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Posts posted by Methlodis

  1. The amount of air support with the ace servers is, as of right now, fine. Over the time playing on the ace server the last few days, the number of vehicles that are available to the players and the rate in which they rise, really balances the map. Along with the fact that infantry are need for observation, dealing with anti-air and that only infantry can destroy the radiotowers it makes sure that the infantry is still as if not more valuable than the air support. So keeping the way things are with the air I support.

    Though I do recommend changing some small things. The damage of the server seems to be a little low overall, though I am not sure if it is a bug in the mod or a server error. Weapons from both infantry or vehicles seem to do less damage, and when a maverick missile only kills 40% of the time, or when it take more than 1 shot with a m107 to the chest, I think there may be something wrong just noting.

    Also it might be a little more fun if the players were able to access enemy vehicles like the Hiend by salvaging them, not only adding another level of accomplishment to the player, but also another way for the players to directly influence the assets that are available to them. Besides having 2 Hiend and destroying the enemy is so much fun, especially when you can fast rope troops off of it and then take out the armour so cool.


    Anyways, I REALLY support the liberal use of air support that is currently in the server!

    Note: God I just reread this and it sound like a bad essay :P Well hope that helps


  2. A game so great the vid card for it won't be invented for 5 years.


    Actually if I'm not mistaken it will run have similar requirements to what crysis/warhead had 2 years ago, but the graphics and physics have been tuned to be even greater. As the devs put it, they had a great visual base with CE2 but they had poor preformance, so now they fine tuned the graphics a little and put HUGE emphasis on managing the original preformance issues.


    It should also be noted that cryengine 2 COULD NOT be put on consoles because of preformance demand (they could have put it on consoles on lower settings but it wouldn't have looked as good), and now they CAN put it on consoles with an even better engine.


    Man, I can't wait till it comes out so they I can start modding again :)

  3. Been going on TS for a while now (at least once every two weeks), asked recentley to be put in the database for the attack airchraft! Cheers!


    Note: I thought it was already added but it may have been because I had a different computer and such... not sure though


    Methlodis ID: 3140672

  4. Nice idea Kille, though I have to say it may be tough to organize. Maybe adding some info panels that could relay the commanders orders to teams/squads? But I still like it.


    Anyway some of my thoughts and ideas after playing on the server for a few days:


    1. The System Arma 2 has for Freindly Fire and identifying the guilty party is fine but it can defintley get in the way. Marking the player as a warning is fine, but not the same as the enemy (should be changed, maybe yellow or orange if the only kill one or two people, then turns red if they continue to do it and actually turn into an enemy). There are countless times when people fire upon me after I accidently blow someone up while taking down a radio tower. Its a good system to mark and penalize the guilty party (to warn them, or to make sure they are more carefull next time) but not at the expense of confusing the other team members.


    Another aspect of this that should be removed or altered, is the fact that if there is a freindly fire unit in a vehicle everyone who etempts to get in after them cannot. There is no penalty to the guilty and other players experiences are hurt because of this. This should be removed, and inplace of 'penalizing' them like that, they should get a warning on their screen (a red text message "you have commited freindly fire, you loose an item out of your inventory", and they loose an item. Thus making them more careful.


    2. Stealing enemy vehicles in this game is good, but it is a pain when similar to the freindly fire marker, the vehicle is still red on map, GPS and player tag. This should be changed so that once a vehicle is taken over by a freindly it is green, and should only be hit by freindlies if they are not carefully and not looking at their map. This would also stop confusing players (such as myself)


    3. There seems to be a huge problem with people getting into vehicles they shouldn't, I propose a system in which the server only allows individuals to drive certain vehicles (such as the MHQ, Heli's, Planes, and Tanks) who have typed in a password (possible a section located int the 'Show Status' menu) the password would only be distributed on teamspeak. Thus allowing only TS players acess to these items. It might be somewhat of a pain, but in the end it wil stop the incidents of random players fooling around with these craft.


    4. I also agree that there should be some civilian vehicles spinkled across the map, its a pain to be afk for a minute or two only to be left in a cleared town, with the only options being to force respawn, parajump (which most people don't like other players doing), or waiting for someone nice enough to give them a ride. Placing these vehcicles will allow more options to travel, and to catch up to the rest of the palyers.


    I do realize that some of these will need a little modding and server editing, but they would be a truely great addtion to the server, and would lead to a much better expereince. Thanks hope you like these suggestions!


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