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Everything posted by Spazo

  1. Spazo

    Idle servers

    Hey sorry I'm reviving an old thread but RL issues have been at a forefront for the last couple weeks. Last night was my first time on in a while so I'm slightly behind the 8 ball here. Tyler has the right thinking and an accurate complaint re: Sahrani server. Sahrani is also the primary server on which I play. Ever since the tweak that allowed us to get 30 urals/shilkas/tungs per bonus aircraft (ok I may be exaggerating but not by much!), having the server reset would be is a massive loss esp when we actually get a bonus aircraft. I'm sure that the cost/benefit ratio is probably all screwed up with having a limited amount of resources used only by a handful of people, but the resets do "hinder the flow" of the game. However, I also agree with Tyler that I'd rather have option A than option B... Oh yeah, plus I like going into the server and seeing (and adding onto) my 1000 point game! ;) (seriously, this last point was just for fun)
  2. BIG THANKS to whomever fixed the busted side missions (pilot and prisoner rescue). Haven't gotten the bank one yet so I can't confirm / deny if that one is working. Yeah, just got the mission and I blew up every building in town and it's still busted. Many thanks!
  3. Thanks for the response but I still find it frustrating. Also, I just tried it with Some Grass and Full Grass to the same results; ie they are below ground. I didn't take video but will later if it helps.
  4. Ok, I can't create a new thread but I was having issues today on the Sahrani map and not really sure if it was a problem on my end or a problem with the newest patch... I took some video and uploaded it to YouTube so here are the links... = Watch the unit disappear... at range or not, this happens A LOT.. = These look like pretty clear shots and they aren't even reg-ing. Also, thx to KalX for helping out on the server today. All y'all's support for the servers is very nice and appreciated!
  5. Yeah, that's Waffles... I'd also like to throw my hat into the ring to become a "Certified Pilot."
  6. First off, I like the larger AOs. Having the upped-ammo ammo boxes is a major plus to be able to counter the larger amounts of armor inside them. However, I am a side mission junkie. I don't remember specifics but Yankee (i think it was him) and I were working on a Side Mission the other night and the new AO popped up; fortunately (for us) the SM was right on the edge of the Red Circle but we triggered the "Spotted" ambient and we had a bunch of tanks and infy that we weren't counting on and it became very, um, "sporty."
  7. Hey all! Been playing on your server now for a while (usually Side Missions) and thought I might drop in and Register on el forums. I really like how you have good rules and your admins do their job effectively. Just last night we were having problems and Kol came in and straightened it all out and "chill-axed" all parties involved. Unfortunately, shortly thereafter, the server got inundated with smack-tards so most of us (with the help of Kol) left and joined one of your other servers. Really appreciate the help both then and all the previous times we've needed admins. Keep it up and I (and all us Side Mission guys) appreciate your hard work! [/brown_nosing] ;)
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