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Everything posted by peter~SPARTA~

  1. Nice bike. Just one question. Brits bikes have throttle on right or wrong side?
  2. Speaking of porkchops. I just got 1/4 of freshly sloughter pig in one pice. Guess what's for dinner ;)
  3. Anyone remember Discovery channel ad with harrier? Cant find link:(
  4. You mean all ace_sm_c_sound_XXXX should be moved from @Spartaace1.9 in to @SPartaace/addons ??
  5. Thats why you should never answer this question to your wife/ girlfriend honestly Correct answer is "nothing" or just lie After severals yeas of "flying" on-line i develop routine i subconsciously implemented while im driving car. I check my rear mirror every 30s, side mirrors, all gauges and scan for place to pull over in case something happens. Its common brevity they teach during flight training
  6. I believe in Austria . Btw this is falling not flying or soaring I think one of those guys die short after. And no you dont need big balls to do that, just half of brain
  7. peter~SPARTA~

    ACE 1.9

    I got 2-3 fps up in Fallujah , i guess better then nothing
  8. peter~SPARTA~

    ACE 1.9

    Cpu count improve anything? I have Q8200
  9. Have you try to delete your profiles From my documents folder?
  10. It depends http://servicesrcsub1.timberlakepublishing.com/files/CAP%20Flyer%2010-07.pdf https://store.combatmedicalsystems.com/products/K9-Complete-Deployment-Kit.aspx
  11. I think removing option to spawn/teleport at MHQ is not good. I can live without fixwing, even if i really like to fly. No spawn at mhq waste my time, instead of playing im forced to drive each time i die from base to AO. Point of having mobile spawn was not to waste this time and keep all guys at list in same area. Now there is part witch fight and part witch is busy getting in to AO. I believe teamwork is not something you can force, it just require players who like to play as a team and understand the idea of team play. I see all those changes as attempt to temper some of "too enthusiastic" players who express too much emotions on TS. To draw certain people away from the game.
  12. noob, you fail to notice there is no way to wipe Fallujah from the hill top, cuz there is no hill tops, no tall buildings to snipe from, no way to use javelins. Buildings infrastructure is just to dense, you cannot look inside AO as before. Map is promoting teamwork, sort off. But that always was on players side not a map. Its also punish those who play in really small groups due to armor presence in AO. You just cannot carry enough AT/AA to take all armor down. Sure you can load ATV or humvee but that limit your mobility. As for so called "reality" there is no way any commander would trow less then company to capture this kind of objective. You guys are sending fire teams and cut all ways to support them. I don't like it.
  13. There is a bug with ammo box, probably connected to RH boxes. Lots of gear is laying on the ground around ammo box. Most likely when someone does not have RHweapon he coses that or vice versa. There was no issues yesterday. Map is very laggy for me when 7+ players
  14. Where will you find 80 ppl willing to play at same time and follow orders?
  15. http://xecompany.hrmdirect.com/employment/openings.php
  16. Fatal it depend of slot you pick up. When i enter as SL i had all markings on the map, later as pilot noone of them And missing file, something probably does not load correctly
  17. Cant be best Sub, there is no beacon involved. I have to give it a try, if i will be able to buy this kind of bread. Thx Medic
  18. Some for charnorus I was not able to trigger Jet service yesterday Ambulance in support vech column by the hangars don't let you in. Zeno , each time im getting in to ACE server i m getting message "M_14...." script is missing, also occasionally got some messages about some stuff missing from ACE (i use spartaace)
  19. Mine works for both, mission's and Ace server and it's the same CBA. Where did you found that info Dai?
  20. It works with same CBA, not all ACE maps support it.
  21. On which mission? In lingor /GR missions sthud works, in last Dai mission i do not recall if it was working or not. It work on Ace server for lingor/Overon/charnorus
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