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Everything posted by Kavlarakos~SPARTA~

  1. The thing I missed in A2 is the fact that most of the buildings are not open, so that you can´t deploy Ai into them. In Arma there were more open buildings with different floors. Also the design of the cities and towns on Sahrani were different. In A2 there is not one single bridge for example. What I have read is that BIS will put more unlocked buildings into OA which hopefully makes Urban combat more enjoyable.
  2. yes I was ordered to bring in the cargo to the fuel station. The first time I came in much too high and took some MG fire. This was when you fired the Javs on the tank. 2nd time I came in pretty low and still took MG fire. 3rd time I came in very, very low inserted Adder flew away just to see that right after the touchdown he was killed. All in all it was pretty cool to play a whole Tac dom night as designated pilot, trying to insert low face to face with the trees. I can imgine now what it takes in reality to make such insertions. I think I would die on the pilot seat by an adrenalin overdosis.
  3. Or to crete. It is almost 5 years ago last time i saw snow....
  4. BTW. I just want to know one thing: As I was the designated pilot yesterday to bring in troops, armour, beer etc to the AO I just want to know who was it who shot at me from Opfor with an unguided missile as I brought in an abrams with my MH60 (2nd AO). You missed me few inches... The 2nd time just a few minutes later I brought in a Repair truck at the same LZ and again an unguided missile was fired on my chopper, and again it missed me a few inches. What a fun... The thing is that AI does not fire RPGs on choppers so I just wanted to know WAS IT YOU KAL??? Or was it Ebden? Anyway you should improve your aim...
  5. This happens when you go into a stadium in order to watch your team and then you realize, that you should have better be sitting on the opposite side of the stadium. name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>&"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" />
  6. That´s correct. But with a condition for example when coming too close to the ground it could be set to destructable again. Like this: If c130 getpos select 2 < 5 then c130 allowdamage true; But anyway it works you say, so it might not be needed.
  7. Why not give the C130 the "This allowdamage false" Command so it gets indestructable.
  8. Maybe. What I did is to use this code and rewrote it into one of my triggers: _actionId = _vehicle addAction ["View radar", "mission\radar\viewRadar.sqf", ["forwardRadar", 8], 1, false, true, "teamSwitchPrev", "driver _target == player"]; The really imprtant fact is the "true, false" in this code which allows only the specific person which has been defined in the condition to see the action entry. To be honest I really don´t know for what each of the specifications are good for but the result is that the code worked...
  9. Case solved, patient dead . Actually the code of BIS did it. Now with this code the entry is hidden to everybody except the pilot. Thanks to MH6.
  10. This could maybe work. The problem is that I can only find out when testing at least with 2 persons. But again I doubt, because when driver is player the condition again is fulfilled and will every player inside the chopper give the damn entry....! These are the small nasty issues which don´t let me sleep. I think this can only be solved with a script instead of a trigger.
  11. No does not work and it is logical, because it is not the condition ("if (driver this == player19)") which is the problem. It is the activation which provides everybody in the chopper the entry. What I found so far is that there are some specifications you can add after the entry. the code is: unit addAction [actionentry, "scriptname"(arguments, priority, showWindow, hideonUse, shortcut, condition)] But I really don´t know how to use them.
  12. Indeed they are concurrent. We planned to make something like a MP campaign with an ongoing story. And to chapter 2 I can only tell so far that it won´t take place on Utes and that it will be a night mission.
  13. Which is in work and to 80% finished. And I think it will be far better then the battle for Utes. At least I hope so. We will see. But we will also fix a few things on the first chapter just to improve it.
  14. I encountered a problem while writing on the 2nd mission. Here is the issue: I want to give a chopper an action menu entry to unload an ammo box. So I placed a global trigger and put into the condition the following syntax: getpos chopper_1 select 2 < 4 && player19 in chopper_1 (player 19 is the pilot) In the activation line this: ammodrop1 = chopper_1 addaction ["Drop ammobox","scripts\ammodrop1.sqs"] Inside the script I just changed the position of an ammobox, which I placed somewhere at the border of the map with: ammobox_1 setpos getpos chopper_1; Everything works fine except for one thing. Everybody who sits in the chopper gets this action menu entry. But I want only the pilot to be able to get this entry. How can I do that?
  15. @ Ebden Calling in am airdrop seems to me impossible as the whole island is full with AA. It does not seem to me a really good idea calling in a C130 or a Osprey when even our airstrike jets can´t come through. Another RHIB driven by AI coming in to the NE shore after liberating Kameny seem more likely to work. After it hits the shore a trigger will be activated and a big Ammo box will be dropped there. What about that?
  16. Sounds like a good idea. Why not. You mean to make 3 different versions of the map. We also considered to make a version using the RH M4/M16 mod. In addition I would like to see how this map would perform at night.
  17. I just want to say one thing: Maybe it was a desaster for Blufor yesterday (what in addition means good jop opfor) but also it was really great fun yesterday. And for me the biggest indicator for that is to do not can tell how fast time passes by. And when I looked at my watch yesterday after only finishing one Ao i really was impressed and shocked. I don´t know exactly how long we played but maybe we broke the record for completing just one AO???
  18. The paradrop is still an issue which I thought I managed to get work properly, but unfortunately it still is an issue. there were only supposed to be 5 parachutes instead of 5*nr of players which have been finally 50+ chutes. We will fix that otherwise we will get rid of paradrops at all.
  19. Good work. Looks very professional. Although I don´t want to be reminded of the desaster yesterday... Anyway looks really good. BTW as I always like to play with the editor and the camera.sqs, I am also quite used to cam-scripting. So I wrote just for fun a few cam scenes you might be interested in. I.g I wrote a 6 minutes scene for the SU34, which takes off and then approaches its AO and is blowing it up. If you want I would like to send it to you, just to see what you think about it. Cheers
  20. Zeno will put up the mission "Battle for Utes" tomorrow saturday at 8 pm UK time on the server. We both hope that there are enough of us to play this mission in 2 teams. Hope to see you tomorrow then. Looking forward to it.
  21. We fractionized them on the carrier and with Stang on board we rebuilded them at the shore.
  22. We (Zeno and I) are proud to present chapter 1 of a mission campaign - Battle for Utes. This mission is now running on the Tac server and we need up to 20 players, though its doable with with around 10. Chapters 2 and 3 are in production. Further developments of this story line will depend on the reception of these initial pilot missions. We will determine the most convenient day and time and announce it shortly Background Chernarus and its dependency Utes have been overrun by their northern neighbour Vilnarus. The ports of Chernarus and its gas pipeline are of strategic importance to Nato. Given the long term importance of the pipeline (supply gas for the next 20 years) and the poor diplomatic relations Nato has had with Vilnarus, Chernarus must be liberated. The allies are under severe budgetary constraints and we have other global obligations, so we are obliged to attack with limited resources. To overcome this we must use superior tactics. Utes The general staff has determined that a beach assault to the west offers the best chance of success. We will soften the enemy defences with naval and arial bombardment. RHIBS will then approach the coastline, once ashore the commander shall establish a forward base. Ammunition, medical facilities and some transportation will be available. The order of attack is down to the commander. But the principal targets are: Tasks 1 Northern camp, 2 Kamenyy, 3 Vehicle service camp , 4 Anti Air Radar, 5 airport and the SU34 fighers, 6 Artillery Radar, 7 Strelka, Intel 100+ regular infantry Reports of spetsnaz units Snipers Armour (BMP's, Vodniks and some T72s) Air (some hinds, SU are not prepped for combat operations and should not be a threat). Potential for para reinforcements and some land reinforcements from the east of the island. Artillery - There are some artillery batteries on the island Notes Once ashore commanders can call on one naval and one arial bombardment each. Use the Humvees to carry extra weapons and ammo, keep them safe. Enemy encampments contain ammo dumps, contrary to our normal SOP use of enemy weaponry is authourised. We hope you will enjoy our first mission and would appreciate any feedback. Best regards Zeno and Kav
  23. I really enjoyed tacdom tonight. But unfortunately I was only able to play the first AO under Phishers command in Bravo team, who made a very good job. He always tried to reduce the threat to a minimum by looking for spots with good cover and setup a good location with the armed hummer quite close to our main objective so that we circled around finding some good spots, then back to the hummer rearm back again finding another good spot taking out some armour, rearm again and then finally blow up the radio tower, which was my job. I enjoyed also the missing of the backpacks, which made the whole gameplay more realistic and of course tactical. I just think that the whole thing is about finding good spots with good cover. By doing so a whole squad can act together with less casualties and average effectiveness. It is usually the same, independent with what weapons you fight with, knowing the terrain and make use of it is in my opinion the key for a success. To the chopper issue i also totally agree with Durka, that in this case to persons are needed in the chopper, one concentrating on flying and the other on targeting especially when it is a hot AO. On the other hand when you are just the pilot you have to keep long distance, hide behind a mountain and reveal yourself just for a few moments to get 1 or to shots with the hellfire and then hide again. Anyway i enjoyed it yesterday although it was only for 2 hours...
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