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Everything posted by Lightspeed~SPARTA~

  1. im looking forward to Arma2 on Sahrani - is the lag less now? but im also looking forward to my OFP dload finishing in about 4 hours so that may steal me away from Arma2 for a while.
  2. tomorrow night i will be in the tac server - hopefully some ppl will join me and try some of these other missions. see you then.
  3. Ppl loving it? Enough missions? Should I wait? Good game?
  4. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=224624
  5. NIIIIIIIIIIIICE i would like to start hosint some of the tactical private other missions and also would rather play on the tac dom server. and doing it all of it on my new set up - just hooked up my pc to my 42" LCD monitor - niiiiiiiiiiiice
  6. hey viiper just wondering - did you ever play IGS league GR total random respawn stuff?
  7. we have those messages that appear about not flying aircraft. can we get one about you must join TS to play in server and... Sparta is not a lone wolf server - if you cant play as a team dont play here. parajumps set to 15 minutes plz - the ppl who want to be heros will not wait around 15 minutes and will find another server. the parajumps should only be there for those who may be afk and miss the extract by vehicle. if we could make it a teleport instead of a paradrop to base of mhq even better. another thing which is simple too - if ppl want to run off like heros and not be part of a team then do not revive them ever. make them respawn at mhq. and just advise them again in a server message if necessary so they will know the deal.
  8. Agreed - do we still have the paradrops in all the towns? If so remove.
  9. yes Panic you will KNOW when it works - everything is different and better by far.
  10. if i can get a pw to the server i would like to start testing this so i can start hosting missions. once the word spreads we might be able to fill that server regularly.
  11. yes i had same problem. in this link zeno says download here and here. you need the second download to get the additional .bisign files (very small download). just copy the extra files into AddOn folder and it will work. (say yes if you are asked to overwrite). should work.
  12. Tried it today for 5 minutes - dramatic improvement of sound in all areas - a must have in my opinon.
  13. i agree with the no fraps - if you are playing and its smooth then fps means nothing. if you look at fraps and the fps are low you think it must be bad....but it aint necessarily so. when you start to get stutter then you know you have an issue
  14. im happy if its 2 nights or as zeno said keep a locked server with it running too.
  15. nice ideas there - be great if you could spawn in lots of reinforcements not after a town is taken but during the taking. have them work their way in from about 2 miles out on foot and armor so you could in effect be ambushed or pinned if not careful. im very GR-school though and not a big fan of all of the other weapons although i love that Arma2 has it all. Love Arma2. but maybe the rounds should be very limited - so you get a taste without being able to clear a village. one well placed strike - if you stuff it wait 5 to 10 minutes. mortars - 10 rounds shoot carefully. i dunno. in my perfect world there would be no planes or attack choppers or tanks - just transport choppers - but everyone likes their version of Arma2 which i support. maybe just more ai spread out outside redzone spawning in and moving in on current town so more difficult to target with artillery and airstrikes. maybe they dont even need to spawn in - they can be based in the forests in units and when they hear the firefights they will move in to assist enemy forces. that would be great Domination - a blend of towns and forest or rural based camps - no well-defined perimeter you just know they are in there somewhere.
  16. OK well i thought it was ok too but still not quite there - suggested improvements. 1. Although it is more tactical I think with all these new ppl it might be better to keep running with the green diamonds showing so you know where your team is at. In the future when 99% know the score then pull back the help - but I think diamonds are an aid without being too novice. 2. Comms much better I thought - much better. 100% improvement since last time so well on the way. 3. I still think we need a format at the end of a town which is full-proof and we ingrain it into every player. - Head to FARP. - Select Commander. - Commander selects team leaders. - Team Leader Alpha gets chopper 1 everytime! Team Leader Bravo gets chopper 2 everytime! Charlie gets Chopper 3 or Chopper 2 as well. - Team Leader creates his own team through Team Status and all his team members join his channel. - Commander sends one medic to each chopper. - Commander tells which class to get into which chopper. - At the end of distributing required classes to chopper he can then tell the other players to change class by doing the abort to class selection lobby then doing a teleport back to FARP and jumping in appropriate chopper. - All ammo re-arming should take place at FARP = I would suggest when you are sent to chopper you can go and re-arm then get in chopper. Don't mess around, run around, roll around, or shoot - just reload and sit in chopper. (Commander has enough to think about without boneheads distracting him.) - Finally, Commander explains the mission plan and sets waypoints on map then everyone in the choppers know what is happening and heading straight to objective. - Team Leaders control their team from this point and communicate with Commander. My two cents.
  17. might be time to do another one of these now that we lost tacdom tonight
  18. ok easy fix. you have your profile folder in C:\Documents and Settings\Edward Stern\My Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Lightspeed. In that folder you place the face.jpg. if you want to keep back up and changeable faces then create a folder called faces and leave them in there and swap them as necessary. Of course you will have to rename those face.jpg to face_1.jpg, face_2.jpg etc but the one that sits in the root folder of Lightspeed called face.jpg is the one that will be seen in your custom face folder ingame and for everyone else to see ingame.
  19. Watchman your biggest gain wont be fps but the fact that you can run textures at highest quality without an fps hit. You can check vsync to see if thats holding you back but i doubt it. what is the cpu and how much ram do you have - that could be your bottleneck but to be honest at mid-20s you should see any frame lag/stutter.
  20. the last word on vegetation and why it works now - interesting read which excited me long b4 arma2 was released. The second part really shows how the vegetation was restructured so that it provided true cover - not what seemed like cover to us. Brilliant system and as you all know it works now. I have had enemy walk within 15 meters of me and not detect me bcoz i didnt engage and the cover was effective. Its only when you fire that the bullets may start to rain down on your position. I love Arma2. 1. http://www.ghostrecon.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=49299 2. http://www.ghostrecon.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50006
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