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Everything posted by EMT~SPARTA~

  1. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/524168447/the-stomping-land This looks like a lot of fun!
  2. Yes, your items will be where you left them. The only way you would lose your items is if someone was in your house while you were gone and a naga attacked. http://24.media.tumblr.com/0cac5072cb5599c0841a8e05d290a9f3/tumblr_mgh5loHO3h1s2hte7o1_500.jpg
  3. Hey weedrew, We run our server with some mods included. That would explain your error. It is called Feed the Beast. Here is a link explaining how to install and get in the server. Please let me know if you have any questions. http://www.legionofspartans.com/forums/index.php?/topic/10647-feed-the-beast-minecraftlegionofspartanet2401/ Thank you, EMT
  4. Good morning everyone! Tonight, May 3rd, we will be hosting a Tac Night on the Arma 2 servers! Kickoff will be 8:00 pm EST. The mission will be Ace_insurgency v1.50. Server PW will be: bear Please come join us for some intense moments and good laughs! Hope to see you there! -EMT Required Mods: * http://www.legionofsparta.net/downloads/Games/Arma%202%20Operation%20Arrowhead/Mods/@SPARTAACEv1.13.rar Optional Mods: * Blastcore * JSRS 1.5 (if you have 1.4, that will work, but I strongly recommend the update) PS: If you have any problems installing this, I will be more than happy to help you out.
  5. It was going to be the first 500, but since they had launch errors, they changed it to 2500
  6. The Supporter addition of Arma 3. He bought the game within the first 2500. Congrats Jack! We will have to look for you in the credits!
  7. This is what I came up with for Locations Red Circles are Potential FOBs Stars are Radio Towers....I thought we could make something with those Blue circles are Spawns On the south west of the Airfield is a rather large circle. We may need to create a FOB there in order to balance the map. But that FOB is optional.
  8. 1) Agree 2) I believe you should be able to get any weapon at your main base, but if you want ammo boxes at your FOB, you must load them into a vehicle and bring them up. So if you want to spawn at a certain FOB and have ammo, you need to resupply it. If you feel you are going to lose a FOB, you would blow up the Ammo! 3)Yes, each side could have one FOB that offers little birds for transportation (Airport for north, Air Station for South). Maybe the center FOB would offer Lite vehicles with Weapons on them? FOBs should have some kind of weapon emplacement. Maybe MGs? Maybe one mortar with very small range? That may be to OP 4) Agree, Waffle could you tell us how they would alert you to an attack? Would you just hear shots and know? Or some kind of warning system? Maybe when a FOB is under attack, we could have a voice over with waffle using the correct terminology. 5)I would like to be able to capture any FOB at any time, so you could target more important ones, such as the air base. This way, a small team could really put a thorn in the side of the enemy. 6) Win condition = You must capture all FOBs. The Seconds the last flag is raised, you win. I would expect someone to be able to raise a flag in 5 seconds? 10 seconds? But you could only raise it when the FOB is clear. 7)Allow revives like domination, but instead of a timer, you would fade to black. So you could be laying there and see your life slipping away. "Hurry up, I'm passing out" Voice fades into silence...I think a 45 second fade to black would be good? Could always make it shorter or longer with testing. MAybe we could randomize it so players don't know how much time they have left? So random % chance between 30 seconds and 1:30 with the median being 60 seconds? Bell Curve? When I get home, I will DL the Stratis map and put it into paint. I will map out where I think all the FOBs should be and see if we can come up with some good spawns.
  9. http://www.armaholic.com/index.php?c=news&d=20 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19798 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19908 - This one looks the most promising. If y'all want to try this tonight, I will put it on the server.
  10. Another detail - When you get shot, you do the normal lay on your back and wait for someone to heal you, but your vision slowly narrows and fades to black. That would be your timer to death. It would have to be somewhat quick. A sense of urgency.
  11. Thank you! That basically is what I'm trying to convey. Infantry Tactics! Your seal of approval is high ranking my friend.
  12. Hello Spartans, Since I've started work, I have had the opportunity to sit in traffic every day for 45 min ...during those wonderful times, I have thought about different missions we could play for Arma 3. Well, a light bulb went off today. Island: Stratis Mission Type: Player Vs. Player* *I've come to this conclusion because of the popularity of wasteland and from my own experiences. Main Idea: Two teams (blue vs. Red) are positioned on the North and South ends of the map. Each side has a number of F.O.B.s that the player may spawn at. Each team must capture each F.O.B. in order to win the mission. Each FOB has a flag pole in the middle. In order to capture the FOB, you must raise your flag. Player Size: 32 vs. 32, larger the better! The vehicles would be limited to troop transportation in order to focus on firefights, rather than tank battles. Same with Aircraft Weapons would be unlimited, but scopes would be limited to close range (red dot, iron sights). No snipers sitting on hills and doing nothing. We need lead down range, not one guy ruining the experience for everyone. Players may spawn in any captured FOB, only if there are no enemies in the area. Once a FOB is under attack, no spawns will be allowed, other than at other FOBs (as reinforcements). Now, you may be saying "EMT, this has been done before." Yes it has, but at a larger scale with Bots included as well. Since the island is much smaller, there are more focus points and less wandering around with nothing to do. If you have played Arma 3 lately, you know of all the great FOBs on the island. I want everyone to focus on the experiences you have, rather than your score or who won. If you are defending the FOB and your squad are the last ones holding, I want you to feel the hopelessness and desperation as you try to hold as long as you can. Your teammates may come, but nothing is for certain. Please remember, I came up with this while driving in the car. Let me know what you think!
  13. So...yesterday...I feel asleep at 2:00pm...didnt wake up till 8 this morning. Sorry I missed the dragon slaying...
  14. I would assume vanilla. Its a one time world so I Dont care either way.
  15. IP address? minecraft.legionofsparta.net:2400 ??
  16. A new World! A new home... We will make our stand!
  17. Mh6, D'oust thou join us?
  18. We will test this out on the server to see if it is stable. If so, well add it to the list.
  19. Good morning Gents! Today is Friday and I believe a Minecraft dragon needs to be slayed! But one cannot do it alone! We must ban together and rid our world of the foul creature! As our world prohibits, I cannot draft an army to help fight with me. So I shall ask for volunteers... Please beware...This Journey...may be your last. Sign up List - The Old and Decrepit EMT - Careless, yet helpful Drew - Kalxen the Brave - MH6 the Almighty
  20. I want to get it...but I refuse to give into Origin. I learned my lesson on BF3
  21. Yea, that would be awesome! Could we get that on the server for some gaming tonight?
  22. What is it exactly? What is the mission entail?

    Arma 3

    No problem Glad to see you back btw! 11 hours! I envy you... what missions are you playing?
  24. Direwolf - Happy Birthday! I can't go into the forum to wish it - I know its NSFW


    Arma 3

    Denny, I don't believe anyone here is bitching or moaning. This is a community where we can state our feelings about the game and express how we feel about a particular detail. Here are some tips I found in the Options in order to improve the Handling of the game. * Mouse smooth - turn all the way down. * Head Bob - Turn all the way down. * decrease "details distance" under "view distance" - will help with FPS when looking at large towns far away. Also, any changes you make to "options" in the main menu, may reset when you join a multiplayer server. When you get in, double-check your settings (Discovered that last night).
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