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Everything posted by Phisher~SPARTA~

  1. We're still playing. No Huey yet, but lots of other gear. The patch last night hopefully fixed vehicles/items so they will be persistent now even if the server restarts or crashes.
  2. Phisher~SPARTA~

    Arma 3

    New gameplay footage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I17J2a7sYEc&feature=player_embedded#!
  3. Awesome Kal. That will definitely come in handy.
  4. Also to note, The guy said he has found NVG's, Rangefinder, and the Radio on Zombie Solders. I know EMT was asking about that earlier if the zombie soldiers drop anything good,
  5. Interesting thread. I guess a guy found a radio that is broadcasting coordinates to deer stands. Some people think it leads to sweet loot or something. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=825 _________________________ I found a Radio earlier tonight about 3 hours ago at Green Mountain. It was the first time I've ever actually been over there and it was night time on the server so I didn't know what to expect. I saw a bunch of dead soldier corpses, scared me because I thought they were dead players until I got closer, I couldn't interact with any of the bodies on the ground except for one, which was a soldier, so I assume it was a zombie maybe, but I found a radio and 1 canned food which I really needed because when I logged on, my food icon was red.. anyways! I thought the radio was a beta item or something because I couldn't interact with it or do anything with it as far as I know, but like.. around 5 minutes later, I started hearing static, which I thought was coming from someone 'hot-mic'-ing but no ones mic was on that I could see, and after a few minutes I knew it wasn't proximity mic either, because the sound stayed at a steady volume, but it was just static for a really long time, so I alt-tabbed to check if I left a window open that was playing sound, but when I alt-tabbed, the sound stopped, so obviously it was in game. I really didn't know it was coming from the radio at this point, I thought my audio was bugged, but a while passed with this static on, and I started hearing music, and it scared he hell out of me. I thought someone was near me, but I was in the middle of the woods, and I am usually paranoid enough to always check if someone is around me, but ya, the music started, it was like a short piano tune, and then it cut to what sounded like whispering and humming, I couldn't make it out at all. At this point I alt-tabbed out again to see if I left my music player up just to make sure, but nothing else was up except for Arma and Steam, and like before, the audio cut off when I alt tabbed, meaning that it was central to the game, not outside of the game. When I went back to the game, I heard counting, or like.. not really counting, but kinda like what the default soldiers do in Arma when they die? they kinda have this very pre-set and generic audio where they spurt out random numbers, but this reminded me more of Vanilla Sky, where they have weird ambient noise in the background sometimes with what sounds like a person saying numbers. I didn't bother recording it initially because I really didn't care, I thought it was just ambient radio stuff that came along with having a radio, kinda adds to the ambience, you know? it kept going and I heard more voices occasionally, and weird beeps between each reading of numbers, and then either morse code or radio wave signals and then piano again, and then it stopped for a while, I just heard the white noise, which isn't that bad, but like... an hour after that, I heard it again, I *THINK* it was the same message. If it wasn't the same message, it was very similar. once again it scared the hell out of me when it started because I kinda forgot about it at this point lol, but it played again, I stopped doing what I was doing to actually listen this time, I wrote down some of the numbers, but I still can't make out anything else that is being said, it is really hard to hear. After that time of it playing, I kinda assumed it was going to play within the next hour again, so I started to record my audio while playing, I lowered all other audio channels so I could have a clear recording of it, and just as I expected, it started to play again, I'll link the recording with this post at the end, but can anyone help me figure out wtf it is? I am willing to trade my radio for a silenced m4 or something, because this is kinda getting annoying at this point, I searched the forums for anything similar but there isn't anything relevant that shows up, does anyone else have a radio that can understand wtf this is? Thanks for the help! here's the link to the recording: http://www.mediafire.com/?7d69d542amysnz8
  6. Same here. I think the DayZ forums have a story submission section too.
  7. Patch 1.53 Is out, make sure you download it. Changelog: UPDATE : 1 MAY 2012 Affected addons: * dayz_code 1.5.3 Developer's Note: * PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MAKE SURE YOU HAVE DAYZ 1.2.2 FROM LAST UPDATE ALREADY! Changelog: * [FIXED] Morphing to new character causes empty backpack * [FIXED] At least some instances of players not able to load * [FIXED] "Monkey" Zombies weren't spawning * [FIXED] Bandits could not get in vehicle with other bandits/survivors * [NEW] Sync of player now entirely player driven to reduce server load and hangups * [NEW] Server database sync of characters heavily optimized to reduce load * [NEW] Server database sync of vehicles heavily optimized to reduce load * [NEW] Server item creation optimized to reduce change of vehicles/tents not spawning in * [NEW] Management of tent/vehicle inventory sync by server rewritten * [NEW] EXTERNAL SCRIPT: Dynamic Weather Effects Script by Engima
  8. Concerning the latest patch and tents, as well as future plans: All previous tents were deleted (as the tent was being duplicated 100's of times) with this release. If you have a tent bag in your personal gear, you can pitch a tent. Anyone can access what is in it. When you change the gear in the tent, it is scheduled for updating (unlike characters, which have both scheduled and forced updates). When you die, the tent stays but you can no longer pack it up. Only the character who created it can pack the tent up. In future, tents will survive a few days after their creator died, before being removed by the server but I'm still trying to work out how best to do this. Remember: anyone can raid your tent. So hide it. Also: Tents are LOCAL TO THAT SERVER. They will not spawn in on other servers. Soon to be released are underground caches which are invisible, a bit more secure to store your stuff. Also, sandbags and defences will be syncronized to the database also and persistent. So you will be able to fortify entire towns. However these will require maintenance so they can stay.
  9. Dying from PVP sucks. It's frustrating. It makes you think you just wasted X many hours all to be killed. But, I haven't played a game that made me feel that way in a long time. There is also a tremendous amount of accomplishment and thrill when you pull off a raid, loot someone's gear, or see other people's choices play out in front of you @ 700m. Rocket is also making groups more permanent, through basecamps, structures, and I believe more models. Not to mention when it gets integrated into ARMA 3. It's not for everyone, but the potential it does have goes beyond almost any game out there that I can see.
  10. The files are now hosted on the official mod site: http://www.dayzmod.com/ Look for the downloads tab on the right.
  11. No I basically I changed servers and was headed back to Stary just to get new gear. When I got there I decided to switch back to the older server and just see if my body was still there, and it was. Hadn't been touched.
  12. Success! I was able to join a different server, run up to Stary. Tried joining previous server though it was totally fubar. Waited 1hr to get in from loading screen. My body, plus NVG's, Rangefinder were still there. Thought the Coyote pack vanished when I tried taking it. I have a CZ550 w/ like 10 clips now but it doesnt work with NVG's.
  13. Finally bit the bullet. Watched two people betray a friendly in Stary. Was observing them for almost 30 minutes through NVG's. They weren't very bright, running around with the flares and such. I assumed they would make a go for the grocery store. Lined up so I could take them out with the winchester. They completely bypassed the store and by the time I saw them they were walking right toward me at a distance of about 10m. Took them both out but one of them had an auto-shotty and was able to kill me as he died. Trying to get my stuff back now.
  14. Nice find MH6. I think that is deserving of a custom model in game...
  15. Definitely good advice. The revolver and winchester shotgun seem to have the most ammo about. I generally won't shoot unless I am surrounded or there is cache of items I am going after (grocery store, airfield, apartment building) where there is a good chance of finding more ammo for my weapon. I don't know how people can handle running around with M4's and M24's as their primary, I would be constantly worried about being overrun and having to deal with no ammo. It will be nice when we can permanently store the items in a tent and basically grab the most effective weapon (like an m4) for a current situation.
  16. Yea, I think as long as the day/night ratio is good we should stick with it. If we play with TS we are already at an advantage as we can identify quickly who and where we are. We are all used to the lack of crosshair's too.
  17. This is what the mod maker is doing for the PVP System, said it will be implemented today or tomorrow: To clarify: Not going to remove or even restrict PVP. The intent of this whole mod is to provide you choices, the intent of the planned change (humanity) is to provide some impact of those choices. There's not "punishment" for PvP, but doing alot of PvP will cause your character model to become a "bandit" model. This will make you recognizable as the type of role you have taken on. Your choice in the world is whether you want to retain your humanity, or whether you want to survive. The two are not mutually exclusive, but sometimes you come to a situation where you will need to make a choice. My whole intent, with the entire game mode, was to make a situation where real human emotions are forced out and experienced - both the good and the bad. My experience in the military taught me sometimes the most rewarding moments come when things were the hardest, when terrible things happened, but they were overcome. My key intention was to make something very brutal, almost cruel, for those like me (I'm the kinda guy who always turns the difficulty right up to max) who want to experience real human emotion (be it absolute frustration, defeat, anger - through to happiness and excitement). I guess what I am saying, is it has not been about "gameplay balancing" (which is not my best area), but about forcing the player to make choices, some of which are cruel, some of which are not balanced at all, and some of which can easily lead to no win situations. In fact, I didn't even intend it to feel like a game. I prefer the term "anti-game" because I've broken many of the "rules" of gameplay. But personally, I think that's why it is enjoyable even in its very broken and basic state.
  18. I think all the servers are just an iteration of "DayZ Server....(NYC, US, NZ, OZ, EU)" Were currently in DayZ Server... OZ It has a population cap of 100. Im not sure how to check the IP in game.
  19. If anyone does want to play I would recommend joining the NZ server (one I usually play on) it has a cap of 25 people, most of whom prefer to help out rather then kill each other. On all the servers the clock is realtime, so in NZ it is daylight during US daylight hours. Here is a more accurate gameplay video: A few more that I have found: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54pbaLNLTlA&feature=relmfu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIA1LTDVSDA
  20. Yeah it looks like he is trying to leave them mysterious or something. At the 1:00 - 1:15 mark you actually see the zombies walking (thy are custom models so they have pale and bloody faces). They are the ones slowly walking. The way the zombies work is they basically act like your classic zombie slowly walking around while your are undetected. Once they see or hear you they turn into the 28 days later type zombies and will start running. Also, the audio you hear later in the video as the player is running through the forrest is the real sounds they make. Pretty terrifying.
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