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About MurkyThud_EBDA

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. And i thought that this was just a game.
  2. MurkyThud_EBDA


    Oh that's just me.....and i wasn't toting an AT either.
  3. Someone asked Razor to post here and Razor asked me to post here so i am posting here. We setup a squad.xml EBDA squad.xml When you enter that path in your player profile it will place tags on your name and a logo on your shoulder. It also puts your logo on the outside of any vehicle you are in as well. It also populates your player info when you hit P in the game or look at the players list when you get to the map. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/squad.xml That explains how to do most of it. I found a couple more files that makes the webpage like the link above if you guys want that as well but it isn't required. If you need any help in setting this up just lemme know i will be glad to help.
  4. I suck at all of the roles but i enjoy all of them as well. I don't like to do just one thing all the time so i play around with different roles/jobs. I mainly carry a sniper rifle no matter what my role is just based on view distance and being able to kill someone with only one shot or maybe two. I do need to force myself to use more guns but i keep going back to the M107 or my new choice DMR (because i can carry more smaw/satchels). I love to fly as well. With a chopper i can take off perfectly fine...i can fly where ever i want to. I can dodge fire and maneuver the chopper however i want...and i am getting better at flying low along the trees. The one thing i have not got a handle on is stopping. I know to tilt the front to bleed off speed. I just haven't got the magical touch to tilt it back at the right time. At what speed do you start tiling back? I end up swinging like a pendulum like you do when you turn auto-hover on. So i need to work on that as well. Also once i do finally get stopped( i have done it a couple of times) i am usually not in the exact spot i need to be...so moving over slightly is always a challenge as well. Then i end up drifting back and forth and have to end up throwing the dreaded auto hover on just to control it. Getting a new joystick today so hopefully i will have a better touch with it. But everything i try is fun. And thank you all for helping out so much. It is much appreciated.
  5. Was fun fighting alongside of you Ratchall. Good team player...you made it fun last night.
  6. Yes i checked the settings...i think you are right...it isn't a full tilt but a very slight tilt that is enough by the time i get there to mess up my coordinates....and i hate to tilt left or right as i never seem to get it straightened up...gonna have to adjust my axis sensitivity again and quit over-reacting...i haven't developed the touch yet...it'll come though and eventually i will be flying the choppers upside down just to give you a haircut.
  7. I have noticed that when i use my rudders left or right that my bird tilts just slightly...is that normal or is there something wrong with my joystick? I use the twist function for the left/right rudders and the tilt for well....tilt.
  8. I played a mission with some guys last night that was like domination but you did everything in the air. F15's AV-8's Cobra's and Uh1Y's...it was a LOT of fun and it really made me learn flying pretty fast too. They also had bogey's so while two guys were doing bombing runs on the town eliminating the AA and tanks, the other two planes were protecting us by eliminating the bogey's. They were all on each other's wing the whole time...i haven't mastered it enough yet to stay that close. It was a lot of fun though....i still suck at flying...but that is what drives me to get better. Thanks to Cylawyer i have adjusted my dead zone on my joystick and that has helped tremendously...i can actually hover without the auto-hover on now. Getting there...just need more practice. Does anyone know of a good mission that just lets you fly again and again after you crash? There used to be some evolution unlocked servers that allowed you to practice flying but they fill up with kiddies that just destroy everything at the base...but is there a mission that i could run on my own machine to just play around with the different flying machines....they all react differently.
  9. Stargazing in the middle of a mission? Is that even allowed soldier?!
  10. NP Floyd....we have that at times as well. If you have 2.3.5 it is a known issue....2.3.6 fixes it slightly by adding the Captcha when registering...but now they have surpassed that by having humans actually register then they turn the bots on to start the spamming. I have our registration to admin verify so they have to have a valid email and validate their account and then an admin has to approve the account. It has helped a LOT. Going to upgrade to the new 3.0 soon and it is s'posed to be all fixed in that release. <crosses fingers>
  11. I have the Logitech wireless joystick....i am right there with you custard. I will fly in domination but not in a mission....but i know eventually i will have to and that scares me to get better. I was playing a mission the other day with a guy in pxs and he flew us 8 meters above the ocean all the way to the island. I can't keep it at a steady height let alone that close to the water. Even in domination i will try to go round up the ammo boxes or something and i will be flying perfectly fine, good health and fuel yet all of a sudden i will just explode....no warning shots or anything. I assume it is surface to air stuff but i was hoping i didn't just move the wrong direction or something. Usually happens to me when transporting our guys from one town to another after completing the mission. So to avoid this are you s'posed to fly lower(out of sight) or higher(out of range) to survive? And if you say lower then i am not to that level of flying yet. My throttle only seems to be on or off....so i am climbing or sinking...cant hover at a solid height even with auto hover on. I am suspecting my joystick is why i am seeking out what you guys are using successfully.
  12. (Not allowed to create a new topic so i thought i would add this here) Some people fly the choppers so smoothly and it bugs me. I am sure they have had experience in ARMA1 flying machines as well so their reflexes and touch are more precise then mine...i also know that my flying greatly improved when i got a joystick. Is there a particular joystick that you guys use to makes your flying so spectacular? Or is it a combination of the TrackIR and joysticks?
  13. When you raise your gun, does your head swing around to the sight automatically?
  14. Sweet....it will be good to get more than 5 of us in the game at once. Looking forward to it. Really enjoying your server...thanks for hosting.
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