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Everything posted by EMT~SPARTA~

  1. Shouldn't we just go stock dom? More people would be willing to play.
  2. The one night I'm gone, all hell breaks loose? I'll be on tonight, hopefully... When/If I get on tonight, I will have a talk with everyone in the channel. Respect for one-another is very important to me and I believe we just need to come up with a compromise for the people who want to "shoot the shit" and the "tac-com" guys. I will also remind everyone of the rules regarding racial slurs/language, along with other things.
  3. Scenarios though.... We all know what Arma scenarios are like. If they are good, then by all means lets play them. But looking long term, playing the same scenarios over and over again may get repetitive. Also with multiplayer, you may have people outside of the sparta community ruin the scenario all together. But with the old domination style gameplay, the new/average player could take a route different than the group and not ruin the experience.
  4. Srry if the first message came off wrong; If you didn't know, the server we always played on had a mission in it called Domination. which allowed us to go to each town and fight the AI. With Domination gone, I don't think Arma has a co-op mission alread on it. Correct me if im wrong. Domination was not a mod, more of a mission to shape the game. Since arma is so open. By no means do I want to add mods that you have to dl before you can enter the game.
  5. Hello everyone, With Arma III getting closer, I am starting to get really excited about everyone playing together again. Video from E3: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2012-arma-iii/731945 Those Animations! I started to wonder if Domination would be ported over to Arma III and found out that the maker, Xeno, doesn't want it to go over. He also stated that he would not be working on domination for Arma 2 either (old news). So my question is....On day 1, what will we be doing for multiplayer? Will MH6 and Kalxen team up and make something again? Or do we already have something in place. If we do need a new mission, I need to start getting my old brain day dreaming again. I know Mh6 was working on a RTS style gameplay, making it more versitile and new each time. I really miss our co-op gameplay and the openess to our style. Thats what brought me here in the first place. I'll never forget seeing everyone in town, waiting for a chopper to get us. Saw the teamspeak info and haven't looked back since.
  6. I could walk y'all through to see where the problem is. BTW: have to share a story from last night. I'm walking through an open field, trying to link back up with everyone else, when these 2 basterds opened up on me from behind. I about shit my pants and run to the neareset cover...a bush...I return automatic fire giving me 2 seconds to figure out how im going to get out of this alive. I then remember, I have a gernade! While still shooting at me (it was pitch black) I throw the gernade where they are shooting from. It lands short, but I know the concusion from the blast affected them in some way. Server then decides to shit on us and restart. I log back on in the same bush and stay perfectly still. Knowing they would probably do the same, I watch for 15 min. No movement. I then notice some zombies in zelenogorsk. Wtf? I'm too far for them to be from me...AHAH! There they are! Crouching through the middel fo the town! Basterds had a dmr (reddot) and a mp5. But i'm too far away to kill them. Still...I want them to pay for attempting to kill me. I shoot 5 rounds as best as I could at one of them. I could tell I hit him from my face turning slightly more evil. They logged off after that though. Basterds!
  7. I looked at berezino and don't like that we have to go so far in to reach the hospital. But, the player base would probably be smaller. On the other hand, in cherno, the players will be more new and easier to spot/kill. You playing tonight? I knew you would find someone eventually. Did they say anything when you killed them? Beg you for mercy? What guns did they have?
  8. I've been looking at the map recently, trying to decide which hospital I want to get blood packs from, along with other items we need. And I've decided to hit the Hospital on the West side of Chernogosk. But I need a group with me in order to be successful. Anyone willing to take the journey? I can't do it alone. Edit: I found the perfect Hospital. It is just across the Apts on the west, just on the outskirts of the town. We can hit it hard and get the hell out of there. I have planned a route to approach.
  9. Thanks for all of your hard work MH6
  10. http://imgur.com/a/qIE9j This was awsome....
  11. World Peace! One Country at a time! Keep up the hard work everyone! I'll be working hard tonight on world peace! Anyone else? World Peace

    Arma 3

    Damn that run is ugly... Other than that, looks beautiful. I agree with ya bat. All valid points. All we can do is cross our fingers and prey to the Arma Gods.
  13. Yay! Yea me and MH6 were in the Finland server last night. Some goods and negs with that server. The server was very smooth, I mean beautiful smooth, while the player vs player lag was unbarable. I did find night vision goggles last night! Yippie! Now to never play again, so I dont lose them. Btw MH6, stop reading this and get back to work! I see you lurking!
  14. It's not the quantity that matters, its the quality!
  15. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/ Reddit Dayz
  16. Wow! that was very well written! Can we all agree that Alarmbread needs to continue this?
  17. Lol, Agreed. If they did end of being hostile, you would of saved our ass! Things got very hectic very fast. Story for anyone that wasn't there: We were camping out at the North East Airfield,enjoying the calm, when a sniper started shooting at us. Since steel had the only night vision, he went hunting for the sniper. We finally spotted him heading away from us in the woods, so we thought we were in the clear. All of a sudden, Raven is told to freeze in the middle of the airfield in chat by some guy. I quickly started to look for this mysterious character that had Raven frozen in the middel of the airstrip, but he spotted me as well, saying "Emt is in the watch tower, Raven do you know him?". WIth no idea where the hell this guy was, I switched to koaxing him to come out to us. Finally after some chatting we got him and one of his buddies to come out of the trees where they were hiding. Steel and Overseer were still flanking them, just to make sure. I see a cow and make a fire to warm up our new found friends. All of a sudden, their group leader starts yelling that his overwatch guy is being shot at, while at the same time steel is asking if he should kill a sniper he found in the woods. My brain put the two together pretty fast and told both players to hold. Steel got off a bullet or 2 into him; thats how close it was to ending very badly. Very fun night that was!
  18. The whole PVP situation is amzing to me. You could be wandering through an open field and be shot dead. All the stuff and work you did, gone. Or, you could be out of ammo, running with 20-30 zombies on your ass and have a group of guys save you. The morality of people in this mod is what makes it so much fun! I literally became a hostage negociator yesterday! (thanks to steel and his paranoia). We could of easily shot those group of guys, but instead we approched them with caution and now they join us on teampseak every day (nighthawk, Panda, Potatoe). Good group of guys that, just like us, were scared out of their minds to talk to us. Another thing to note is how fast news goes around in servers. Example "There are a group of bandits in Stary Sobor, don't go there." or " I heard douchebag123 likes to kill people, don't let him fool you!" The fact that this is what they intended the gameplay to be like, gives me confidence on the future of this mod. It brought Arma II back from the grave.
  19. I personally love this mod! I found 5 people last night while walking around, all friendly and willing to stick together. I think we were all scared of going alone... The only way I found them was by leaving my direct communication mic open and just stating "hello? anyone alive around here?" People came out of the woodworks. I learned one thing last night... save your ammo. Don't go in running and gunning, just cause you have 5 clips. You will need them later.
  20. Damn...Single Player it is!
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