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Everything posted by adder360~SPARTA~

  1. the uav respawn bug is still apparent, but if the one in the hanger that is uncontrollable is destroyed, ran over with something heavy or shot it will usually respawn working. In talking about People that can operate UAV's there could be a slot in each squad called something like "forward UAV operator" then you would have someone to launch the darter at the ao, even if they carry it and launch it and then have someone else to control it and scout for them. Also it could be useful to locate the uavs not in the hangers but right next to the runway with nothing in the way so they can take off by them selfs.
  2. I had an idea and tried it out and have made it work. Using a UGV as an mhq. This allows you to send it towards an AO and then you can carry on flying there and then whist your carrying on with your mission mhq is making its way to you. so when you finish you can use it to teleport back or one person to get a chopper or to rearm or to teleport in reinforcements. currently seeing how long it will take to go across island.
  3. who knew doing the missions properly would be enjoyable!
  4. yer im not getting bf3 I remember playing arma 1 for ages before arma 2 came out . what annoyed me about bf4 is there gonna be to much DLC there releasing the first one at the same time as the game release. I don't see how this is extra content and not just a part of the game taken out so they can make more money.
  5. you can but you cant c4 the safe cos these put in these new stronger safes you have to drill
  6. did a few pro overkill rats after the change and it is harder, you go down so quick and a few guys throwing hissy fits when it failed. and at the end the pay out is about 40k xp less. there is a new mission called diamond store which seems a bit of a bigger version of the jellwery shop.
  7. well I noticed change when I went to do a quick Ukrainian job and was greeted by this http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/635295181765195474/B3FEC5607F26EA94CDDE8ABFB6A210E112172BDA/ and was just left standing there with my useless c4
  8. bought it, further increasing my steam spending spree lol
  9. well ive ordered it we will see what happens
  10. u just have to be a pro ninja for the shields lol
  11. I've just tried out an app on my android and looks pretty good so far. shows who is in channel and speaking and so on. Requires phone connected to the Wi-Fi the computer is connected to. it is also free and took me all of 2 mins to set up. search TeamSpeak 3 in the app store will show up is called "ts3 remote"
  12. I put it on yesterday, it was getting a couple of thousand extra point, not that much but as Tesco say every little helps
  13. just noticed on mastermind teir 2 a skills "fast Lerner" so u can gain more experience when completing jobs
  14. http://goo.gl/OYaED4 think going to go for this get saw iron man and shaped charge and 5 cuffs
  15. ha ha im having the trouble of finding the 10km flight in a strait line a bit boring so flooring it and the it suddenly pitching up crashing and being like its to broken
  16. ive been playing this a bit today, I think I need to calibrate my controller or something menus are all flicker like im constantly scrolling, and flying im going to have to get used it. music's quite odd rather pumping for just flying in a strait line lol
  17. hello everyone, In my internet travels I have seen advertisement for the pre ordering of battlefield 4. I am thinking about it but have got a few issues with it. firstly pre ordering is £45 for the normal + the first dlc (the dlc is another issues ill come to in a min) or the digital deluxe for a sum of £55 which comes with bonus content and beta access and the first dlc. I have to say for pre ordering prices for a game that will not be out till October time I think the price is very steep. form this point on I think this may turn into a rant you have been warned. I mean what extras do you get for your extra £10???? so far I can only see it described as "bonus content" so other than that you have the access to test there game out for them so they don't fix all the bugs and still have to download a gb of game patches a week after the game is released. now the DLC "China Rising" forgive me for being a bit confused but if you release a game and an expansion pack at the same time or at lest announce you are going to do it before the game is released its a lot like kings mill selling a loaf of bread for the normal price but if you want crust you can buy them separately as an add on. This really has wound me up a bit surely this should just be content of the game!! well any way would be nice to hear if any one else had even thought about this at all (the game not my rant lol) Adder
  18. CODE : BF3E3 valid till 19th of june go into origin, then to redeem product code hopefully it will work for others enjoy Adder
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