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Everything posted by XJackerooX~SPARTA~

  1. its a subtle bit few of us know of. glad you caught it
  2. Hey guys, Just posted this video to youtube. Figured fellow DayZ fans would like it. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GPrn3I0awo&feature=youtu.be
  3. My apologies then on the private message issue then. I thought i had directed that message to private to the kid who seriously lost it on me for advising his buddy to keep from sprinting mid city... it was more of a warning than a threat. The jury is still out on the other changes, i have yet to notice..
  4. Sup guys, Sucks, but this may very well be my last communication with the spartans. After spending better part of 3 years gaming with various members of your gaming community over different games, i never thought id see what is happening on the sparta dayz server. I tend to keep my nose out of the inner workings, but lately its a bit much to overlook. The "ill ice you on sight" warning was a private message I sent to the player who YELLED AT ME on coms for advising his partner to keep low and I copied the TEXT message to the admin at the time (skaz) who replies with "wtf im admin i don't care I'm here to have fun"... I may be wrong but if there was something wrong with that message, the time to say something would've been then and there, not to pass it along to the guy who brought the players in. Same thing with the racism that has been spammed across your server by someone strangely accepted (its unbeknownst to me why exactly, other than he duplicates items and is a now widely known cheater). I say strangely because he is the only one that is spamming racism, he is the only one trolling the sidechat and giving away team position by letting off full clips of DMR cause he "just wanted to scare you" (right gunthar?). This persistent and pervasive ignoring of the wrong doings in game, refusal to discipline the constant racist and rude TS3 abuse and side chat banter (which we lose in beta THANK GOD!), and the "lets bring any old moron into the main base camp" mentality is very evident. The end result is, unintelligible TS channels, lowered quality of game play if not completely unplayable, and a widespread understanding you and your gaming community supports cheaters, racists, and shitty survival tacticians. What happened to the strict no racism policy, strict TS control, strict control of well the server with YOUR NAME ON IT PERIOD? Id like to see ANY of this shit fly in the old school spartan arma channels, i laugh because IT WOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED. I have heard it from many vet spartan officials, and i 150% agree its time to drop the hammer on YOUR server, its time to regulate. Otherwise you are just another name on the list of servers, there is nothing that makes you special or sets you apart. To those Sparta members that do enhance many different game's gameplay for the better, my hat is off to you, you are the reason this group caught my interest, you are the TRUE spartans on this site. My apologies if this ruffled any feathers, just trying to set the record straight from my end, so if you'll excuse the long note, ill be on my way.
  5. ill be finishing that video i was talking about with myself, superjedibob, emt, sandman, and tyler shortly. I'm looking for an alpha impage arma2 logo and a spartan helmet to layover at the beginning.
  6. Hey Z3NO and fellow SPARTANS, Please Grant me all flying and driving rights i qualify for. Avid Gamer, 250+ ARMA2, OA, BAF Multiplay Hours, many of those in sparta channels. Holler @ me on steam: XxJackerooxX And heres required ARMA2, OA, BAF info. PLAYER: JACKEROO USERID: 2354694
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