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Posts posted by NCO

  1. I've been able to register and download using a "standard" account (free). It looks like the "professional" accounts are not running yet. I won't be able to run this thing and see if it works in Win 7 (64) until this evening.....

  2. A beta version of the follow on to TS Overlay is available. From the developer "qbnut":


    "TINT is the true successor - and then some - to TeamSpeak Overlay (TSO). TINT Standard Edition is the basic version that supports overlay of TeamSpeak or Ventrilo "whos speaking" information in-game, along with a basic FPS display - much like TSO used to do. As it is the "basic" version, it is missing a few features from it's sibling Professional Edition, such as extendability through plugins, or per-game (aka profile) settings. However, support for both 32-Bit and 64-Bit versions of Windows, and support for overlaying into virtually any DirectX game using D3D 8,9,10, or 11, or basic OpenGL, is the same no matter which edition."


    Please note that this is a beta. You need a "secret word" to enrol:


    "The registration process also currently requires you to enter a Secret Word. This is to prevent the world at large from signing up. For the next 30 days, the Secret Word will be:




    Copy / Paste this into the signup form to allow registration. Be sure to read the T&C when signing up!"






  3. I enjoyed playing a bit of TacDom last night. Thank you Bsilenced, for good squad leadership & support. Alpha squaddies were great to play with.


    I like the removal of the packs!


    Comms got a bit loose for a bit, but came back into shape with a bit of coaching in Alpha squad. And.. I have finally set up my TS key binds; more of us should... B)

  4. A quick question - I grabbed Chopper 2 and MHQ 2 to roll on some side missions, and some players asked me to please leave the MHQ at main base, so it could be used to teleport back to main base when folks get killed. MHQ1 was deployed at the AO.


    No problem - but I thought the expectation in the past was MHQ1 for the main AO and MHQ 2 for side missions.


    I can go either way (no jokes!), and am easy to get along with (I think), but is there a preference about this? B)

  5. From my avatar you know what i am, what was that ladder a seagrave ?


    I certainly do! I love our EVTs, they keep the rigs safe. Those ladders at that fire were LTI ladders on American LaFrance rigs. We had a 110' and a 75' quint on the back of the building.

  6. Hey,


    As guests on the SPARTA servers, I think it's pretty important to respect how they want their servers.


    Having said that, I like a reasonable level of control on the comms. I know, not as tight as TacDom, no need for that, but when 20 guys start to ramble on about everything and nothing, I start looking for a quiet place.


    Just my 2 cents worth! :beatdeadhorse:

  7. Today, at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, Canada remembers all her veterans, with special honor to those who sacrificed so much. As well, we share these memories with other allied nations, and know that today is Veterans Day in the US.


    The words of John McCrae help us keep our pledge: "We will remember them"


    In Flanders fields the poppies blow

    Between the crosses, row on row,

    That mark our place; and in the sky

    The larks, still bravely singing, fly

    Scarce heard amid the guns below.


    We are the Dead. Short days ago

    We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

    Loved, and were loved, and now we lie

    In Flanders Fields.


    Take up our quarrel with the foe:

    To you from failing hands we throw

    The torch; be yours to hold it high.

    If ye break faith with us who die

    We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

    In Flanders Fields.


    - John McCrae

  8. A second in command (2IC) makes a ton of sense. A platoon 2IC role (actual) is to stay near the zulu vehicles (empty troop carriers), ensure their security, supervise direct fire support for the IC, handle logistics, bring up the zulus when ordered, handle resupply & medical evacs, etc...

    [at least a long time ago, it was ...]


    In game, this guy could handle all that stuff, new players entering, PWs, mortars, helo's etc... and support the IC who is on the line.

  9. This post post is about Aksing current players that read our fourms to help keep the game play in check, Not strict Tactical but not BF2 style.


    Heard, understood & acknowledged! I find myself immediately heading to the side mission channel, because of this kind of stuff. I appreciate and support the Sparta servers and play style!


  10. Hey Guys,


    I came in late last night, and as a first timer I was trying to understand the "rules" as I went. I liked the tactical night a lot, and thank you for setting it up.


    All good stuff; a couple thoughts I had:


    -team members need a bit better radio discipline. Maybe the Commander talks, and we squaddies acknowledge by in game text. Other than Command, voice comms should be for critical stuff only such as calling out contacts/immediate threats.


    - Squad designations were confusing (Alpha/Bravo). What can we do? Would designating teams by chopper number be useful?


    - Can player names be used on the map? It might help the commander round up the strays. He could call them by name and order them back to formation/location.


    Overall, I enjoyed it, and look forward to next time!



  11. Hello Legion of Sparta,


    On the advice of my pal SARmedic, I've played a couple times on your US Dom ArmA 2 server. I appreciate your team, and your approach to tactical cooperative team based gaming.


    I've been with 1VB since 2004 (wow). I'm a former infantry mortar platoon member, (long time back), now I'm a Health & Safety Officer for a Municipal Fire Department. With your permission, I'll drop in on TS and the server!



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