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About PvtHopscotch

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  1. Hey I just wanted to stop by and say sorry I haven't been able to get online and play for a while. I've been busy with visiting family and I'm looking for a job before my leave runs out. Also I bought Dungeons of Dredmore on steam, that hasn't helped. I realize no one minds I just wanted to let every one know I'm not one of those "hung out for a week then disappeared" guys, I really dig the community and you've all been super cool. I'll definitely be more active in the future once I can get the Job situation figured out and I'll still drop by the forums and post when I can. Thanks guys.
  2. It's like they watched someone playing MGS and thought "Hey! We could look all sweet like those PMC guys!" It looks straight out of a Kojima game. Not that I'm bad mouthing him as I love Metal Gear. They are training for shit that should not and will not happen. Being surrounded by 6 people, even if they are unarmed and you are, is not going to play out in your favor or nearly as cool as they seem to think. I can't say much on the firing past or in front of each other as I've trained doing that sort of thing with a SAW and M240 but I also know/knew that my automatic riflemen are highly trained and proficient with those weapons and won't shoot me in the back. And if an accident occurred we at least had body armor and Kevlars on. But hey Natural Selection doesn't really apply to humans as it used to so it's kind of important that we allow the inferior specimens to kind weed them selves out. Unfortunately THESE retards could hurt someone else during they're antics. I would not want to be in the area if someone tries to mug one of these folks as I can reasonably assume that I'm going to catch a bullet as well.
  3. Sorry my post was brief but Hajimoto nailed it with both reviews. It was funny that Black Ops was released to decent reviews but MoH not so much but we were still in Afghanistan when they released and it was unanimous among all of my Troop that MoH's SP was alot more believable and fun. I noticed that military folks seemed to appreciate the subtle things in MoH. I will not however retract the short comment as the SP is over rather quick but hell free is free. If DS2 isn't really your genre then I would say go with what you enjoy. Can't beat free either way but I can at least assure you that short or not you'll like the campaign in MoH. The only caveat to all that is I would highly suggest trying one of the Dead Space games if you never have. Wasn't really my cup-o-tea either and I picked up the first one on a whim a while back and got hooked.
  4. Dead Space 2. Dead Space 2 is alot of fun and a very well polished title. I personally didn't mind the new MoH but the truth is that it's really short, nothing inovative and the multiplayer isn't great.
  5. I would be up for giving it a try this weekend as well. I played around in the sample missions in SP and it seems like it could be quite fun. I'd be happy just convoying building supplies and AI troops to new outposts that need set up.
  6. Yeah I have to agree this sounds really really cool. The idea of only 3 or 4 people being able to play one day and getting on the server and doing some recon or something along those lines helping the next combat strengthed session with valuable intel gets me excited. I wish I could script because I would love to work on or help someone work on missions for this.
  7. http://www.cyberpowerpc.com/system/Xplorer_X6-9300_Gaming_Notebook/ 6.83 lbs
  8. Great time guys thanks for the opportunity the play. The mission was outstanding as well. Very well done. The only nag I have and I talked about it in TS a little bit is maybe some light kit selection. I don't mean like a whole cache of random crap just a few different choices for every position. Personal example being that I was a grenadier and the default weapon is a MK17/EGLM. Having the choice between an M4, M16/203 or a MK16/EGLM and a few different optics would be more then enough for me. I remember reading in another thread that the choice was limited for tactical/practicality's sake and I agree that the MGubber swapping for a Marksman rifle is stupid but I doubt many of the people who play these missions would do so. I will agree with EBE's bit about movement to an extent. Having your squad pre broken into fireteams allows for greater freedom of movement in a kinetic situation however it's kinda double edged because GR is based on SF and they operate in smaller numbers so the infantry squad/fireteam break down is a bit more difficult. As far as the guidance part though, part of what makes SF capable of operating in small numbers like that is that while there IS someone in charge calling the shots so to speak, everyone in an ODA is a highly trained badass and even in lowly infantry squads if PFC Snuffy says "Hey we should take the SAW up to that elevated rocky position" who ever is in charge will probably go with it. And I can tell already that non of the people the frequent here are dicks so if you have an idea, push it up. Discipline and doing what your told is important but the military doesn't train Zombies (yet) so if something is obvious, do it. Takes alot of the weight and micromanagement off the Squad Leader and makes his job easier. Wow sorry for the rant. I had a friggen blast!
  9. I have to back the Asus route. I've personally never owned one but 2 guys I was deployed with had G series laptops and they had nothing but good things to say about em. Plus there's something to be said about how cool they look. My .2c is as a personal preference I've always gotten my laptops built by Cyberpower PC and my latest from them is an amazing machine but I usually suggest them or any of the custom build sites to people who are looking for a new mid-high gaming laptop. You can build some good rigs and the price is reasonable and they don't to come with a bunch of bloatware crap like what the big name company's rigs tend to.
  10. I can tell by the blank look on Ashley's face while handling that Glock that she's a Springfield XD girl. This pleases me.
  11. I'm in. IDK if there is a members preference or something though so as long as that's not an issue. Edit: I'm using the updater version of ACE2. Is that going to cause a problem?
  12. See IDK I have kinda mixed views on it. For the most part I think that if it's balanced as far what can be purchased and the advantage that it gives, that an auction house can be a great tool to help level the field between those with unlimited time to play and people who have full time jobs, families, etc etc and can't invest tons of time into it. I do however recognize that keeping something like this balanced and useful as apposed to just being a way to spend money and have the biggest E-penis is rather tough and rarely done right. As far as D3 is concerned I have to admit that I never played the first 2 much past beating the SP and moving on. My index finger only has so much stamina. Plus I had friends who spent every waking moment clicking away in their room and had a good example presented of what I didn't want to happen to me.
  13. Looks sweet. I've always been a fan of rotary craft as apposed to fixed. Flight simulators were always a pleasure of mine back in my younger years but I haven't been able to delve back in. The closest thing being I love flying in ARMA 2 and I have a semi decent flight stick that facilitates that urge. Plus it always reminds me that instead of being a trigger puller I should be a WO flying like I always wanted to when I was young. Thanks for the link.
  14. I will take the likely unreceived Birthday wishes unto myself as well as the woman in that picture. I would hate to see either go to waste.
  15. That would be pretty amazing. The industry is going to need this kind of innovation here soon. Games are getting so advanced and large that anything that cuts down on the number of man hours needed to make the game and not make my GPU burst into flames is needed to keep the industry moving forward. I think this and even more so computer generated environments (or just the technology behind it) are going to be huge in the in the very near future.
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