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Posts posted by Kavlarakos~SPARTA~

  1. As I just uploaded a small video of a cam-script I made for Arma2 I thought why not share it with you...


    This is a 5 minute cam-script displaying the SU34 Fullback, which some of you already know. Nothing really special but I enjoyed making this small video in the editor and writing the script.


    I hope you enjoy it guys!



  2. Yes finally we are quite busy here on the island, which means that I am not much online these days.


    I have to say that I haven´t tested it on a dedi server with combined operations and all the changes I have made recently. So I just hope that I did a proper job and that there are not too much bugs.



  3. What kind of format do you use. I don´t know if OA supports jpeg files. If not you have to change them to .paa files.


    In addition you have to define each pic in your description.ext, which is a bit of a pain in the ass, because when making a simple mistake like forgetting to set a ; or a { in the right place Arma2 will crash to desktop.


    The definition inside the description.ext should look like this:


    class RscPicture










    class RscTitles




    class airport









    class Picture : RscPicture













    In this case the pic`s name is airfield.paa and is inside a folder called pics.


    Good luck :)

  4. I agree with smoke. Zargabad is the map we should consider a CQB mission. I´m actually writing on a mission for that map, but can´t tell when it is ready. I even don´t know at this moment how many mission objectives I want to integrate and what the storyline will be exactly.


    For those who have played my "Riders on the storm" mission: I am going to convert this mission to Combined Operations so that there is the new weapons available from OA. And I will make some tweaks here and there. Maybe we can get it onto one of the servers if there is enough interest to play the mission.

  5. Just one small thing and I don't know if this really makes a difference or not, but I know some games/programs might be picky on this. Would you have to put a 0 in front of numbers below 1? Like you have .9 or .7 for some values but should it be 0.9 or 0.7 or does it really not matter?



    For Arma2 it does matter as in most of the facts a 1 represents 100% so that a 0.9 represents 90% and o.7 70%.

  6. If it is the JIP issue I had in the Battle for Utes map you are talking about then I do have a few ideas for you:


    First you have to edit your init.sqf. Put in these commands:






    publicVariable "obj1";

    publicVariable "obj2";

    publicVariable "obj3";


    onplayerConnected {[] execVM "scripts\JIP.sqf"};


    If you have more then 3 objectives just add obj4, obj5 etc.


    Then put in the activation line of each of your objective triggers publicVariable "obj1"; obj1=true. For 2nd objective publicVariable "obj2"; obj2=true. And so on...




    Create a new sqf file and call it JIP.sqf and save it into your scripts folder.

    Inside this new file try out something like that:


    If obj1=true then


    Objective1 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED";

    "1" objstatus "Done";



    If obj2=true then


    Objective2 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED";

    "2" objstatus "Done";



    If obj3=true then


    Objective3 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED";

    "3" objstatus "Done";





    But the definations have to be the same you use in your briefing.sqf


    I don´t know what kind of task system you use in that particular mission so there could be some conflicts with that way I am using.


    I hope this is of any help...

  7. I don´t see anything in your init.sqf what would cause a reboot or a crash. Must be something else. Must be one of the triggers which defines the success or failure of an objective or even of the mission. Check all the triggers for their conditions to be activated. Sometimes it is just a small logical misunderstanding for a trigger is activated...

  8. ok i can get on the server now and start game but it reboots after a minute if that and have to restart mission.


    not sure about why that is happening.


    will keep looking at this.



    Does it only restart when it is running on a dedi server or also when you run it hosted from your pc or even in the preview of the editor.


    Try to sort things out logically.

  9. As far as I see this script pack includes only the transformer stations which are already on the map. But it might be possible to create other transformers and use the same codes used for the script pack to let for example only a military depot cut off power. And if this does not work you can still use the code I used for the Balota mission. This isactually quite easy to do.

  10. What I did, was placing a game logic in the area where I wanted to let drop the power. And I used a code in a trigger which defines the radius in meters around the logic. And when activated all electric lights (street lamps, traffic lights) go out within the defined radius.


    The Electrical Grid Simulation is much more complex. I think this was also available in arma1 in those days. Basically what it does is simulating an electric power envirement, so that when destroying certain transformer stations certain parts of chernarus will be without power. As I said much more complex then my simple code.


    Could be quite interesting to integrate this into domination. But it will only perform of course at night. But also very useful for mission makers.

  11. Unfortunately Greece is out. The match was pretty good, but it was like a fight David vs Goliath. Argentina was just too strong for our brave greek team. Our goal-keeper did an amazing job that night. At least they can go home now with raised heads.


    Argentina is my personal favourite for the tournament. They play really nice football and they have some of the worlds best players in the team like Messi, Milito and Veron. It´s quite a pleasure seeing these guys playing football.


    Very disappointed about Germany although they won the match against Ghana. They played very unspectacular and made a lot of mistakes especially in the offense. I think the lack of experience might be the reason for that.

  12. I also saw the match and I have to agree with Batwing. In addition to the 4 goals, the germans had many other good chances, so that the actual score could easily been like 6:0.


    The germans are currently playing with the youngest WC-team ever. And another big plus for that team is that 5 player are playimg in the team of Bayern Munich.


    The result was a very nice match against a not very strong opponent.

  13. I saw the match tonight. England vs USA and I have to admit that I am really surprised about the american team. I mean despite the USA hasn´t a big lobby for soccer they did an amazing job tonight. well done. Playing 1:1 is a very good result against a team like England. BTW England could have done better... I think they lost a lot of good chances.


    Please don´t remind me of the desasterous match Greece vs South Korea...The greek tragedy part 1.

  14. I just wanted to remind you guys that in about one month Operation Arrowhead is coming out and so it might be a waste of time and energy to start now editing stuff for Arma2. After the release probably nobody is going to play Arma2 anymore but Operation Arrowhead.


    So I think it is better to save our energies for OA.

  15. Yes, Durka is probably right. Buildings in Arma2 had up to 3 destruction models. I tried it several times with several buildings in the editor. Some buildings like i.e the lighthouse had only the choice of full intact or totally destroyed. Others like the airport tower have 3 different models increasing every 33% for example.


    Maybe they have now decreased it to only 20% for certain buildings and hopefully also included the aspect of the direction for a destruction of the building.


    But anyway don´t forget that this is a military simulation and not a pure action game where graphical depth plays the primary role. I just think that after firing at a building and a breach appears which is possible to enter is fair enough for a game like that.

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