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Everything posted by Hunter~SPARTA~

  1. Hahaha. Thats hilarious. Nice find, Medic. - JHunter
  2. Is it possible to prevent AI from occupying these spots all together? Seems to be the obvious question that undoubtly has been contemplated before on an individual basis, but perhaps the great minds of Sparta can collaborate to a solution? =) - JHunter
  3. Alright, so as the title suggests, I cannot connect to the US Domination server. I've tried everything I could imagine to attempt to remedy the situation, but nothing seems to be doing the trick. I've restarted the game, restarted my computer, and deleted the mission file out of my temp files. So far I've made it to three different "stages" of connecting. First stage being I get stuck at the initial "Wait for host" screen. Second stage is I'm able to get into the server, select my role, download the mission file, but get stuck at the "Receiving data" dialog. Third stage is I get to the first person view from my character, but the role selection screen is still active, and also still stuck at the "Receiving data" dialog. If that wasn't enough to stump me enough already, I'm able to join the UK Domination server perfectly fine (both running BIGdom N.4). Any ideas? - JHunter
  4. Well, I can't say it cannot be done without a USB headset, but I don't know how to do it. With a USB headset, though, its quite easy. - JHunter
  5. Is your headset USB? - JHunter
  6. Gotta say, I think its better off without the audio. But heres a link to the whole thing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_thFIwpUCQ - JHunter
  7. Hahaha, might want to find a new link to that picture there, skaz. Re-check your original post. - JHunter
  8. Idan, that Shakshouka looks good... but how do you eat it? As in... just eat it, as is, with a spoon or dip the bread in it or what? - JHunter
  9. Happy Birthday, bud. - JHunter
  10. Tried this out with a buddy this evening, very slick tool. Unfortunately my ISP went down for "scheduled maintenance" in the midst of our testing various features. So we did try the "Remote Support" and "Presentation" modes but didn't get around to trying the "File Transfer" or "VPN" modes. In the brief time we had to mess around with it, I couldn't really find anything to complain about. The desktop image streams very fluently, even when video was set to "Optimize Quality" instead of "Optimize Speed". The webcam and VoIP both worked admirably. A few of the features that I, personally, found "neat" and worth mentioning: 1.) During "Remote Support", the remote user can select whether to view the entire desktop or a particular window/application 2.) During "Presentation", the presenter can select which windows/applications in his desktop that the viewer can see. He can also draw directly on his desktop, much like using MS Paint. 3.) When broadcasting your webcam, the TeamViewer program will selectively "black out" that section on the distant end. (So you're not seeing yourself on the other person's screen) 4.) When you have remote control of the other desktop, you can disable any local user input. As well as display a black screen to them. So you can stop them from accidentally (or on purpose) interfering with you while you work. As well as not allow them to see what you're doing. 5.) You can set a "permanent" password as well as having a "dynamic" password. Meaning you can use your permanent password to connect back to your own PC from a remote location, but also have a temporary password you can give to someone else for remote support, presentation, etc... and then generate a new dynamic password as soon as that session is over. 6.) "Partner List". The program lets you maintain a list of contacts much in the same way as instant messengers do. This list will save their ID, an alias set by you, and a password. Most useful in a situation such as mine, where its often the same friends and/or relatives coming to you for help time after time. 7.) Record. The TeamViewer will record everything happening on the remote screen, much like FRAPs. I'm sure there are many other useful features, but thats all thats coming to mind for now. - JHunter
  11. I've always used Crossloop in the past. Although, I may switch to this one. Looks like it has a few of the features I've been wishing Crossloop had. Good find, Batwing. - JHunter
  12. If I properly understood what I read, the pay to play is not required. You can still play in both the PvE and PvP areas of the game as a "non-subscriber". The only thing you get from paying the subscription is being able to participate in the agency vs. agency battles for territory. - JHunter
  13. For a one gig download? I'd sacrifice that "privacy". Not like all the other ISP's don't do it anway. =) - JHunter
  14. I found this article interesting. So, I thought I'd share. http://www.mercurynews.com/news/ci_14373150 - JHunter
  15. A guy I work with has been talking up this game, Global Agenda. From what I understand, it sounds like an FPS MMO. So I checked out the website and it looks rather interesting. So just seeing if any of you guys are playing it, have played it, or have heard anything more about it? - JHunter
  16. I promise no spectacular results, but send me a script and I'll do what I can with it. - JHunter
  17. Well Batwing, I don't know if you support your home team... but you gotta support these girls. - JHunter
  18. Haha. Oh pedobear... Nice find, Panic. - JHunter
  19. Hey guys... do you really think that Kal with all his abilities of tweaking and programming... that he couldn't rearrange the alphabet as he saw fit? Geez, have some faith. - JHunter
  20. Sooo... really theres no consequence for the "rambo" style game play when they run out of lives. - JHunter
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