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Everything posted by KalXen~SPARTA~

  1. http://kotaku.com/the-elder-scrolls-online-offers-a-new-trailer-and-a-spe-1511512819/@owengood Impressive Trailer [YT=DVMNQozxqos]
  2. Horizons Updated to 1.0.10. Update Notes: https://feedthebeast.atlassian.net/wiki/display/PML/Horizons+1.0.10
  3. LOSC Eldaria FTB (Horizons) minecraft.legionofsparta.net:2402 Map: http://minecraft.legionofsparta.net:2404/ Feed The Beast - Horizons pack Horizons is the first of the Feed The Beast (http://feed-the-beast.com/) enabled packs using the 1.6 strain of Minecraft, which allows for horses, new terrain, etc. The horizons pack has a TON of new mods we have never played with before, bringing a refreshing experience. Difficulty is harder than before, with new mobs, longer nights, and better combat. List of all mods within this pack: Eldaria v 3.1 map We are also utilizing the Eldaria pre-made world, which is fantastic looking. Thanks to Swarrs for finding it. Eldaria V3.1 is a custom terrain map of 3400 blocks by 3100 blocks with a lot of diferent biomes A few of them : Skyrim inspired, Unique desert, God trees, and mountain biomes River and waterfalls Volcanoes Rainforest 256 blocks high mountains [YT=STsKFiDWd_0] Server Rules: All Legion of Sparta ethics apply while in game and in Teamspeak. Of note: Be polite and enjoy your stay. Vulgarity, racism, prejudice, or griefing are not allowed. Do not abuse your membership or you may be banned. Feel free to build your own home. Be mindful of your fellow players lawn so as not to encroach upon them. No stealing from your fellow player. Do not trespass. Get permission from players to enter their home first Sounds cool! How do I join? Download the Feed The Beast client. Either .exe or .jar Run the launcher, and from the "Modpacks" tab, select "Horizons (v1.09) Minecraft Version 1.6.4" Login to launcher w/ minecraft account, and allow time for it to download the pack. Once Minecraft launches, go to Multiplayer and connect to the server (hostname and port listed above). Connect and have fun. Join the rest of the gang in the Minecraft Teamspeak channel.
  4. Happy Birthday guys! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHbk92G655k#t=12
  5. I love the concept of being turned into a zombie midst game. May pick this up.
  6. I hope that everyone has a very safe and merry Christmas holiday.
  7. If we be pirates, i'm your huckleberry.
  8. Thanks for the feedback and ideas. Never read anything from Pournelle before, will give him a try. I purchased Lucifer's Hammer and The Mote in God's Eye on Amazon for something to read over the Christmas break.
  9. While I was younger I had little interest in reading. That changed when I married an avid book-lover and we began to stockpile enough book kindling for the movie "The Day After Tomorrow". I've spent a good amount of time reading fantasy and sci-fi novels from a few authors. I seem to pick one author, read everything they have ever had printed, and then move on to another. I'm also much more of a slow reader, so while that previous sentence may seem to insinuate a long list of conquered novels, it is not true. I enjoyed reading all of Terry Pratchett's books. His dry humor, his crazy characters, and silly world to me add levity to a fantasy setting. He has also used this to deal with some very interesting dark concepts, such as racism and slavery through the treatment of goblins, etc. I have been running a pen/paper RPG (using Champion rules) for the last year based off some concepts I stole from Larry Niven's books. I enjoy the RingWorld setting, and the use of some actual science around space travel/physics that he tends to align himself with. The way he includes new races into the book settings and describes how these races deal with each other is intriguing. Recently I picked up the 5 books of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy trilogy (Yes, 5 book trilogy) to explore Douglas Adams. I enjoyed the movie with Martin Freeman and crew, and wanted to experience it in print along with its following books. I think reading the book has been enhanced with the imaginary visuals of Trillian played by Zooey Deschanel.. because.. well. Zooey Deschanel is nice to imagine.
  10. So I'm hearing some people (Jack) have received their invites for this. Anyone feedback?
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