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Posts posted by Whiskey

  1. Greetings all, I have finally gotten Arma 2 (and OA) up and running but am having some issues with modding OA.


    Do I add the mods to the OA folder or Arma2? I am on Steam, with two separate folders.




    Thanks all, look forward to getting back into the fight!

  2. Bought it yesterday, $40CAN+$14 for a DVD install, which is reccomended for the XP-7 upgrade (read:new install). The TG gamer megathread is superbly helpful.

    As far as the upgrade process is concerned, I need to keep reading for the best way to avoid days of re-downloading apps (AII and others). Any programs that can backup an app itself, like microsoft office, steam, or AII, and do a reinstall from an external HD to a new OS?


    Yeah backing up steam (or any other program) makes a ton of differance. Steams back up is pretty seamless and can go to either a spare drive or DVD. Don't forget your save games and what not in the user folder etc.

  3. The -winxp flag will fix your issue. It sets ARMA2 to only see 4 Gb of ram, ARMA2 is not set up to use anymore. There are some other voodoo fixes, setting Windows to see less ram, etc. I had the same issue running ARMA2 under Vista 64 Ultimate and 8 Gb of ram. The box I had Windows 7 RC on only has 4 Gb so it did not have this issue. The winxp flag will sould fix your issue as well. It is an ARMA2 issue not a windows one per say.


    EDIT: on a side note a couple of the ARMA2 Launchers have check boxes that will add the -winxp line (or -maxmem xxxx)and mods automatically. LInebackers ARMA2 Launcher for sure does.

  4. I down loaded the demo last Friday. It is actually a great game, beautiful graphics, to include the terrain. The flight model is very well done as is the sound.


    It does have some striking issues.


    The worst is that you have to be online to play, for the entire time.


    You start out with a very limited number of planes, and have to purchase more, for around $8 each.


    Very poor voice acting for the otherwise good tutorials, Eddie Rickenbacker with a Russian accent is near blasphemy.


    It is most certainly not a jump in and fly game either, even the "easy" flight model is difficult.


    IGN has in my opinion a pretty a accurate review.


    Over all I liked it, however I probably will not buy it for a while to see if they make more planes available with the game, without an extra purchase.


  5. If you do go the shotgun route, a rail system and holo dot or other type of point and shoot system is ok, but really just covers up a lack of training. You need to be proficient in the weapon first, because fate dictates that that Eotech or Aimpoint will not function when you need it. I love my trijicon, and my Eotech, but I know I can take both off and snap shoot a man sized target at 75 yards and hit center mass.




    [removed to make a point]

    As I pointed out, it's the going hog wild gun.


    You are welcome.


    It was not directed at you, but in general, you also took it completely out of context and did not quote the rest of the statement, which of course changed its meaning and intent.


    There is nothing wrong with going hog-wild on a gun, hell I have a Streamlight on one of my Glocks which will honestly probably never get used again as it is not my "home defense" gun. It looks great at the range though.




  6. My budget is limiting my options. This rules out most handguns, which I don't think I would want right now anyways. The gun laws in LA are more severe for handgun ownership. From what I understand, purchasing a Shotgun won't require anything more than a background check. I am finishing up a graduate program but I don't believe that will be a hinderance - I've heard only if you live in student housing will you be denied.


    EDIT: This is my first purchase of a firearm, so my questions are more about the process. Anything I should be aware of or know in advance, other than what I can read online about the laws? I am not new to shooting, firearm safety, or the difference between munitions and gauge size.






    If your budget is limited then hold off and save until it is not. The last thing you want is a cheap fire arm (CZ, HI-Point, Bursa etc.) if it ever does come down to actually having to use it. If you shop around at a reputable firearms dealer, you can buy a used, but well maintained Glock, Springfield, etc, for a couple hundred dollars and you can have them check the weapon before you buy it, in some cases you can fire it if they have an indoor range.


    Also what experience do you have with firearms? Don't take offence, but a few weekends hunting or plinking on occasion, does not equate to knowing firearm safety, or being familiar with firearms.


    I would strongly recommend checking out a firearms safety course. Just about every Firearms store or range either has classes or can steer you in the right direction. Also the NRA website has links that can guide you to an instructor.


    Training is paramount, there will be nothing in your home that can kill you or your loved ones faster then a firearm, be that a shotgun or pistol. You will also have to decide where will you keep your firearm? Having a shotgun leaning against the bed or a handgun under your mattress is not the answer. There are all kinds of handy gadgets that will let you safely store your weapon while still be able to access it in an emergency.



    I appreciate the advice guys. I thing getting a folding stock and a top rail will be best.

    Right now, I live in a fairly nice but smaller apartment complex, 6 units, shared courtyard. A handgun being discharged inside will likely go through the walls into the next unit. I think getting buckshot is just the smartest idea, hard to miss, doesn't have the penetration of a .45.


    It's funny about the CA gun laws - I've never had an inherent fear or fascination with firearms. I was raised by moderate parents who viewed firearms as a tool rather than a weapon to commit crimes. Which seems to be how many out here think. I don't bash on these views, but I've had to curtail some of my opinions on the matter on more than one occasion.


    The shotgun to me seems like a no-brainer. It's simple, reliable, and is really only effective when you absolutely need it.


    EDIT: Just saw your post Durka, that was my first thought as well - I don't mind what it does to the drywall, if I need penetration I will keep a few slugs on standby.


    Well I'll keep you guys updated on the process.




    I'd stay away from a folding stock. If you are planning on or envisioning shoot at someone from the hip you are wrong as hell. You are better off getting a 20" Police choke, or other tightly choked barrel and actually aiming at what you are shooting at.


    A 12guage 00 round even non-magnum, will cleanly go through an aluminum sided external wall with lap board and plaster interior and still kill the person inside, it will go through several walls worth of 3/4 drywall and still be deadly. A shotgun is inherently more dangerous then a handgun, it is more powerful and if you are using shot, has multiple projectiles that do not follow a straight line. That says nothing about the dispersal of the shot, even if you hit what you are shooting at. You always have the possibility of a stray shot missing the intended target and killing or seriously wounding some passerby.


    If you do go the shotgun route, a rail system and holo dot or other type of point and shoot system is ok, but really just covers up a lack of training. You need to be proficient in the weapon first, because fate dictates that that Eotech or Aimpoint will not function when you need it. I love my trijicon, and my Eotech, but I know I can take both off and snap shoot a man sized target at 75 yards and hit center mass.


    Law wise, your best bet is to either just Google the California gun/ self protection laws and/or call your local Sheriff?s office or Police station and ask them. The last year I was a Police Officer I used to teach a public firearms safety course, and some municipalities have these as an option, or at the very least steer you in the right direction. I can not speak for California LEO?s but typically LEO?s would rather give you correct firearm information then have some Darwin award candidate running around. There is of course the NRA website, whether you like them or not they do have great info.


    As far as actually having to use that weapon against another human being, there is not a training course, or speech that will prepare you for that. You can go out and buy some cool looking folding stock with a Aimpoint, surefire flashlight, pistol grip and a freaking bayonet, it will not take someone?s life any faster or slower then a snubnose .38 special and it sure as hell will not prepare you to make the decision to pull the trigger.


    I could on for days on what kind of pistol to buy, the best answer is to check you local area for a pistol range that has rental firearms. Go and fire a few. A 1911 may sound cool but you may not like how it shoots before you shoot it, it may not fit in your hand or the dovetail pinches you hand etc. You may like the look and feel of a Glock but are not comfortable with the fact it has no external safety, etc.


    Personally I would go with anything 9mm and up, .40, .45 etc. A 9mm with the correct ammunition can be as deadly if not more then either a .40 or a .45. A 9mm and a .40 also are much easier to get a female to shoot (generalization, my wife is small framed and a European, but is comfortable shooting either, some may gladly snatch up a .50). I recommend Glock, Springfield Armory or Kimber.


    Wow this got long, sorry.


  7. I had installed the SOW (Sounds of War) addon yesterday after tweaking Arma 2 to fix my crashing every 15 minute issue (rolled back to 186.18 ftw). However when I connected to the server it dropped me for an unsupported file.


    What if any addons are allowed for the SPARTA servers? Also anyone have any client side ones that are recommended? I thought I read it somewhere, but can not find the post.

  8. Now that would be a pretty cool addon. An ingame radio that was linked to TS.


    So you could pull up the ingame radio and change the TS channels from in game.



    As far as TS and tactical comms go, whispers are hugely important, but even more important is(are) the Channel Commander(s).


    The CO and arguably the SL's should be channel commanders. When they are giving commands they should preface with who they are and who they are calling, i.e. "Alpha Sqaud this is Command, SITREP", and they should reply back in turn, "Command this is Alpha Sqaud, in position, setting up MG nest".



    Given that it is difficult to distinguish voices, especially for people you do not know, and every is not using a TS overlay or a G15, knowing who is talking is detrimental to good Comms.


    Also unless you are Command or the SL you really should only be listening. Unless calling a target "BMP in the open" or reporting a RL issue "Game crashed, door, phone, etc", even then it should be interjected with BREAK BREAK BREAK. That is regardless of what channel you are in. You shouldn?t be chit chatting about whatever game is TV or what you had for dinner, the channel should be open so that the SL can hear the Co and Co can hear his SL's.


    Maybe an SOP for TAC-Nights(Server) should be written with a Short scripted "Pre-Mission Brief" with Basic Comms rules that the CO can read so everyone is on the same page, it should be part of the FRAGO/WARNO anyways. Or make it a requirement to take a Leadership position during the tactical mission you have to have your TS setup for whisper and being a Channel Commander. The issue with the latter is that it takes a admin to do so.


    This is doable even with a public server. Given that SPARTA's TAC-Nights and Tac Server are passworded invite only this makes it even more so. Just keep the same mentality as with the vehicles and TS. If they want to be an asshat and ramble on about how their day was, or bitch because their wife made them clean the garage, give them a warning or two to keep the Comms clear if they can not comply, boot 'em.


    However, it is my experience that the folks who want to take the time to run around a Tactical server, typically have that mindset already.


    Sorry I am rambling at this point.


  9. Whiskey, I have noticed that as well, where the formal 'teleport' options are not available. However, while they disappear they have eventually come back. At least for me. As far as a key stroke, I know of none that triggers this to appear.



    Ah, good to know I am not completely crazy.

  10. I must say, I was having the same issue with the backpack.


    While we are on explanations, what is the deal with the respawn "floating above your body" screen? I only get the respawn options about 1 of 10 times. Is there a key stroke I'm missing?

  11. I like it alot and it could really help with tactical setup to scout ahead. But for game balance purposes, I'd say that this object should be limited. Either:

    1. Spawnable only from a FARP or MHQ .. so that would make only 4 max in existence at any one time.
    2. Make it an asset of a particular class so only a few players online can use it much like the mortar/MG Nest guys.
    3. Have it available in the gear box but have it take your entire inventory. (It would be quite a bit to carry)



    Given what the UAV can do for the team, maybe limit it's use to Squad/Team Leaders?

  12. I doubt the blast radius from the main gun is 30m. What more than likely occurred was the main gun got one of you and the LMG mount got the other. But I wasn't there so that's my guess.


    I don't know depends on how accurately they portrayed the blast radius, or if the AI knew to shoot at you with a HE/MP round. The kill radius of a hand grenade is 5 meters and a 120mm (4.2) mortar right around 50 meters. So I'd be willing to bet the T-72's 125mm HE/MP round would fall near 30m kill radius against troops in the open.

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