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Everything posted by Steel~Sparta~

  1. that was cool.... and check out the other video of the reanamated rat heart.
  2. Wow thanks for the info Watchman
  3. No actually I dont watch that stuff. My fiance is way better than anything I could watch... besides she would gouge out my eyes if I did that.
  4. Very cool... I have been a fan of HFC tech for a while and now it is on the doorstep. One question... how much is 5 million quid? What is a quid? What a 'quid might look like to an american------> http://www.8legged.com/DFL_entryJS.html
  5. LOLOLOLOLOL... That is is funniest thing I have read all day. Your girlfriend is coming home isnt she?
  6. Steel~Sparta~

    LINGOR v-1.1

    Self destruct sequence canceled... we need you Zeno
  7. Maybe it is the beer talking but I have to ask... Where did you find that? I think I want one.
  8. During WW2 the Gurkha would sneek into the japanese camps and cut the boot laces of the japanese soldiers while they were sleeping and then sneak out agian. They have balls made of solid brass.
  9. i remember when it was considered a fad
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRGInQXXSFc&feature=related I laughed at these idiots...
  11. How does Batman's mother call him to dinner? A: Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Batman!!! I dont get it....
  12. "Boudica exhorted her troops from her chariot, her daughters beside her. Tacitus gives her a short speech in which she presents herself not as an aristocrat avenging her lost wealth, but as an ordinary person, avenging her lost freedom, her battered body, and the abused chastity of her daughters. Their cause was just, and the deities were on their side; the one legion that had dared to face them had been destroyed. She, a woman, was resolved to win or die; if the men wanted to live in slavery, that was their choice." Tough woman and a piece of history that I was unaware existed. She was also brutal... "Tacitus says the Britons had no interest in taking or selling prisoners, only in slaughter by gibbet, fire, or cross. Dio's account gives more detail: that the noblest women were impaled on spikes and had their breasts cut off and sewn to their mouths, "to the accompaniment of sacrifices, banquets, and wanton behaviour" in sacred places, particularly the groves of Andraste." Ok back on subject. Here in the US we do have to justify killing in our home in self defence and depending on the location that can be difficult. California would be one example. In other places it is easy(er)... Texas, Tennesse. In many cases it depends on a who is on the grand jury. That said I think that any person has the right to defend themselves and their homes whether it is with firearm, blunt instument, or blade. Notice that I said right and not requirement. Some people chose not to defend themselves and would rather run, hide or both. That too is their right and I wish them the best. I think that what a lot of people forget is that just because I have the right to arm myself does not mean that I HAVE to arm myself. Yes I am armed.
  13. http://www.toplessrobot.com/2011/01/the_greatest_game_review_of_all_time.php
  14. you should try to make a Death Star... on a 1:1 Scale
  15. An Armed society is a polite society... Clickty click
  16. O that is easy.... CVN-65 cause it is more work for you. Enterprise was meant to be the first of a class of six, but construction costs ballooned and the remaining vessels were never laid down. Because of the huge cost of her construction, Enterprise was launched and commissioned without the planned Terrier missile launchers. These were never installed and the ship's self-defense suite instead consisted of three shorter-range RIM-7 Sea Sparrow, Basic Point Defense Missile System (BPDMS) launchers.[12] Later upgrades added two NATO Sea Sparrow (NSSM) and three Mk 15 Phalanx CIWS gun mounts.[13] One CIWS mount was later removed and two 21-cell RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile launchers were added.[14] Enterprise is also the only aircraft carrier to house more than two nuclear reactors.[3] Her eight-reactor propulsion design was rather conservative, with each A2W reactor taking the place of one of the conventional boilers in earlier designs. She is the only carrier with four rudders, two more than other classes, and features a more cruiser-like hull.[15] Enterprise also had a phased array radar system designed to be better at tracking multiple airborne targets than conventional rotating antenna radars. These early phased arrays, which were replaced around 1980, were responsible for the distinctive square-looking island.
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