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Posts posted by KalXen~SPARTA~

  1. "Not too Hot, Not too Cold, Just Right..."

    Server: minecraft.legionofsparta.net:2400

    Whitelist is active (post below if you need on, chances are you already are so try first)


    Dynamic Map: http://minecraft.legionofsparta.net:2401/



    Modpack is Feed the Best Vanilla+ from the FTB launcher



    Updated: and you must manually download and place several additional .jar's into your mod folder. Download here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ukzgglb7o8utpec/vanillaplusstuff.zip?dl=0 One note, disable the "IguanaTinkerTweak" mod until we figure out what its doing wrong (else you can't use pickaxes).




    Whats it all about and why should I try it? In summary:

    1) Its a bit above vanilla .. 70+ mod packs, but doesn't take a day to load. No crazy tech or magic or end game crap that totally ends the fun. Its fresh and new, yet...


    2) Difficult .. things hit hard (skellies have unique arrows like wither/flame/exploding) and biodiversity required in food - the last 5 things eaten its diminished in use, always try new. Harvestcraft, Agricraft, etc all change up the food ideas.


    3) And Fun World Gen really changes a lot of the travelling dynamics to get to different islands Its a normal generated world with biomes, but split up via skyworld mechanics, and most blocks below 20 are gone to thin air.. We haven't seen diamonds yet, they are that rare. Dungeons hang off the bottom of the islands.



    So come join us. If you haven't played minecraft before, but want to try, give it a whirl.. its much like classic, but better. I can see this server sticking around for a while. Post below if you need on the whitelist.

  2. New server is back up. minecraft.legionofsparta.net Port 2406 (Password in TS channel (guess guys..)) Version 11.1 Some recent changes, definitely adding more reason to play. Probably the best zombie related game out there (better than DayZ IMHO).


    Ambients/Visuals - Fog, additional eerie sounds, etc.The world design now has shifting biomes, so there isn't a rough edge. The world is also smoother in isometric rendering. Caves with new feral zombies underground. Burning zones.


    Item Quality and Food & Water Purity – Every item in the game has a quality level and degrades with use and combine items to create better items. All Food and water items have a purity level the higher the purity level. The higher the health and stamina benefits. Improve crafting to make better items. Improve cooking to make purer food and water.


    Stealth and Distraction System – Crouch and sneak your way past enemies or throw objects to distract them. Find or craft sight, sound or smell deterrents and attractor recipes and items to exploit the sight, hearing or smell of the zombies to throw them off track.


    XP and Skill Trees – Earn XP and upgrade your skills to become the ultimate Bruiser, Gun Nut, Gadget Man, Chemist or Stealth Agent. Upgrade your melee skill learning to craft better melee weapons and swing them harder & faster and even learn special finishing moves.


    Buff/Debuff System – Enjoy or deal with a multitude of buffs or debuffs like a caffeine buzz or a broken leg in our rapidly growing Buff/Debuff System.


    Etc. New items like bow/arrow, newer zombie hordes and logic.

  3. Danke, made some updates. Went through some posts to try and true up as of today, but everyone should review to make sure.


    At present, we are now 19 players, with 41 ships. Most common is a 300 series, followed by a Freelancer and then Aurora.

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