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Everything posted by DeltaSierra

  1. Thanks everyone, and sure I'm always open to give a few pointers when I'm on Jade but it's mostly just practice and experience man, there's just no substitute!
  2. Figured I'd introduce myself as I've been around for a little while now anyway. Name's Derek, or DeltaSierra, my initials. I've been gaming with those of you who play on the US ArmA II server for a month or so and I'm really enjoying it, only server I really ever play on anymore. You're a great bunch of guys here. I respect mature gamers simply because I believe mature, organized gaming is loads more fun than running around shooting things, which gets old very fast. I'm young, as I'm sure most of you have already guessed by my voice. Eighteen to be exact, just made that TS requirement (phew). I started playing games when I was very young, and have always been a huge fan of realistic military simulation games. I'm not really as interested in tags as I am in playing with a bunch of gamers who don't just screw around, thus why this is more of a hello than a "can I apply for tags" sort of thing, I'm not exactly interested in the tags at this time which is why this is in the General section and not the Applications section. Pretty much, I look forward to gaming with all of you in the future and I'm happy to be apart of the community
  3. Great, if only my pockets supported money
  4. Bummer Chimo, hope to see you back in-game ASAP.
  5. I would like to add that for the past week or two I haven't been able to indirectly fire artillery on any class (I've tried every class) including the classes that I used to indirectly fire artillery on. I simply cannot get the Target Artillery option to appear in my action menu. I'm not sure whether this is just me or if this is a problem with others also, but I figured I'd address it nonetheless.
  6. As has been mentioned before by Lightspeed I've seen other servers utilize a "Pilot" class, only that class can fly choppers/planes. I'd say it'd be easier to restrict individuals from using this class than it would be to restrict anyone not on TS from flying (obviously what we're currently doing). This may also make those who love flying and like to be dedicated pilots happy. As for the procedure part of flying, I'd definitely like to see a protocol being adhered to when possible by chopper pilots/chopper crews. I'll throw it out there that I'm also not a fan of the flags that allow parajumping. If I had a say in it, I'd say we do it all ourselves, don't just click a spot on the map and be dropped there, add the C-130 and allow HALO jumps from this plane. MH6 has already added the ability of HALO jumping in his version of Domination via the C-130 so once again, we don't really need those paradrop flags anymore. I would hope this would keep our former paratroopers happy as well. Now all we need is a pilot for that C-130. If the problem isn't with the paradrop itself and more with the ability to get to the next target from the former target then I suppose pilots will just have to step it up. The Pilot class, if added, may also help in this case. For example if we fill the Pilot Class slots up with dedicated pilots utilizing TS we won't have the problem of choppers in the middle of nowhere or any of the other issues that have arisen in the past because of the non-TS players on the server. Also the pilot class itself helps to ensure that "dedicated" pilots stay dedicated, because I don't think you'd see many people in the pilot class suddenly switching to an infantry role. Really though the only way this could work is if we worked on becoming more organized as a whole, although I guess that's what Durka had in mind when he opened up this discussion? Anywho, just my two cents. *Edited for clarity*
  7. Sheesh, the specs just keep going up and up each year. Time to upgrade my computer, I still remember when the minimum specs for games were along the lines of 256mb of ram and a 2.4ghz pentium processor.
  8. My jaw dropped, excellent job MH!
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