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Everything posted by MedicSN6

  1. MedicSN6

    ARMA 3 Info

    From what I have read in some previous press releases and QAs, they have built A3 from the ground up with a new engine. The character movements are much more fluid and consistent with reality, the graphics and physics have been rebuilt and the scripting methods are revamped to use JAVA. I think these items alone make the game worth the purchase. As Viiiper said, the lack of some more common FPS "features" such as XP, rankings, and unlocks, are the best part. We neither need nor want any of that crap. I am looking forward to the Community Alpha.
  2. MedicSN6

    ARMA 3 Info

    http://www.bistudio.com/english/company/developers-blog/285-scanning-the-horizon-arma-3-in-2012 "Community Alpha" released After E3. Mid to late June. Alpha build will be open to whoever wants to try it. Probably pretty buggy though.
  3. Very cool concept and I think it will run on my phone. http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/android
  4. Thanks guys. ANd yes Haj, it was one of my better birthdays. Unfortunately I did not get to shoot or play any games. I'll be making up for that soon enough though.
  5. Thanks everyone for the birthday well wishes! Had a great day yesterday. First, I was off from work, which is always a good thing on your Birthday. (No one should have to work on their BD. Not even the POTUSA.) Started the day by driving to Fairfax, Virginia and went to a gun store with a shooting buddy of mine. I didn't get anything but wanted to buy everything. Then we got some lunch from a microbrewery and drank some of the freshest brew (some Stout of which I can't remember the name.) We then went to the NRA Headquarters and walked around the National Firearms Museum (which is free by the way) for about two hours. Tons of cool exhibits and guns. and the lightsabres used in the original trilogy are there. Very cool. We had planned to go to the NRA shooting range, but time was getting short and there was a significant wait for a lane so we packed up and headed home for dinner with our wives. Dropped $100 on dinner (wasn't expecting it to be that much), but it was very good and the beer was delicious. We ate at Capital Ale House in Harrisonburg, VA. Overall, it was one of the best birthdays I have had as an adult.
  6. AND I.... WILL... ALWAYS... LOVE... youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhoooooooooooahhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...
  7. username or it didn't happen.
  8. Stolen fair and square from reddit.
  9. http://www.oldrepublic.net/star-chart.html
  10. Speaking from personal experience, the studio headset and desk mic combo is a bad idea. Too many problems and your voice quality is horrendous.
  11. I really like my new Turtle Beach Z6A headset. $99
  12. Thanks guys! A quick slideshow from the trip.
  13. Haiti slideshow!

    1. Skaz~SPARTA~


      I really admire what you did man. that is beautiful.

    2. MedicSN6


      We had a great time and to be honest, I think I got more out of it then the kids and villagers did.

  14. I'M BACK! Plane touched down at Dulles Airport around midnight last night. I got home at around 0215-0230. I first shared some souvenirs with my wife and then took a 20 minute shower to wash a week's worth of funk, dirt and Hatian grime from me. What an experience. Not only did our team see just over 500 Haitian men, women, and children in about two and a half days, I set up and wired some solar panels and fixed an old truck that wouldn't run. Medical, off-grid electrical, and auto mechanics. A well rounded trip. Above all that I taught Duck, Duck, Goose to the children and they loved it. So much laughter as they chased each other around the circle. I have pictures and I am transferring them as I type this. I hope to have an album up soon. All said and done, it was an amazing trip with some awesome people who I now call my friends, but I am very glad to be home. More to come.
  15. Landed in Miami with no problems at around 2 pm. Waited an hour for the shuttle to the hotel. Just ate a [riveted] steak at an Argentinan Steakhouse. Now for the cab ride home and to get some sleep. 3 am will be here before I know it. EDIT: Damn autocorrect. I meant 'really good.'
  16. Sorry for the delayed response. I have been doing last minute preps, packing, and spending time with my wife and my parents at their house for dinner. The spaghetti was exceptionally good. There will be eight travelers in total on this expedition into Central Haiti. Myself and Eric, an ER Physician, as well as six members of a local church are the crew. Eric and I will be running the medical clinic and the rest will be helping out where needed. The other six do have there work cut out for them though. The orphanage needs infrastructure work done including electrical, plumbing, and structural and the vehicles need some TLC as well. Much of the luggage and goods we are bringing are supplies to aid in the basic repairs a populated orphanage needs on a regular basis, but doesn't have access to. Much of the medical care we will be providing is merely temporary relief of endemic and chronic medical issues resulting in a lack of sanitary conditions and medical facilities. I have learned much about Haiti in preparing for this trip. The history of Haiti, both culturally and politically, is tragic at best. I encourage you all to learn more about Haiti and in doing so, learn from one of humanity's great mistakes, lest we repeat it. Because there is no running water and the only form of electricity comes in the form of a generator run only at certain times of the day, I will find myself, yet again, challenged without the luxuries of the First World. It's a challenge I both welcome and look forward to. I purchased two soccer (futbol) balls and added a spare of my own to the collection. I hope to play one of my favorite games after the day's work is done. I have been told the children have a choir of sorts. Having been in choirs and participated in a couple musicals during my all too recent childhood, I can appreciate the time and effort put towards this talent. The only forms of personal entertainment I am bringing are, a book entitled One Second After by William Forstchen, a SuDoKu puzzle book, and a deck of cards. These are mainly for the time spent flying or riding in a bus. At the moment, I don't know exactly where in LeJene, Haiti I will be, but this is the general area we will be working in. The bus trip from the airport in Port Au prince will be long and tiring. The dirt roads are ripe with potholes and erosion b rainfall. Rarely are the repaired and if it is raining, they may wash away completely. Travel in Haiti may be the worst part of the trip, but I will resist letting it become the most memorable. Eric has started a blog which he plans to update, hopefully, daily. At some point, I am sure you will see my tired and happy fat-ass grinning away with some pretty special kids and their caretakers. You'll find the blog at: http://ericfromva.blogspot.com/ Until I return, Medic out.
  17. As long as you take the blue pill and not the red one.
  18. It seems we have all been prioritizing like adults as of late. I too have not had much time to play getting read for my Haiti trip, which kicks off Monday morning early (23 Jan.). I have been playing a lot of the story line and it seems I am barely keeping up with the level of enemies. I'd like to do some PVP at some point, but it isn;t a priority and I may begin a new character to do so with. Probably a Sith Warrior. FP, I do not need to load Origin or have it running in the background to play the game, even though I purchased it through Origin. Try using the game loader instead of going through Origin. My default location on Win 7: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\BioWare\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.exe" I created a shortcut and AFAIK, it bypasses Origin all together. I hope you don't give up on a really cool game. About two months of casual play should get a character to 50 and be enjoyable.
  19. I have severe deficiency in my hearing as well. Partially caused by chronic ear infections, multiple placements of tubes and later during the military the awesomeness of gun fire and claymore mines. If I am yelling into teamspeak, you now know why. I am so deaf, I can't hear myself think. This is TRUE.
  20. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/01/12/swtor-updates-lots-of-juicy-info/ Notably, Guild Banks in March possibly. Not sure for credits only, items only or both though. Considering that they combine your credit number on your inventory screen (as many other MMOS and games do) it may very well be both.
  21. I will see. Then if we need to get a message out, we can turn it back on. I don't really have a problem with it though.
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