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Everything posted by Hunter~SPARTA~

  1. This thread has been moderated. Offensive content has been removed. If you have a problem or questions regarding this action, PM me privately. - JHunter
  2. Happy birthday, guys. Hope its a good one. - JHunter
  3. Actually looks like it does have a cup holder. Haha. Very nice, Zeno. Is the white container on the back for mulch? - JHunter
  4. Hope you have a newer hackbox than that old dinosaur I gave you... - JHunter
  5. Happy birthday, Samurai! - JHunter
  6. Yep, SpaceBuild destroyed my free time. Terraforming the moon and all that. Awesome stuff. - JHunter
  7. Son of a... what are you doing to me, MH6? Garry's Mod swallowed weeks of my life. I hate you. - JHunter
  8. I also use a system similar to what NoScream has. My brand of choice is Synology instead of ReadyNAS, though. In particular, I have a Synology 411j. It is a 4 bay system. I have four 2TB drives in a hybrid RAID setup, most comparable to RAID 5. Any one single drive can completely fail and I will not loose any data. I can also modularly increase my storage as I need to and as I can afford to. If you buy a standard "external hard drive", generally speaking you have to buy a whole new drive every time you need to upgrade; plus the head ache of either transferring everything to the new drive or maintaining multiple drives. There is really an immense amount of things the Synology "operating system" allows me to do, but I'll highlight a few of my favorite / most used: Personal cloud storage / file sync. Works exactly like dropbox, but your files are stored on your NAS at home. No storage limits, no one can snoop through your files, and no risk of a business going belly up and loosing all your data. DLNA. I utilize a lot of "trial version" of movies, tv episodes, and music. I put them on my NAS and can stream them to xbox, PS3, or any PC on my network. Remote access. Similar to DLNA, but I can use a web browser from any where and watch my videos or listen to my music stored on my NAS. Synology even has iPhone and Android apps so you can watch/listen from your mobile device, as well. VPN server. Also when I'm on the go, I can utilize my NAS as a VPN server. This is primarily a benefit when I'm in foreign countries, but if you're on a public WiFi, it keeps your traffic private from anyone snooping on the network. Photo station. Just one of the many "packages" you can enable within the Synology OS. As a photographer, this may be of interest to you. Basically you throw all your photos into specific folders on your NAS and it creates a slick web page you can display your portfolio on; or in my case, show family all of your vacation pictures. haha. Those are really just the tip of the iceberg. You can head over to the Synology website, they have a demo version of their operating system up so you can mess around with it before you invest your money into it. Also feel free to ask me here or shoot me a message if you have any specific questions. - JHunter
  9. Made me chuckle, figured I'd share with you fine gentlemen. (The rest of you deserve a good laugh now and then, too) - JHunter
  10. Haha, hardly. Bon jorno, buona sera, arrivederci, ciao, and parla inglese are about all I used. Got decent at reading the pizza ingredients, though! You shut your dirty whore mouth. - JHunter
  11. Bad news is I am back in the sandbox. Good news is the Italy trip was a great success. Teaser picture attached. - JHunter
  12. Hunter~SPARTA~

    Arma 3

    I haven't gone back to confirm this information before posting this, but I'm fairly certain in one of the A3 videos I watched, it was stated that the Alpha's flight model is just a placeholder and they have not implemented the Take on Helicopters bit yet. - JHunter
  13. Not until July. Gonna be buying the supporters edition anyway for the DLC perk. Sigh. - JHunter
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