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Everything posted by Ebden~SPARTA~

  1. Dude-that's Shift II. What's with us misreading websites? All these games are making us stupid.
  2. It's already gone up to $35. -Oops- that's for the PS3.
  3. No way is it a hack. The English is too colloquial (what foreigner says "we'll"!)
  4. Shithauled, dammit. Portal 2. Stupid dead computer. Stupid lotro. When it's fixed I have so much catchup to do! (arma2, Portal2, brink, CoH...!!)
  5. Not the addicting wow, just wow. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTLVMKtn0Ew
  6. No, go away. Cy already got me sucked into the lotro vortex. Wow is the devil.
  7. Cheap?! From the makers of Oblivion (and the item-dupe bug), and moon-walking Fallout 3?
  8. This doesn't happen much. Brink it forward: Release date moved up one week!! May 10 NA, May 13EU
  9. Day late 'n a dollar short, but happy birthday.
  10. ...where a ford Aerostar jam-packed with explosives... I had to replay that to be sure I heard it correctly. Holy shit-balls.
  11. :| What about grandma who could whoop his ass in monopoly first? Was she unhappy having gotten to the proverbial top? Pretty lame to give only half the story, vis-a-vis leaving the question open 'what matters'. That bugs the shit out of me. My mother is a minister, so I heard that sort of ministerial crap for decades. Lovely sermon though.
  12. From about 14m in Part 2 of HBO's The Pacific. Translated from a Japanese newspaper "The Americans on this island are not ordinary troops but Marines, special forces recruited from jails and insane asylums for bloodlust." Ha, great.
  13. Did I miss something, or is PC Gamer (read:Evan Lahti) having a field day with Sparta? I saw the March 17 story first on STEAM news. Congrats. (damn flucking mobo-I want to play arma!)
  14. Good for you. Did you choose any of those components based on customer service reputation?
  15. Y'all haven't seen much of me, unless we're pals on Steam then my name'll pop up putzing in GTAIV. My Mobo is the shits, and I'm going to RMA the thing on Monday. My BSOD issues are narrowed down to a generalized hardware failure that isn't the result of drivers or GPU. I'll be out that Mobo for a couple months, and I'm looking into a new build (yes,I am following the thread Need a New Computer) However-of the various manufacturers, who offers the best all around support for their gear? Best telephone tech support, best literature on how to setup and troubleshoot their mobos? Gigabyte is poo. Their tech-support e-mails are useless offering zippo real advice. However the RMA was easy enough to setup. Asus? MSI? Others?
  16. I suggest interested people wait for Project Reality-Arma2 to come out. I was a tester last year until work got too busy, and it's going to be fantastic for coordinated PvP and should shed the chaff of poor sports. In the meantime. look for any slots with AGW. I played with some of their peeps in BF2-PR and then in Arma 2 in 09 and last year. Tell their higher-ups that Ebden sent you. One-arm Wally, spud, Ed, they'll remember.
  17. It isn't misleading-err, well perhaps with a photo of Clinton. It fits the same criticisms pitched toward 2006 Death of a President. Still, nothing wrong with them playing up the storyline hype, that's in part what makes these storylines fun; relating them to real world scenarios. Splinter cell is good for this reason, as is the sp in the recent shooters (albeit similar via EMF bomb and US). No, I thought a little more. I don't like the use of the ad. The media, including game adverts, have an ethical responsibility. They have many, but this one concerns inciting fear. Any communicator needs to recognize how their work could be viewed by the available audience. A Homefront ad like that above on the game producer's own home page is one thing, but in a forum viewed by any youtube user (not just a few scattered PC gamers), is too far a stretch. The youtube ad could still contain similar content, but it needs to be visually couched in such a way that it immediately offers real-news doubt to readers, so they might see it for what it is and not what their fear could guide them to believe. It could be a gaming-looking background, or a stylized head of state instead of a real photo.
  18. It isn't misleading-err, well perhaps with a photo of Clinton. It fits the same criticisms pitched toward 2006 Death of a President. Still, nothing wrong with them playing up the storyline hype, that's in part what makes these storylines fun; relating them to real world scenarios. Splinter cell is good for this reason, as is the sp in the recent shooters (albeit similar via EMF bomb and US). No, I thought a little more. I don't like the use of the ad. The media, including game adverts, have an ethical responsibility. They have many, but this one concerns inciting fear. Any communicator needs to recognize how their work could be viewed by the available audience. A Homefront ad like that above on the game producer's own home page is one thing, but in a forum viewed by any youtube user (not just a few scattered PC gamers), is too far a stretch. The youtube ad could still contain similar content, but it needs to be visually couched in such a way that it immediately offers real-news doubt to readers, so they might see it for what it is and not what their fear could guide them to believe. It could be a gaming-looking background, or a stylized head of state instead of a real photo.
  19. Free up my slot. Machine isn't stable enough to risk the BSOD for your video.
  20. I'm good for tomorrow at 1400EST/1530NST. Got the machine sorted earlier this AM. Any good soundtrack ideas from here?
  21. Figured it out-I knew there was something. It's a symbolic, not ghost, link. http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/forum/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=3780&p=33159&hilit=mklink#p33159
  22. My installation of ARMAII needs some TLC. I neglected it for a couple months leading up to the survey, and it's been crippled through some cleanups and OS fixes. Here's the bit-I couldn't get into the Lingor TAC server even after ensuring I had downloaded the correct updates and launched the game using the current version of ARMA II Launcher. Addons did read as running on the main Arma II screen, including. ibrplants, mbgbldg2, brgafrica, lingor, lingor units, dc, sthud, cba The addons which came up as missing when login fails were (partial list) cawater, caweapons_ammoboxes, castructures_rail, cabuildings2_misc_cargo, etc. Where are those from? Also-I don't think I can run combined ops. Someone from KH walked me through a ghost link setup to link my standalone OA to my steam version vanilla, but the link is sour. I don't deserve to wear the moderator tags...I'm so ashamed!
  23. I'll do my best to be available See other post DAI to help me sort out all my ills!
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