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Everything posted by Shinobi_EBDA

  1. If we're going to have warnings when FOBs are under attack, we'll want much longer than one minute to capture the FOB, considering the distances in ArmA and the pretty much realistic travel times involved. So either you have to hold a FOB for quite a few minutes before you can raise the flag, or there's no point for the warning. If we want a shorter capture time, I'd suggest just using the command system to let the team know when a FOB has been captured so they at least know without checking the map that the enemy is advancing. And I still want snipers. Maybe there could be some sort of unlock system, where you can't use sniping until you have certain FOBs? You could have designated marksman at the least, and have the weapons needed only in certain ammo crates.
  2. I like the idea, but would like to suggest a little change. If you want to stress tactics, I'd say instead of unlimited weapons with limited scope possibilites, make it a fixed kit mission. That way everyone has a role to play. That way, you could also have a sniper team (shooter/spotter) that can be used as a force multiplyer.
  3. I haven't tried any tweaking yet, but I've tried the alpha lite version using the automatic settings and I have to say, it would appear to be running much better than ArmA2 did! Will take a look at the tweaking once I get the actual alpha version! Thanks again for the lite version, Dai-San!
  4. Good post, Haji. And Dai, thanks for the invite! Now I just have to get away from the missus for a bit and start playing around. ;O)
  5. Shinobi_EBDA Might even work with ninja_seven Cheers, mate!
  6. What's the Lite version entail? Low-res textures and stuff? I guess I could always take that invite until I get a good paycheck so I can pay for an alpha...
  7. I wonder how my computer will cope with this? Q9450 4GB DDR2 800 ATI 4890 1GB GDDR5. I still haven't purchased the alpha.
  8. That sounds awesome! I wonder how much "pay to win" this one will be, though?
  9. This will be a lot better than WarZ. I haven't played the mod a lot, but when I did it was quite exciting.
  10. Only just found this post. This game looks like awesome fun! Can't wait to see a release date for this one - although I think I'll have to upgrade my computer a bit before then!
  11. I'm not jealous at all... Can't wait to get to lvl 50! Taking me ages, though.
  12. If they're released on bail, it's not really resolved yet, is it?
  13. I got my Saitek x45 plugged in and went through the tutorial yesterday. Kept missing the carrier on the last tutorial mission, LOL. Game seems like it will be a hit though. Yet to play it online against real people yet, so we'll see I guess. There are plenty of aircraft with tailgunners, Dai-San, but I'm not sure yet if you can play with a coop tailgunner of if you can only have AI or control him yourself. Anyone played with one of those planes yet and can let us know how that works?
  14. I noticed a few of you guys in TS playing this yesterday, so I went and downloaded the installer. Haven't got it installed yet though, as I had some maintenance to do first. So are you guys enjoying it? I checked out a couple of trailers and it looked cool. How is the realism? Say, compared to ArmA flying?
  15. What's BSM stand for, Dai? Are there a lot of you guys? Wondering if it's worth it moving over to Jaeger. Right now it's me, Naz and RX3 I think that have the game at EBDA.
  16. I see that you have 2 channels in TS for this game for the servers Jaeger and Connery. Does this mean you're not playing on Matthersson any more?
  17. How do people have such luck with getting refunds from Steam? When Ubisoft sold me a broken game via Steam (Ghost Recon Future Soldier) I had no possibility of a refund, even though the game was unplayable for me! Other people had also gotten refunds for that game from Steam. I guess I don't have enough email-charisma points.
  18. I had fun playing it when I tried it out. More fun than the zombie-slashing in DayZ, but also more time-consuming in a way.
  19. The proper way sounds like a good way.
  20. So, have you guys already given up on this, or am I just out of luck each time I get to play?
  21. That really depends a lot on which game engine they use though, right? I mean, there's plenty of lovely jungle and shit in Far Cry 2 and that runs fine on my comp. I have relatively high settings on BF3 and MOH, but they run a lot worse IMO. They are both on the Frostbite engine, so... Planetside I'm not quite sure about.
  22. Sounds cool. What are the requirements like compared to Far Cry 2? My computer handled that game alright, but I'm having trouble with newer games like BF3, MOHW and Planetside...
  23. Just created a character on Mathersson. Vanu. Name is Sh1no81. I sent some friend invites out. Gunny, your name came back as invalid...
  24. The way I understood it from the tutorial videos, is that you can have at least one character from each faction on the same server? Maybe I was mistaken, though. I haven't tried making more than one character anyway.
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