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Everything posted by Ebden~SPARTA~

  1. I thought of this at the end of my previous post in the comms thread. Do useable high-command programs exist for A2 MP, similar to the SP? I did a quick search of the BIS forums, and found this by Mr. Centipede, and this discussion of the in-game HC module. Much use here?
  2. Edited shortly after post: I agree, and I've given in-game voip some thought. The in-game comms as a whole are really touch-and-go. Some people come through dandy, others sound like an analog cell phone in the Andes. We can't adjust any precise settings for the in game radios, and we can't modify the relative strength of human v. AI/automatic radio in game either. I disagree with strongarms assessment of 'Direct Communication'. The idea is good, but it's implementation is bad, always choppy audio, and a terrible radius. The in-game automatic radio (ex. squad-level enemy location) is so blasted loud, that without additional controls I'd prefer to use in-game sparingly, usually only for vehicle chat. Did someone suggest we modify our own volumes? Not happening, I'm not yelling at my computer screen with other people in the house (or neighborhood, they'd call men in white coats). I'd like to experiment with Mumble and a TS overlay (did someone say they had a working TS overlay?). I know mumble is redundant to 'direct communication' but it also boasts settings and fine-tuning that don't exist in A2. You can set your in/out volumes to make up for not wanting to yell and bother the wife, and I've found the audible radius in mumble (tried in PR) better than A2 direct comms. If TS overlay is good, then shag mumble for experimentation. Anyway, it all comes back to organization and ability. I'd prefer to see, as stated by others, groups split into discrete squads. It can work with the coms discipline that is growing in the Sparta servers, especially on a tacdom or larger tac mission night. As we all progress to macro-management, then seperate TS coms will free up airspace for more tactical discourse, such as describing the location of a distant enemy, without confusing other squads. Of course, the TS overlay is critical to make any of this work, because unlike in real life, I've never met one of you, and short of the distinct british accents, I haven't a clue who is whom. Don't forget, the radio isn't your only communication tool. As for marine navigation, make your prick! (no really, that's what it's called for anyone who's used a paper chart). Crazy idea time...how about we take advantage of the in-game watches, and SLs mark, via specified-color dot, their location @ time. Or better yet, for tacdom commanders only, introduce the SP high-command features? Can they be used for MP organization? What a way to cut back on coms, since the commander only needs to relay a series of waypoints and an objective for his squad. Yes, go with high-command if it is at all possible; forget pricking the charts, and save so much explanation in TS! My nickel for the discussion.
  3. I married one of 'em, but like most things be careful judging by the cover...She can't stand video games, it makes her 'sick' to watch me play shoot-em-up. Most times I let it go, but god damn the continued guilt-dripping harrasment! Actually, it's the only time she pays me any attention, so I think I'll keep at it. Right, back on topic. Anybody know why Canada has a thanksgiving so similar to the U.S., but without the history? (sure, sure, to copy the best, I know, but why that holiday...why not Columbus day?)
  4. I'd like to join, but Canadian Thanksgiving and work catch-up are keeping me off the servers for a few days.
  5. I can't help but think this comment has something to do with me! I like the 2IC idea, but it'll have to be a position that changes every mission. What a drag for someone who gets type-cast and left at the helos every time.
  6. Does the Sahrani server have the same settings? I had only minor lag in the server, mostly in object draw-delays, but that was when I tried 10k view distance (That's real nice)
  7. Pikey, How dusty and clogged were your cooling fans? Much guck? Which of the Corsair kits do you have? the 2nd one from the top, a 2G kit? That's 2x1G sticks, unless you have 2 kits for 4G RAM? Now that you've cleaned and defragged, try Arma again. If it still bombs, then we'll start digging for other triggers (I'm learning just like you, so don't expect a panacea, just what's worked for me in the past).
  8. This post is kudos to Strongarm ('stout limb', get it ) and his initiative for keeping visitors and regulars aware of SPARTA server regulation. This praise isn't simply for his informing other players of server regs, but for his not sounding like a crying child when other players are either completely off their heads or just new to the server. I think something to this effect is in a post elsewhere, too? Good.
  9. Lightspeed, do you have the proper access to setup/admin/otherwise get different coop missions running on a server?
  10. Pikey, if you want the easiest route then, here are a few essential tasks (It sounds like you will tackle the first few). Essentials: Clean th' bugger! Ensure airflow is adequate to and through the case. Are the case vents near a wall or drapery? Do you use a small room with a door closed? Keep the door open, crack a window, do what you can to get your ambient room temp down so that-when pushing your computer hard after an hour, the room still feels 70ish. (Ambient room temp is a big performance killer, but is also an easy fix for most of us in the North). Defrag your HD regularly. If you use XP (I don't know on Vista), one easy way to open your defrag program is to open your windows start menu>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools>Disk Defragmenter. This will open the defrag control window, where you'll see your HD listed and any additional partitions or external HDs connected. Left-click on (C:), or the drive which contains your ARMA II files. Left-click on the button 'Defragment'. It will first analyze, then begin defragmenting your HD. If it takes hours-good. You needed it badly. Done? Do it again. No, really. The first few times will take a while, but as your HD is put into shape then the process will be faster. A program I tried but didn't buy (though I might, it's really useful) is Diskeeper, and automatic defrag program with a trial copy for d/l. The only other bit, which is a little more complicated if you've never worked with your BIOS, is to ensure your RAM voltage and timing are set for your memory. There's lots more to do in BIOS which can help your performance, but the RAM voltage and timing, depending on what you have, are critical settings to check since your computer may not automatically configure to run at OCZ's advertised speed. Many of us on TS know how to do it, so ask away. Forums and VOIP are how I'm learning. Once you have a system performing properly with it's own gear (sorted HD, proper cooling and stock settings, etc), then it's easier to figure out weak spots and tweak accordingly. FYI, your computer setup is still powerful with the existing equipment, and everybody is having issues with ARMA II FPS. It's a wierd game that way.
  11. Pikey, If you've cleaned your various cooling components from any caked dust and grime, defrag'd the HD regularly, kept your ambient/computer room temps to a minimum, perhaps put your paging file in it's own 4-8G partition, then I might point at your CPU. Could you provide a few more details?: Which Asrock board do you have? What is your Ocz memory type (PC2 or 3, rated STOCK speed, CAS, dual-channel mem?) Have you ensured your RAM voltages are correct for the stock RAM speed? If not, the RAM may be underperforming the packaged rating. What's your OS? XP will only ID 3.25g of your memory, but that much is still enough to play. Have you tried a gentle overclock to see if you can squeeze some improvement? They are some painfully long threads, but have you looked through the Bohemia forums NVIDIA posts and Armaholic posts for tweaks to your card's settings? You are running the latest drivers, updates, etc? The reason I suspect CPU, not counting any issues from those suggested above, is the dual-cores. All I've read about ARMAII suggests the quad cores/i7s are optimal for the game (given a powerful machine around the chip, which your PSU, memory, and GPU will provide). I have a C2D E8400, OC'd to 3.6 from 3.0. The key performance difference between our chipsets is a 2M boost between our L2 Cashes. Using Fraps, I get FPS 30-35 regularly, but frequent drops (perhaps different on the new server config) to 15-25. I have a slower card (9800GT) and probably a comparable mobo, and there are other tweaks I'm sure I could try to get everything running faster. The biggest boost I've gained, but which diminishes immersion, is stepping down my display res. At 1024x768 I managed 60FPS steady in SP! But the game just doesn't have the same look. EDIT: considering Dai-San's post, yes-Arma II is a curveball in sorting this stuff out. My comments above all focus on getting a clean, optimized system rather than anything ARMAII-ready, other than a suggestion for further research into dual v. quad cores for the game.
  12. Ha, I hadn't even thoght to comment on that, major improvement! As the server filled or we approached the end of one domination round, AI characters would regularly glitch/lag over a small space of their travel (MI-8's jumping back and re-running their course; AI soldiers running, dissapearing, and re-running 25-50m of terrain they just ran). I don't recall seeing this once. Beyond any other lag issues, this was the most frustrating on the servers, since any long-range or radar-lock engagement was useless. It turned many moments into spray 'n pray. Not a sign of it yesterday. Anybody else?
  13. Pending family issues, I'm game. I'd like to try the mission 'Kill Colonel Kronsky v3', unless other missions are already up and ready.
  14. I played only briefly, but I did not notice a single lag-related hiccup during my time online, with one exception... Running in the BMP to a side mission, several said over TS that they were going to hop out. When I heard them, I was moving, and when I saw their characters pop out I was still moving. Could a lag/synch issue cause their scroll menu to indicate 'Get out' even if the driver hasn't lowered speed (but the BMP looked stopped to them)? It happened both when entering and exiting the water for the side mission.
  15. He could have used , it hasn't been completely overused yet. At least he didn't use (great, moving music-completely overused) The point should be this...videos are about the videos, not about the soundtracks. Music, if used, should support the visual, not distract us from it. The best military movies such as We were Soldiers, Saving Private Ryan, etc, you don't really notice the music as much as you notice feeling something deep and connecting with the people portrayed. So-to keep it on topic, Ranger-for your next video, play a little more with silence, the sound of the characters and their actions (gunshots, explosions, steps, etc, sometimes a touch of air for a transition or flyover), and use music at key points to support what the audience would already 'get' from the visuals alone. I look forward to your next one.
  16. I tried Sahrani again, logged in fine this time. It's fun to try another map. Thanks Zeno. On the Sahrani map, what do the three red diamonds in the village btwx the two main islands mean (the symbols are on the three roads, there is no apparent roadblock)? On the same map, some peaks have a red ring with points like a mini compass rose. What do they represent?
  17. If you want to pick at the music, dig at the 'bodies hit the floor' metal crud later on, that stuff makes me think of posers from high-school! I've always liked foreign music, even though I have no idea what the fellow was chanting in the first song Was it "kill all Infidels...dadada?" or something about taking a date to see the latest Tom Clancy flick?
  18. Go Sparta, #12! (if you care about that sort of thing).
  19. I just attempted to join the server, but it only sat in the 'waiting for host' screen (the server status was create-is that just a holding pattern until someone joins, or an admin-needed step?) I successfully logged onto another sahrani server.
  20. What were your graphic settings? All shots appeared at a resolution greater than I've seen in game yet. Excellent, excellent video. The final crosses just about had me, and reminded me of a memorial my mother assembled in Boston (images below). Other comments, as noted in my youtubecomment (estern80). Some of these are very specific and should not be read as criticisms. Rather, I'm curious that the game even allows that level of detail (ex-6:17 comment) 2:30-is that a damage mod? Destroyed HMMWVs are black skeletons in-game. Far more detail, and it almost looks damage-specific (with the front-end completely blown away) The third soldier, near the passenger rear tire, appears to shift positions in each scene: 2:52-Behind Pass-rear wheel 3:09-under passenger side 3:30-a couple meters off from the passenger side 3:40-closer to the car by a few meters...poor bastard (still finger-safe on his M4, and so much for the vest) 4:45-the vehicle, was it the same as at 9:03? 5:30-those are some mean looking 'birds 6:17-Are those different helmets? The soldier front-left appears to have his helmet webbing shifted forward, overlapping the accessory mount, where the soldier back right has tight webbing and a fully visible mount. 6:45-ungh, heavy metal. I suppose the lyrics are fitting. 7:55- Two different soldiers with drastically different uniforms. The left soldier looks like the SP Razor team, on the right an enlisted grunt? Would different soldiers in this situation mix company and tasks (a question for the procedurally-familiar)? 8:07-good face! (for a particularly unpleasant face) 6Hours Later.. How did you get the soldiers and civilian woman to animate solemn poses? 8:57- if possible, blood stains from where the soldier's bodies had been removed would have added to the flyover 10:00 reminded me of this memorial in Boston
  21. 42"!! I still have a dell 19". crud. 42" is double that (or quadruple?) Monitor, trackIR, joystick, so much on the wishlist. Is this the right download for the Sahrani map, Dom 1.03 retro by Bushlurker? If so, the big file is CAA1 Project by Team, which additionally needs CBA, according to dev-haven. Am I overdoing it, or do we need CAA1, CBA, and the Bushlurker rework to use the Sahrani server?
  22. In a photo like that, who cares! (I enlarged the first before scrolling down, and I did pick up on the wrong leg).
  23. The idea is to freak the intruder to the point where he feels he will be violated (as if a shotgun wasn't enough of a hint)
  24. Halli, it seems fitting that you would task a dog to do your work... Kidding!
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