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Everything posted by Yankee~SPARTA~

  1. Can we please add a (NSFW) tag to posts that will show a giant pair of ta-ta's when i open them. Thanks, I like my job.
  2. That would bring me back to ARMA...i would probably just hang out on the carrier and drive the tractors...can we have a dedicated TS channel for the tractors? PWEASEEEE!!!!
  3. I'm sorry, excuse my lack of tech savyness, but what does this do/supposed to do/purpose?
  4. is there anyway to add code so that when you touch down it automatically shuts down and stops the plane before the end of the carrier? I see a problem with a planes lack of reverse, unless i missed somehow to reverse a plan in ARMA.
  5. I actually played regular dom for more than 5 mins. last night. It was quite splendid. hopefully we get this carrier concept working, it sounds like a good time.
  6. Yar. But, its really not the weapons that get you, I mean all weapons shoot a bullet at some level or capacity. I could probably do almost as well with the base assault weapon as with my M416. Now the perk upgrades, yeah thats a different story.
  7. We really need to update this list to see who is still playing. I'm pretty sure I have 20 players on my list and I only see probably 8-10 consistently on anymore.
  8. not to mention you can't lock ranked servers anymore and PB has to be on.
  9. MP ? Kit/gadget loadout saved between sessions Thank you baby jesus
  10. I vote for sunday afternoon and that we start a thread to see who is available.
  11. Can't we just play, drink some beer, and have a good time?
  12. Viper, I think as he mentioned these were ideas that he was just throwing at us and that nothing is set in stone.
  13. This definition will allow Cylawyer to play. I'm down for this anytime this weekend except Saturday evening.
  14. Define noob tube....we have like 5 players who are hinged on this definition.
  15. This may be why The reason why gas is going to rise this summer
  16. you could pretty much get every badge if you found a server and one other person you knew was on the other side. And by every badge i mean doing certain things in a round.
  17. I play once every 2 or 3 days for a couple hours and I've unlocked everything except one weapon in the medic track. Long story short, its not ARMA (not even close). You can play on a non ranked server with everything unlocked i believe. But, playing against people even with everything unlocked who have run the paces unlocking everything in ranked servers would not be fun. Its either for you or it isn't. Anything can be accomplished on a locked server, even super squad tactics. It's all about what you want from a game.
  18. I can only dream that someday someone will master a GTA style mmo that actually is a realistic cops vs robbers. You know, one where the highest and most elite players can be the king pins or swat officers and its a constant battle for territory. Things are tactical for the cops and run n' gun for the robbers. That'd be sweet.
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