 6. It only takes one bullet to die. Seriously, theres no health bar. We don't frown on tree huggers here. 7. Last note, you'll probably be confused on the small details of the game for awhile. Just be patient and ask. If no one immediately answers, just wait a few minutes and ask again.
  20. If you are around in the evenings and you see me online, pop in and I'd be glad to give you a run through of our map and gameplay style.
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