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About Highway~SPARTA~

  • Birthday 10/17/1969

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    Under my car

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I know most of the names line up with TS/ARMA names, BUT just in case they don't we should add the TS/ARMA name they use next to it. Like me, Highway. evilducky BSSBlade Maj3stic noscream Phisher Sla1n SirSmokal0t kalxen CW3MH6 SAD~SPARTA~ explorer0834 Halli_SPARTA MedicSN6 haloelite52 Fatal_Papercut Cylawyer Forresta Idan.isr Luggs Kodiakgrizzly zeRopAGe <----- a.k.a. Highway DAISAN R0CKY44 Selvo431 EMT2010 usthomsen 26 FRIENDS.....
  2. I'd like to be involved with training if you need someone. I'm very proficient in all aspects of flight. All fixed, rotary and variable fixed wing phases of flight including air combat, ground attack and emergency procedures. I'm a real commercial fixed wing flight instructor by trade. Not that it really matters here. Highway
  3. ...and I can't forget Chief! Great team player!
  4. If you have most of the stuff already your obviously ahead. And like you said before, you can use this project to learn on before you get the Camaro. Don't buy the first rust bucket you find, you'll find a great deal if you take your time. Enjoy the Mustang in the meantime then.
  5. MH6- I've done a bit of restoring myself. Although I understand the "get it as nice looking as possible for the highest amount of return" logic. Keep it absolutely SIMPLE. It sounds like the plan is a "remove rust, sand and paint" rustoration so you can sell this to some teenager. You may be better off trying to sell this to someone you wants a solid core to restore. If so, fix as much rust as reasonable with out spending too much money. Give it a clean, fresh coat of primer. (If you spend money to paint, odds are that's not the color they want anyway.) For a quick teenager sell: Fix as much rust as you can and get a decent Macco paint job so it looks nice. Even if you spend $$ on a stereo, they'd probably toss it anyway. IF they like the stereo, you spent too much that you won't get back. Your also going pretty deep by replacing the original V6 with a V8. (Hell, for all that $$ spent, you could have just got your Chevy!) Lots of wasted money you won't get back on a re-sell. Just remove the V6 and reseal/replace gaskets/fix oil leaks/clean. It goes a long way. Here's my "restoration-in-progress":
  6. Just wanted to formally introduce myself. I've been playing on the Sparta Domination server for some time now (almost a year??!) and wanted to say: what a great group of guys! I'm no newcomer to the OFP/ArmA series. I remember playing the demo and was instantly hooked. I first got Operation Flashpoint in 2001 at an Electronics Boutique in Bellingham, Washington. It was actually the Euro (German) version of the game before the US version was out and I've been playing ever since. I've met a lot of great guys: Peter and Behemoth (my side-mission buds), Durka-Durka, Scorpion, Sphinx, Cylawer, Halli, MH6, DeltaSierra and Haloelite.....just to name a few....It's hard to find the perfect blend of mature but not-too-anal type of servers out there. All the Admins are always willing to help out without a bitch or complaint. Very cool! Keep up the great work guys! Now, how the hell do I become a member!!! -Highway
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