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Everything posted by Hunter~SPARTA~

  1. I've been running a local server to get a friend that's new to the game up to speed. The revamp definitely changes the early game in survival quite a bit. It's been good, though, I'm enjoying the new blocks.
  2. Not sure which version you need Luggs, so here's all of them. steamID: STEAM_1:1:6546178 steamID3: [U:1:13092357] steamID64: 76561197973358085 Also, that one clever bastard seems to be playing every time I get on
  3. Today is the day! And the game is free to play all weekend for anyone that hasn't played it yet. https://forum.keenswh.com/threads/update-1-189-major-overhaul-of-survival-ladders-leaving-early-access.7402606/
  4. Picked it up and played a few hours last night. Had a few good rounds when communication was good and some very infuriating rounds with non-cohesive teammates. Look forward to getting a Sparta squad together, but do have concerns about being able to everyone into the same server and onto the same team. There were only 3 full-ish servers last night and it took me a few minutes to get into one just on my own.
  5. Good read on the clan system: https://division.zone/2019/02/22/lone-wolf-time-to-take-a-look-at-the-division-2s-clan-system/
  6. The next big update for SE is releasing on the 28th. Lots of survival tweaks. And the game officially leaves Early Access, for what that's worth. Full post: https://blog.marekrosa.org/2019/02/space-engineers-release-date.html
  7. So, what was the verdict? I've read lots of opinions online, but the majority of the complaints were focused on the PvP and dark zone stuff. Also, sounds like there will be an open beta coming up before the release: Link to article
  8. My God, Halli. Internet explorer and AOL Mail? The 90's are over, bro. Time to move on! 🤣🤣🤣
  9. Appreciate the offer, but save the invite for someone who can get more use out of it. I won't get more than couple hours, at most, the whole beta period.
  10. I have to play Army this weekend, unfortunately. Let me know how it is!
  11. Thanks fellas. Just been doing a bit of cooking this week as my "celebration". Did white chicken chili in the Crock-Pot on Sunday, pulled pork on the smoker Tuesday and just put a brisket on the smoker this evening. First time attempting brisket, fingers crossed!
  12. Just picked up an M700 carbon last night, I'll do a few runs and get back to you on the damage output. M700 Carbon 172% headshot damage 124K base damage Disciplined Harmful Elevated Extended magazine (119% size, 3% critical hit chance, 4% critical hit damage) VX-1 Scope (18% headshot damage, 4% critical hit damage, 2% accuracy) Omega rifle suppressor (18% headshot damage, 4.5% optimal range, 3% critical hit chance, 42% reduced threat) Small grip (18% critical hit damage, 4.5% optimal range, 4.5% reload speed) Since "Harmful" has a chance to cause bleeding, I switched out "Combat medic" talent for "Shrapnel".
  13. Zeno, here's my sniper hybrid build: Devil 172% headshot damage 65.1K base damage Vicious Ferocious Fire Extended mag (116% size, 4% critical hit damage, 3% critical hit chance) VX-1 Scope (18% headshot damage, 4% critical hit damage, 2.5% stability) Omega rifle suppressor (17.5% headshot damage, 4% critical hit damage, 2% accuracy, 47% reduced threat) Small grip (17% critical hit damage, 2.5% stability, 4.5% reload speed) M700 Tactical 165% headshot damage 121K base damage Swift Destructive Elevated Extended magazine (119% size, 3% critical hit chance, 4% critical hit damage) VX-1 Scope (18% headshot damage, 4% critical hit damage, 2% accuracy) Omega rifle suppressor (18% headshot damage, 4.5% optimal range, 3% critical hit chance, 42% reduced threat) Hunter's Faith vest 2,003 ARM 205 firearms 1401 stamina 623 electronics 6% enemy armor damage 15,511 health 56% ammo capacity 2x electronics mods (+209 electronics, 4% damage to elites) DeadEYE Acquisition Mask 996 armor 1,395 firearms 205 stamina 414 electronics 4% critical hit chance 12% damage to elites Electronics mod (+209 electronics, 4% damage to elites) Hunter's Faith Kneepads 1,596 armor 205 firearms 1,272 stamina 458 electronics 4% enemy armor damage 33% burn resistance 33% disrupt resistance 16% damage to elites Electronics mod (253 electronics, 3,276 to skill power) NinjaBike messenger bag 1,287 armor 205 firearms 1,260 stamina 414 electronics 9% critical hit damage 56% ammo capacity Electronics mod (+209 electronics, 4% damage to elites) DeadEYE trigger gloves 997 armor 1,200 firearms 205 stamina 205 electronics 17% critical hit damage 6% critical hit chance 12% marksman rifle damage Holster of the Nomad 1,001 armor 1,247 firearms 1,272 stamina 1,272 electronics 4% critical hit chance Set bonuses: Nomad: 15% health on kill DeadEYE: 40% initial bullet stability, 20% marksman rifle critical hit damage Hunter's Faith: 20% optimal range, 10% headshot damage Stat totals: Firearms: 4,992 Stamina: 6,150 Electronics: 3,921 Abilities: Pulse (Recon pack) Recovery link Turret (Flame) Talents: Combat medic: Use medkit near allies to heal group members and proxies within 20m for 40% Wildfire: 30% to spread burn effect within 10m radius Precision: Headshot a target to pulse them for 10 seconds One is None: Headshot a hostile for 50% of not consuming the bullet * Still looking for better mods/attachments, but that's the best of what I have currently
  14. Well, I did feel accomplished doing the Russian Consulate solo on challenging with my new marksman build before reading this. (2 DeadEye, 2 Hunter's Faith, 1 Nomad, ninja bag; M700 and Devil)
  15. Steam does their image gallery very weird, so its not super straight forward. Go to your Steam gallery Click the thumbnail image you want to bring it full size Right click the full size image Click "Copy Image Address" (I'm using Chrome, might be worded different in other browsers) In your forum post, type in "[img=" Hit CTRL+V to paste the image link Put a "]" at the end of the link Example: [img=https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/259335280243175059/D3462DE5DB96CFB9B7D0D86BB4FFCC6D3A36C572/?imw=1024&imh=576&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=true] Result:
  16. Allegedly, if you log into the game this week you get a free operator unlock: https://www.windowscentral.com/rainbow-six-siege-holiday-pack
  17. Got home last night, ready to get some game time in today... But my Internet has apparently been down for several days and the wife never called to get a tech sent out. Might be until Thursday before they can someone here to replace their equipment. 🤬
  18. How long do the global events last and what's the best use for credits starting out?
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