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Posts posted by Kavlarakos~SPARTA~

  1. - Why shoot him dead and not arrest him?

    - Why throw him into the sea and do not bury him?

    - Why hurry to get rid of the body before confirm (DNA test, fingerprints, teeth, etc.) that the body is him not an pakistani shepard?


    Strange things happen in strange lands...

  2. The one game that i'm really looking forward to this year is The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. I played the first one at the start of this year and found it to be the best RPG i've played yet. If the sequel is anything like the original then it's a day 1 buy for me!


    Agreed. The Witcher was a damn good game. But more then the witcher 2 I am looking forward to Skyrim. Played every elder scrolls title and installed a big bunch of mods for Oblivion. i expect Skyrim to be the best rpg coming out this year.

  3. Especially not to mention that once upon a time we played with designated pilots who brang people to the AO and back. These guys have proven themselves throughout their flying skills. They announced takeoffs and fetched ammo boxes etc.


    It´s really frustating after boarding a chopper together with 10 other guys and the pilot is crashing into a tree just 10 seconds after taking off...

  4. Finally watched the video. Just awesome. It is getting better and better. Looks like Lightys missions are going to become an interactive movie set. :thumbsup_anim:


    And yes since I moved from greece to germany I realized that a lot of the youtube videos I watched in greece are now not available in germany.

  5. The mad ACE guys playing on our server asked me to port domination to Ovaron for an exciting project Involving a carrier and other things. Unfortunately there were technical issues so I have made this a straight forward port with the US base on the western runway (they are still working on the project but it will be mission based).


    The port is 99.9% complete but I want to test it, if anyone is interested let me know.


    Once I have tested it I will add more AO's and side missions (Currently 11/10)


    Ovaron can be downloaded here.




    (Thanks to JHunter for helping me get rid of the camo netting).


    Do you mind if I start to add a carrier to this?

  6. Nice is this for Fatal to use in his videos?


    The intention of the 3d model is to integrate it into a 10 seconds animated Sparta intro. If Fatal wants to add the intro or parts of it for his videos then he is more then welcome to use it.


    I am very close to release a first animation just to get an impression how it will look like...



    I've spent time modifying and practicing the camera controls. The only downside is that I don't know of any way to get rid of the "cinematic border". One thing I tried that worked during preview and single-player modes was simply restarting the mission. However, when I tried doing this in multiplayer mode, the border stayed. No big deal, though.




    The command you are looking for is: showcinemaborder false;


    However it does not work if you activate the camera via the initialization box of your player unit.


    Just for a test:


    Open your Arma2 mission editor. Place your unit on the map. name the unit s1.


    Place a trigger:

    Axis a = 0

    Axis b = 0

    Activation: radio Alpha

    On act: s1 exec "camera.sqs"; showcinemaborder false;




    Just hit 0-0-1 and you should be good. Hope this helps!!!

  8. Very nice! Is there any way you could include a Spartan helmet in the animation, such as the one in the website banner? I would need the final render in 1080p; any file format will do,


    To do the helmet could need some time because I need to put geometric objects like cubes and spheres together but it is definately doable. I can do it also the other way round like let it burst into thousands fragments...


    Check this preview of Exploding Sparta Logo...


  9. Here is a small animation of a Sparta Logo I made with Cinema 4D. Maybe you can use it as intro or something. It has been rendered in a very poor resolution (320 x 240 pixels) just for a kind of preview. If there is interest I can render it again in a much better resolution. I can also change the camera position and the amount of time for the fragments coming together. I just thought it could be of use for intros featuring Sparta videos. Maybe there could be added some cool music or bits of sound...


    Or if you have a cool idea for another animation like a "Ghost Recon: Island Thunder" animation for an intro let me know and I will try to create something suitable. But I have to admit I am not a professional. Just a hobby!!!


  10. I had a quick go with the first mission aswell. Looks very good to me. As I played in single player mode and after playing Arma2 for a long time again I had really difticulties to find the enemies but my AI comrades did a very good job. I guess that in MP it will be a much different gameplay. I like the setting and the atmosphere of it. The briefing and the storyline is nicely done aswell. Looking forward to try it out in MP when I find some day the time for it...

    Good job Lighty

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